
běi měi zhōu
  • North America
北美洲[běi měi zhōu]
  1. 白令海峡把北美洲和亚洲分开。

    The Bering Strait parts North America from Asia .

  2. 北美洲的因纽特人过去被称为爱斯基摩人。

    The Inuit people of North America used to be called Eskimos .

  3. 美洲虎曾经分布在北美洲南部和美洲南部

    Jaguars ( Panthera onca ) once ranged from southern South America to theUnited States .

  4. CDMA用户已覆盖北美洲、拉丁美洲、欧洲、亚洲、非洲、大洋洲。

    CDMA customers have covered North America , Latin America , Europe , Asia , Africa and Oceania .

  5. 在欧洲和北美洲的媒体中,卫生人员短缺主要是指经济合作和发展组织(OECD)国家中的卫生人员短缺。

    In the European or North American media , the'shortage'of health workers is also often discussed in relation to OECD countries .

  6. 部分中国鹅品种(系)的RAPD分析人们正在想方设法使这些野天鹅种群回到传统的栖息之地&北美洲大部分地区。

    Genetic Diversity In Local Geese of Chinese by RAPD Technique ; Efforts are under way to restore the species to its traditional range covering most of North America .

  7. IHS称,北美洲以外的已知油田还可以开采多达1410亿桶原油,其中1350亿桶可能需要用水力压裂法开采。

    IHS says as much as 141bn barrels could be unlocked from known fields outside North America , with 135bn of these in plays likely to require fracking .

  8. Broadcom总部在美国加利福尼亚州的尔湾(Irvine),在北美洲、亚洲和欧洲有办事处和研究机构。

    Broadcom is headquartered in Irvine , Calif. , and has offices and research facilities in North America , Asia and Europe .

  9. 分析了北美洲降水中δ18O的时空分布特征以及与温度、降水量、ENSO的关系。

    The characteristics of temporal-spatial distribution of δ ~ ( 18 ) O in precipitation and its relationships with temperature , precipitation amount and ENSO were analyzed in this study .

  10. 通过FAO世界油菜贸易数据分析,得出近年来世界油菜籽、菜籽油、菜籽饼贸易旱现出三个特点,一是北美洲是油菜籽的净出口地,亚洲是油菜籽的净进口地;

    By the analysis of FAO data on rapeseed trade , the characteristics of rapeseed , rape oil and rape cake trades were showed . First , North America was the net export area and Asia was the net import area .

  11. 夜鹭(Nycticoraxnycticorax)广泛分布于北美洲、南美洲、欧亚大陆及非洲,全球共有4个亚种,在旧大陆地区分布的是指名亚种(N.n.nycticorax)。

    The Black-crown Night Heron ( Nycticorax nycticorax ) is extremely widespread , occurring in North and South America , Eurasia , and Africa . There are 4 subspecies in the world , and the nominate subspecies , N. n.

  12. 以其优美的歌唱而闻名的暗灰色北美洲画眉。

    Dull gray North American thrushes noted for its beautiful song .

  13. 分布在北美洲北部;格陵兰岛;欧洲中部和北部。

    Northern North America ; Greenland ; northern and central Europe .

  14. 勃兰纳戴维的基立在北美洲森林里。

    David Brainerd had it in the woods of North America .

  15. 但是即便是在北美洲,趋势也正在改变。

    But the tide is turning , even in North America .

  16. 北美洲的一种兰花,在晚夏每茎长出一片褶叠的常绿叶,在春季发出一枝有褐色花的花葶。

    North American orchid bearing a single leaf and yellowish-brown flowers .

  17. 北美洲西部草原地区的灰色小狐狸。

    Small gray fox of the plains of western North America .

  18. 北美洲北部森林地带有斑点的灰狼。

    Brindled gray wolf of forested northern regions of North America .

  19. 北美洲太平洋远离海岸水域的小沙丁鱼。

    Small pilchards common off the pacific coast of North America .

  20. 北美洲太平洋沿海的小型食用鱼。

    Small food fishes of the Pacific coast of North America .

  21. 在北美洲,冬泳爱好者被称作北极熊。

    In North America , the participants are called polar bears .

  22. 北美洲东北部普通的绿鹃,头为蓝石板灰色。

    Common vireo of northeastern North America with bluish slaty-gray head .

  23. 在北美洲长有艳丽的花,平滑纤细的草本的属。

    Genus of smooth slender North American herbs with showy flowers .

  24. 身体为斑驳的深褐色或灰黑色的北美洲普通蝾螈。

    Common North American salamander mottled with dull brown or grayish-black .

  25. 北美洲的几种大型穴居蛇,以啮齿动物为食。

    Any of several large harmless rodent-eating North American burrowing snakes .

  26. 北美洲鸣鸟,其叫声象猫。

    North American songbird whose call resembles a cat 's mewing .

  27. 大面积分布的北美洲潮湿森林地带特别是云杉林中的浅褐色蛙。

    Wide-ranging light-brown frog of moist North American woodlands esp. spruce .

  28. 北美洲西部多岩地区体重的黄褐色土拨鼠。

    Heavy-bodied yellowish-brown marmot of rocky areas of western North America .

  29. 北美洲和欧亚大陆西部的大型圆脸猫头鹰。

    Large dish-faced owl of northern North America and western Eurasia .

  30. 以复杂而吸引人的啼叫闻名的北美洲画眉。

    North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song .