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nán yà
  • South Asia
南亚 [nán yà]
  • [South Asia] 亚洲南部地区

  • 南亚次大陆

南亚[nán yà]
  1. 南亚各国也有许多相同的价值观。

    The countries of South Asia also share many common values

  2. 南亚仍然是世界上经济最活跃的地区。

    South Asia continues to be the most dynamic economic region in the world .

  3. 美国人和俄罗斯人都迫切希望避免在南亚发生冲突。

    Both the Americans and the Russians are anxious to avoid conflict in South Asia

  4. 橄榄树可能最早生长在南亚。

    The olivetree probably first grew in southern Asia .

  5. 报告援引国际货币基金组织的数据称,今年南亚经济增速将达到9.7%,成为亚洲增速最快的地区。

    South Asia will see its economy grow 9.7 percent this year , the fastest growth in the region , the report said , citing the IMF .

  6. GPS技术应用于南亚重力点测量中的一般性问题的讨论

    Discussion of Common Problem During the Application of GPS Technology in Gravity Survey in South Asia

  7. 南印度洋SST与南亚季风环流年代际变化的研究

    Research on interdecadal variability of South Indian Ocean SST and South-Asia monsoon circulation

  8. 南亚(50°&100°E)夏季风的撤退是造成这种纬向平均温度减小的重要原因。

    The monsoon withdrawal from South Asia ( 50 ° - 100 ° E ) contributed the most to this rapid zonal mean temperature decrease .

  9. 詹姆斯拉蒙特(JamesLamont)为FT驻南亚首席记者。

    James Lamont is south Asia bureau chief .

  10. 南亚高压中心跳过20°N时,南海夏季风爆发,跳过25°N时,印度夏季风在其南部爆发。

    When the SAH center crosses 20 ° N , the SCS summer monsoon onsets and when it crosses 25 ° N the Indian summer monsoon begins in the south part .

  11. 南亚夏季风与索马里急流和80~90°E的越赤道气流密不可分,该夏季风的建立与一周左右南半球高纬流场的失稳也有密切关系。

    Besides , the monsoon onset is also in close connection with the establishment of Somali jet and cross-equatorial flow of 80 & 90 ° E , nearly a week before the monsoon onset .

  12. 由此得出,90°E是东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风的分界线。

    Therefore , it is concluded that the meridian of 90 ° E is the demarcation line between the South Asian summer monsoon ( SASM , i.e. the TISM ) and the East Asian summer monsoon ( EASM , including the SCSSM ) .

  13. 由于从5月到10月,受到南亚夏季风、副热带高压、和太阳辐射等大尺度背景场的影响,MCV空间分布存在一个明显的加强减弱的过程。

    Influenced by large-scale backgrounds like South Asian summer monsoon subtropical high 、 solar radiation , etc from May to October , the spatial distribution of MCVs developed first and then decreased .

  14. 目前,创新者日益关注快速城市化引发的一系列问题,尤其是非洲和南亚地区的城市化问题,世界银行城市经济学家AustinKilroy说。

    Innovators are increasingly drawn to the problems of rapid urbanization , particularly in Africa and South Asia , says World Bank urban economist Austin Kilroy .

  15. 因此,可以初步认为β效应和CISK机制对南亚夏季风槽脊的活动具有极其重要的作用。

    So the conclusion can be made that both of β effect and CISK mechanics may play a very important role in the behavior of South Asia summer monsoon .

  16. Ravindranath和ShamamaAfreen说,必须为南亚国家的造林、重新造林和森林碳储藏的增长提供回报。

    South Asian countries must be rewarded for afforestation , reforestation and carbon stock growth , say N.H.Ravindranath and Shamama Afreen .

  17. 而从香港本地网友的反馈来看,排队抢购的人员主要来自南亚和大陆地区,由此可见两地对iPhone4S的需求量非常之大。

    From Hongkong the local user feedback , queuing buying staff mainly from South Asia and mainland regions , thus both the demand of iPhone4S is very large .

  18. 利用IAPAGCM-Ⅱ大气环流模式,模拟了赤道中太平洋地区海温异常对东亚和南亚夏季(6~8月)降水的影响。

    The paper simulates the effect of sea surface temperature anomalies ( SSTA ) in the equatorial mid-Pacific Ocean on the precipitation in east and south Asia during summer ( from June to August ) using IAP AGCM - ⅱ .

  19. 相反,美光将加快与台湾合作伙伴南亚科技(nanya)在研发方面的合作,从而成为台湾记忆体的直接竞争对手。

    Micron will instead become a direct competitor with Taiwan memory as it speeds up co-operation in research and development efforts with Nanya , its Taiwanese partner .

  20. 同样来自苏格兰皇家银行的还有nitinbirla,他的任务是吸引生活在亚洲北部的富裕南亚人成为巴克莱财富的客户。

    Also from RBS is Nitin Birla , who has been given a brief of attracting rich South Asians living in North Asia to become Barclays Wealth clients .

  21. 总部设在毛里求斯的IOR-ARC由印度洋沿海的18个国家组成,包括了非洲、南亚和东南亚的国家。

    IOR-ARC , based in Mauritius , consists of18 coastal states bordering the Indian Ocean , including countries in Africa , South Asia and South-East Asia .

  22. 这个概念就是“把[关于旱地农业的]最佳科研证据带到决策者面前”,IDRC的南亚和中国办公室区域主任StephenMcGurk说。

    The idea is to " bring the best research evidence [ on dryland agriculture ] in front of decision makers ," said Stephen McGurk , regional director of IDRC 's South Asia and China office .

  23. 在取南亚夏季风区平均大气参数情况下的计算结果表明,这种移动性CISK波可以解释南亚夏季风槽脊活动的一些基本特征。

    The calculations with the mean atmospheric parameters over the South Asia summer monsoon region show that the main features of the behavior of South Asia summer monsoon trough-ridge may be explained with such movable CISK wave .

  24. 结果表明,100hPa高压环流中心有明显的季节分布特征,其中心经度的主频区与100hPa南亚高压中心经度的主频区位置较为一致。

    The results show that the seasonal variations of the centers of both the SAH and the anticyclone are obvious and in consistence with each other .

  25. 在信德州(sindh)和旁遮那州(punjab)的阿拉伯穆斯林的到来建立了现代巴基斯坦过地理上的边界,且创建了后来延伸直南亚大部分地区的斯兰教的规则。

    The arrival of the Arab Muslims in the provinces of Sindh and Punjab set the stage for the geographic boundaries of the modern state of Pakistan and formed the foundation for Islamic rule which spread across much of South Asia .

  26. 从100hPa流场形势、低层到高层速度势和流函数的上下配置、辐合辐散风场以及涡旋风场的高低空配置等不同方面讨论了南亚高压对华北夏季降水的影响机制。

    The atmospheric circulation at 100 hPa , the stream function and the velocity potential at different heights are composed and discussed in order to depict the mechanism of the influence of the South Asian High on precipitation in North China .

  27. 南亚区域经贸合作发展绩效评价研究

    Performance Evaluation of the Development of South Asia Regional Economic Cooperation

  28. 鲍尔满意南亚之行并期待就克什米尔进行对话

    Powell Satisfied with South Asian Tour and Expects Talks on Kashmir

  29. 冷战时期美国的南亚战略与美印关系

    US South Asia Strategy and US-Indian Relations during the Cold War

  30. 南亚高压与华北夏季降水的关系

    Relationships between South Asian High and Summer Rainfall in North China