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rì yǔ
  • Japanese
日语 [rì yǔ]
  • [Japanese] 日本民族的语言

日语[rì yǔ]
  1. 我那点日语有两个单词就很难摆到一起用了。

    I can barely string two words together in Japanese .

  2. 他不大会讲日语,不过尚能勉强表达意思。

    He doesn 't speak much Japanese but he can make himself understood .

  3. 我决定学日语只是为了好玩。

    I decided to learn Japanese just for fun .

  4. 你会日语吗?

    Do you know any Japanese ?

  5. 所有雇员相互称呼时都须在名字后添加敬语san(日语表示“先生”,“女士”)。

    All employees will refer to each other by the honorific suffix ' san ' .

  6. 她不会说日语,也不了解日本文化。

    She speaks no Japanese and is unfamiliar with Japanese culture .

  7. 一小组学生定期聚在一起学习日语。

    A small group of students meets regularly to learn Japanese

  8. 她的日语(知识)还可以。

    She has a passable knowledge of Japanese .

  9. 我们班大部分同学选修日语。

    Most of the students of our class take Japanese as an elective course .

  10. 他岂但英语说得好,就连日语也讲得满轻松自如。

    Not only did he speak English well , but he spoke Japanese more easily .

  11. 她对日语的熟谙使我惊奇。

    Her familiarity with Japanese surprised me .

  12. 日语借用了很多英语词汇。

    Japanese has borrowed heavily from English .

  13. 懂日语的,除了我还有两个人。

    There are two others besides me who know some japanese .

  14. 学生们接受双语教学,一种是英语,,另一种是法语、德语或日语。

    Students are taught in two languages , English and another one , such as French , German or Japanese .

  15. Karaoke一词于1979年从日语引入英语,原意为“无人伴奏乐队”。

    The word karaoke entered the language around 1979 after being imported from Japan , where it means “ empty orchestra . ”

  16. 年前他开始学日语。

    He began to learn Japanese three years ago . 3

  17. 在日语上,我不擅于书写,但是我对它有很高的领悟能力。

    e.g. I 'm not very good at writing it , but I have quite an ear for Japanese .

  18. CAI日语作文过程教学中修改体系的构建

    Teaching and Composition Modification System in CAI Japanese Writing Process

  19. 本文否定了R.日语的强调表达方式

    In this paper , we point out errors in R. Emphasis methods in Japanese language

  20. 我还能通过GoogleTransliteration向我讲日语的朋友发送更新材料,我要做的只是简单地敲些单词即可。

    Google transliteration lets me send updates to my Japanese speaking friends simply by typing the phonetic words .

  21. manga一词在日语中是动漫的意思。

    Manga is Japanese for comic or cartoon .

  22. 在日语里,mori是“森林”的意思,那么“森女”就是指看似生涯在森林里的女子。

    Mori in Japanese means " forest " and a Mori girl is a girl who looks like she lives in forests .

  23. 来自东京的用户期望用日语显示应用程序,他们的地区是jaJP。

    A user from Tokyo expects the application to appear in Japanese , with a locale of ja_JP .

  24. ADIEU日语文章&IBMdeveloperWorks日本网站发布了一篇类似的关于ADIEU的文章。

    ADIEU paper in Japanese & the IBM developerWorks Japan Web site published a similar article on ADIEU .

  25. 本论文实现了一个基于J2EE平台的日语在线考试系统设计方案,构造了基于J2EE企业Web体系结构的分布式系统,使其成为一个分布式的跨平台系统。

    In this article , a design for Japanese Online Test System based on J2EE platform has been worked out and a distributed system based on J2EE enterprise Web system structure has been constructed , making it a distributed cross-platform system .

  26. 虽然兼有SOV型语序和SVO型语序,但一般认为日语是以SOV型语序为主的语言。

    Although the word order of Japanese includes both SOV and SVO , SOV is generally believed to be the major word order .

  27. DBCS支持包含大量特殊字符或符号的国家语言,例如日语、韩语和中文。

    A DBCS supports national languages that contain a large number of unique characters or symbols , for example Japanese , Korean , and Chinese .

  28. 您必须安装多个字体文件,比如用于日语、汉语和中文(简体和繁体)的AIXwindowsUnicodeTrueType字体-CJK。

    You must install multiple font files such as AIXwindows Unicode TrueType fonts-CJK for languages like Japanese , Korean , and Chinese ( simplified and traditional ) .

  29. CRI外籍记者采访团由英语、日语、朝语、俄语、法语、德语、泰语、捷克语和中文等多名记者组成。

    CRI foreign journalist interview team consists of many journalists who use the language of English , Japanese , Korean , Russian , French , German , Thai , Czech , and Chinese and so on .

  30. 微软翻译支持50种不同的语言,其中包括英语、汉语、法语、希伯来语、意大利语、日语、西班牙语以及俄语。微软应用的适用范围首次扩展到iOS以及安卓设备和智能手表。

    Microsoft Translator supports 50 different languages , including English , Chinese , French , Hebrew , Italian , Japanese , Spanish and Russian.This is the first expansion of Microsoft 's translation app to the world of iOS and Android mobile devices and smartwatches .