
  • 网络dialectical unity;dialectical unification
  1. 论社会与人发展的辩证统一性

    On the Dialectical Unity in the Development of Man and Society

  2. 解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进是辩证统一的。

    Idea of speed ; And it 's dialectical unity .

  3. 为探明接种E.层次性和先进性的辩证统一;

    The level of E.

  4. 全面建设小康社会与共同富裕是辩证统一的。

    Building all-round well-off society and common prosperity are of unity .

  5. 学术是自由探索与遵循规范的矛盾与辩证统一。

    Their relation in academic activities is both contradictive and unitive .

  6. 坚持社会和谐与人的和谐的辩证统一观

    Sticking to Dialectical Unity of Social Harmony and Man 's Harmony

  7. 因此,社会发展与人的发展具有辩证统一性。

    Thus social development and human development are dialectical united .

  8. 教育者和教育对象是思想政治教育过程中平等交往、双向互动、辩证统一的主体。

    Educator and educatee are equal and complementary subject of dialectical unity .

  9. 辨析作物生产和农业可持续发展的关系,指出全面实现农业可持续发展,作物生产是关键,同时也是难点,二者相辅相成、辩证统一。

    The relationship between crops production and agriculture sustainable development is distinguished .

  10. 改革体现了人与社会的辩证统一。

    Reform reflects the dialectical unity between human and society .

  11. 翻译应该力求信与美的辩证统一。

    Translation should aim at a dialectical unity of faithfulness and beautifulness .

  12. 浅谈自然的人化与人化的自然的辩证统一

    Dialectical Unity of Natural Human Culture and Human Culture Nature

  13. 人的需要是无限性和有限性的辩证统一

    Human Needs : a Dialectical Unity of Infinity and Finity

  14. 浅谈新时期义与利的辩证统一

    Dialectical Unity of the Morals and Interests in New Times

  15. 数学素质是数学素养与数学能力的辩证统一。

    Mathematics accomplishment and mathematics ability are of dialectical unity .

  16. 土地征收中的效率与公平是辩证统一的关系。

    The efficiency and fairness in land expropriation is dialectical and unified .

  17. 悲与乐的辩证统一:从一个角度比较李白和莎士比亚

    Grief and joy : a comparative study of Li Bai and Shakespeare

  18. 教师的教育研究是教育和研究的辩证统一。

    Teachers ' educational research is the dialectical unity of education and research .

  19. 论发展中国特色社会主义视野下政治建设与经济建设的辩证统一

    Dialectical Unity of Political Construction and Economic Construction in the Perspective of Chinese-characteristics-socialism

  20. 虚拟实践与现实实践是一种辩证统一关系。

    Virtual practice and real practice are dialectical unity .

  21. 过渡性与原则性的辩证统一;民勤绿洲荒漠过渡区辐射特征与热量平衡规律研究

    Characteristics of Radiation and Heat Balance in Transitional Region between Oasis and Desert

  22. 发展合理性是先富与共富的辩证统一,它既合客观规律,又合崇高目的,表现为过程的合理性、结果的合理性,并在实践中逐步得到检验和验证。

    Development rationality with both reasonable process and result is tested in practice .

  23. 它们之间是辩证统一的关系。

    Among them is a relationship of dialectical unity .

  24. “真理和价值辩证统一”的教学思路

    The way of teaching " the dialectical unity of truth and value "

  25. 经济发展是经济规模和市场结构的辩证统一。

    Economic development is the dialectical unity of economic scales and market structure .

  26. 因此,国防建设与经济建设二者辩证统一,不可分割。

    Therefore , national defense construction and economic construction is an inalienable entity .

  27. 远程教育质量:多样性与同一性的辩证统一

    The Quality of Distance Education : the Dialectical Unity of Variety and Identity

  28. 强调价值论,忽视了认识论与价值论的辩证统一。

    It emphasizes axiology and neglect the dialectical unification of axiology and epistemology .

  29. 人是肉体和精神的物质辩证统一体。

    A human being is the dialectical matter unity of flesh and spirit .

  30. 求真务实:真理和价值的辩证统一

    Seeking Truth and Being Pragmatic : the Dialectic Unification of Truth and Value