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  • 网络North Asia;north asian;Northern Asia
  1. 广告公司智威汤逊(jwt)北亚主管、曾就中国消费者趋势撰文的唐锐涛(tomdoctoroff)称,这让他们成为“小气、无情、疑虑重重的消费者”。

    This makes them " penny pinching , ruthless , suspicious shoppers " , says Tom Doctoroff , North Asia director of advertising agency JWT and a writer on Chinese consumer trends .

  2. 广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)北亚业务首席执行官唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)表示:任何认为进入这个市场后,只需植入品牌,便可任其成长的人,都将令人遗憾地出错。

    Anybody who comes into this market and thinks they can just plant their brand and let it grow will be sadly mistaken , Tom Doctoroff , north Asia chief executive of JWT , the advertising agency , says .

  3. 他拥有多项IBM认证系统专家认证,并从北亚利桑那州大学获得了计算机信息系统学士学位。

    He has multiple IBM Certified Systems Expert certifications and received his bachelor 's degree in Computer Information Systems from Northern Arizona University .

  4. 因为第一次参加托福考试的成绩不过关,我在北亚利桑那大学的PIE里学习了一学期的语言课。

    Because the first TOEFL test scores do not cross the border , at the first semester , I had to study the language courses in PIE at NAU .

  5. dhl预计,未来5到7年,全球航空快递总量的三分之一将来自北亚国家。

    DHL expects North Asian countries to account for one-third of global air-express delivery volumes over the next five to seven years .

  6. 植根中国回报社会&美国强生公司国际副总裁(北亚区)、强生(中国)医疗器材有限公司李炳荣(SimonLi)董事长专访

    Towards China and repay the society & A special interview to Simon Li , Vice President for International Service ( North Asian Region ) of USA Johnson Company and Board Director of Johnson Medical Equipment and Materials Company Limited

  7. 广告公司智威汤逊(JWT)北亚总监兼大中华区首席执行长唐锐涛(TomDoctoroff)说,许多人已经意识这种做法是斯文扫地,反日情绪会慢慢平息,中国消费者会重拾他们的实用主义。

    ' Many recognize that this is perceived as a loss of dignity , ' said Tom Doctoroff , North Asia area director and Greater China CEO of ad agency JWT . ' It will die down , and they [ Chinese consumers ] will reassert their pragmatism . '

  8. 滇西北亚高山草甸草丛昆虫多样性研究

    Herb insect biodiversity in subalpine meadow of Northwestern Yunnan , China

  9. 普遍而言,在北亚地区,等级制度仍很严重。

    In North Asia , generally , hierarchy is still strong .

  10. 我们飞越北亚利桑那州的荒山野岭。

    We flew over the deserted mountains of North arizona .

  11. 如需“北亚”提供公司秘书,请点击可选框。

    If you require company secretary , please click the optional box .

  12. 北亚突厥百年研究(1900&2000年)

    A Centenary Studies of North-Asia Turk ( 1900-2000 )

  13. 北亚构造域金矿分布及其与大地构造的关系

    The Relationship between Tectonic Classifications and Distribution of Gold Deposits in North Asia

  14. 滇西北亚高山针叶林林窗大小与更新的初步分析

    Effects of gap size on regeneration of subalpine coniferous forests in Northwest Yunnan

  15. 美国北亚利桑那大学教学的观察与思考

    Instruction of Northern Arizona University : Observations and Reflections

  16. 北京郊区旅游景点北亚蜱传斑点热分子流行病学调查

    A Molecular Epidemiologic Investigation of North Asia Fever in Scenic Spots of Beijing Suburb

  17. 北亚利桑那州的美国印第安部落认为这种进入纳瓦霍土地的行为很可怕。

    Northern Arizona American-Indian tribes believe this gorge on Navajo land to be sacred .

  18. 如需北亚提供注册地址,请在方格内加√号。

    If you require NACS to provide registered office , please tick the appropriate box .

  19. 滇西北亚高山乡土阔叶树种资源及其应用评价

    Assessment on Resource and Utilization of Indigenous Broadleaved Tree Species in Sub-alpine Areas of Northwest Yunnan

  20. 滇西北亚高山草地的地下生物量及净初级生产力研究

    A study on below-ground biomass and net primary production of sub-alpine meadow in Northwest Yunnan Province

  21. 二十一世纪初东北亚区域经济合作的发展趋势

    The Development Trends of Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia at the Beginning of the 21st Century

  22. 这组科学家如今希望把这种方法应用到包括非洲和北亚在内的其他地区。

    The researchers now want to apply the method to other areas including Africa and northern Asia .

  23. 滇西北亚高山退化森林生态系统及其恢复途径&近自然林业理论及方法

    Restoration Approach of Sub-Alpine Degraded Ecosystem in Northwest Yunnan & " Close to Nature Forestry " Theory and Methods

  24. 这是早期社会共有的特征,在北亚游牧社会的政治体中表现尤为突出。

    This characteristic , common in all early societies , was particularly pronounced in the political entities of North Asian nomad societies .

  25. 尽管如此,北亚地区仍然存在钢铁产能过剩的问题,这将阻碍钢铁价格在未来几个月大幅上涨。

    Still , there remains a glut of steel capacity in northern Asia that will keep prices from rising much in coming months .

  26. 对中部种子区晋南豫北亚区的14~15年生油松的114个优树自由授粉家系单地点测定结果进行方差分析和遗传分析。

    Based on 14-15 years tree growth in one testing site , 114 open-pollinated families of plus tree from three seed sources were tested .

  27. 对来自油松中部种子区晋南豫北亚区的3个种源5~6年生的114个优树自由授粉家系单地点测定结果表明,3个种源在主干高和地径生长上无显著差异;

    One hundred and fourteen open pollinated families of 5 ~ 6 year old plus trees from three provenances were tested in one site .

  28. 另外一方面,金正日也是一个使美国专注于朝鲜的简便的方式,而华盛达和平壤之间的更良好的关系会降低中国在北亚地区的地缘政治影响力。

    Kim also is a convenient way to preoccupy the U.S.Better ties between Washington and Pyongyang would cost China geopolitical influence in North Asia .

  29. 北亚造山区南部及其毗邻地区地壳构造分区与构造演化巴黎塞纳河左岸地区改造规划与建设

    Crustal Tectonic Division and Evolution of the Southern Part of the North Asian Orogenic Region and Its Adjacent Areas Paris : Reconversion of Left Bank

  30. 在今年初一次北亚及东南亚财长会议上,与会者对该问题进行了细致讨论,并同意启动对亚洲货币单位的研究。

    The issue was also canvassed at a meeting of North and South-East Asian financial ministers earlier this year , who agreed to launch a study of the ACU .