
biàn zhèng
  • dialectical;dialectically;discriminate
辩证 [biàn zhèng]
  • [dialectically] 辩析考证

辩证[biàn zhèng]
  1. 混淆了个人主义与个人利益的界限,并且割裂了个人利益与集体利益的辩证关系。

    In addition , it confuses the bounds between selfish views and personal interests and cuts off the discriminate relation between personal interests and collective interests .

  2. 在开发森林旅游时,要协调好森林旅游与森林保护的辩证关系,科学地开发、规划、设计和管理森林旅游中的每一个环节。

    In opening up the forest tourism , we should integrate the discriminate of forest tourism and forest conservation and scientifically open up , plan , design and manage every aspect of forest tourism .

  3. 辩证思维的核心就是二分法。

    The essence of dialectical thought is division .

  4. 要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。

    Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism .

  5. 我们要认真学习辩证唯物论,用以指导实践。

    We must study dialectical materialism so that we can use it to guide our work .

  6. 唯物辩证法认为,外因通过内因而起作用。

    Materialist dialectics argues that external causes become operative through internal causes .

  7. 辩证分析城市快速轨道交通TOD功能

    A Dialectical Analysis on TOD of Urban Rail Transit

  8. 在此基础上,提出了房地产企业CIS系统的个性化与同一化及其辩证关系,并对房地产企业CIS的基本内容作了进一步的探讨与说明。

    On the basis of this , it raises the dialectical relationship between the identification and the individualization of CIS system of real estate corporation .

  9. 首先理清了开放实现、反射、AOP及相关术语的概念并给出了几者之间的辩证关系;

    First of all , we clarify the concepts of openness implementation , aspect-oriented programming and reflection , and conclude the dialectic relation among these ;

  10. E-S辩证思维模式及其机器模拟

    E-S Dialectical Thinking Scheme and Its Computer Simulation

  11. 追溯CMM的由来,探讨软件行业在进行CMM的实施与CMM认证的辩证关系。目前软件行业走向国际化,正确处理好两者的关系对提高软件行业质量尤其重要。

    Traces on the origin and the steps of CMM , and discusses the dialectical relationship between CMM implementation and certification , which is very important for software industry to heighten quality .

  12. HBeAg/抗HBe转换率分别为肝胆湿热34.4%、肝郁脾虚15.6%,P<0.05。结论:慢性乙型肝炎不同的中医辩证分型与拉米夫丁抗病毒效应有一定的相关性。

    HBeAg anti-HBe seroconversion was achieved 34.4 % and 15.6 % P < 0.05 . Conclusion : There was certain correlation between different diagnostication of Traditional Chinese Medicine and lamivudine in the treatments of chronic hepatitis B.

  13. 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊(FredricJameson)是二十世纪优秀的文化批评家,新马克思主义的杰出代表人物。他运用历史的、辩证的方法剖析后现代主义,把它作为晚期资本主义文化逻辑的主导形式。

    Fredric Jameson , the brilliant cultural critics in twenties century , is an outstanding representative of new Marxism applying historical and dialectical method to analyze postmodernism , taking it as the dominant form of the late capitalistic culture logic .

  14. 本文介绍了非线性系统及非线性作用的特点,探讨了非线性现象中所包含的系统辩证规律。提出了人地协同论(TheHuman&EarthSynergetics),对持续、快速、健康发展理论进行了系统思考。

    The article presents the characteristics of the nonlinear system and nonlinear action , approaches the dialectical laws of system contained in the nonlinear phenomena , puts forward the human - earth synergetics and systematically ponders over the theory of " sustainable , rapid and healthy " development .

  15. 文章运用文献资料法从历史的角度、现实的需要辩证地提出了2l世纪西方竞技体育文化将与中国武术保健体育文化融合,分析这二种不同文化融合的哲学原因和现实原因。

    Adopting documentation and from the angle of history and need of reality , this paper proposes that the 21st century western competitive sport culture will give way to the western health preservation sport culture and analyzes the reasons from aspects of philosophy and reality .

  16. 依法行政与行政诉讼的辩证关系

    On Dialectical Relations between Administration according to Law and Administrative Suit

  17. 实践是人的根本存在方式,以对人的实践存在辩证本性自觉理解为基础的辩证法,是合乎真理的认识途径和方法。

    Practice is the essential form of existence of human being .

  18. 解析宏观经济与卫生的辩证关系

    Analysis of the dialectical relationship between the macro economy and health

  19. 论声乐教学实践中一些观点的辩证认识

    On Dialectical Knowledge Concerning Some Viewpoints in Vocal Music Teaching Practice

  20. 因此,社会发展与人的发展具有辩证统一性。

    Thus social development and human development are dialectical united .

  21. 发展与困惑:自然辩证法研究的若干问题

    Development and Perplexities Issues in the study of Natural Dialectics

  22. 马克思辩证法在当代视域中至少有三个方面的重要意义。

    Marx 's dialectic have three important meanings at least in contemporary .

  23. 公共关系中个人形象与组织形象的辩证关系

    The Dialectical Relationship Between Individual Image and Organizational Image in Public Relations

  24. 黑格尔辩证法思想与现代思维范式

    The Dialectic Idea of Hegel and the Modern Thinking Pattern

  25. 以实践为基础的人类与自然之间的辩证关系

    The Dialectical Relation between Man and Nature Basing on Practice

  26. 矛盾转化是唯物辩证法的重要范畴。

    Conflict transform is an important category in materialistic dialectic .

  27. 社会主义道德建设的系统辩证思考

    Systematic and Dialectic Pondering on the Construction of Socialism Morality

  28. 雷电:教学中的美与辩证法

    Thunder and Lightning : Aesthetic Feeling and Dialectics in Teaching

  29. 用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点看武术科研中的几个问题

    Observe Some Questions in Wushu Using the Viewpoints of Materialism

  30. 对中学数学教学原则的辩证思考

    Dialectical Thought on Principles of Mathematics Education in Middle School