
  • 网络hunting economy
  1. 狩猎经济也是综合经济而非单一经济;

    Hunting economy is also a multiple-product economy , but not a single-product economy ;

  2. 狩猎经济文化类型的当代变迁&鄂伦春族、鄂温克族猎民生计调查

    The Contemporary Change of the Hunting Economy

  3. 早期的人类在狩猎经济的方式下生存,没有私有财产,也没有所有权。

    Early mankind lived under hunting economy , having no private property , nor ownership .

  4. 其次,本文考察了三峡地区先秦狩猎经济的概况。出土野生动物残骸的汇总统计表明:三峡地区先秦时期的野生动物资源丰富、狩猎生产活动频繁。

    Second , the author inspected the general situations of hunting economy in the Three Gorges district in the pre-Qin period .

  5. 农业起源于没有文字记载的远古时代,它发生于原始采集狩猎经济的母体之中。

    Agricultural origins in the absence of written records of ancient times , it occurs in the original acquisition hunting economy into the mother .

  6. 一个民族在进入文明的一个新阶段时,势必要用一种新的生存方式来取代旧的狩猎经济。

    For a people entering a new phase of civilization , it became an absolute necessity to replace the older hunting economy with a new form of subsistence .

  7. 狩猎经济也能发展为现代经济,但发展为现代经济的同时,也意味着它超越森林生态法则的限制而衰落。

    Hunting economy can also become a modern-product economy , but at the same time , that means it will go beyond the limits of forest ecological rule and fall into decay .

  8. 遗址内出土石器种类的多样性,反映了当时经济形态的多样化,其经济形态以畜牧经济为主,农业和狩猎经济为辅,而大麦在农作物中占据主要地位。

    The diversity of relics were excavated in the ruins , reflects the diversification of economic form . Its economic form is mainly by pastoral economy , and supplemented by agriculture and hunting economy .

  9. 而女真族的传统狩猎经济的根基并未摧毁,此时的开发尚处于初级阶段,东北地区仍然地旷人稀,山饶水美。

    The Nv zhen tribe ' foundation of the traditional hunting economy was not destroyed , then it was still at the initial stage of development , the Northeast region who are still rich in the mountain and the river .

  10. 第二,人类社会经济形态演替时序包括了采集与狩猎、农业经济、自然经济、工业经济及后工业化的知识与信息经济时期。

    Second , the social and economic development of the humankind experienced a number of periods ranging from hunting and gathering economy to agricultural economy , natural economy , industrial economy and intellectual and information economy .

  11. 他们的灭绝性的狩猎是不能以经济需要来辩护的。

    They destroy game with an extravagance that cannot be justified by economic need .

  12. 历史上维吾尔族曾经历了狩猎、游牧等经济模式,9世纪中叶以后,逐渐改变为定居的农业民族。

    In history , Uigar experienced hunting and nomadic periods , and transformed to resident agricultural type after the middle of800a .

  13. 对狩猎场建设的可行性、猎期和猎取量、狩猎场的管理、狩猎场的经济效益进行了探讨。

    This article has also made an exploration on the construction feasibility of hunting park , hunting period and hunting quota , hunting park management , economic benefits of hunting park .