
  • 网络Witch Trial
  1. 芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)经济学家艾米丽•奥斯特(EmilyOster)一直努力收集关于女巫审判和天气之间关系的系统性数据。

    Emily Oster , an economist at the University of Chicago , has tried to gather systematic data on the link between witch trials and the weather .

  2. 我们的家族在女巫审判中被烧死了吗?

    Was out family burned in the witch trials ?

  3. 因为历史上的女巫审判案,塞勒姆有专为游人开设的与这一历史事件有关的博物馆和游览地。

    Because of the history of the witch trials in Salem , created exclusively for visitors to this historic event-related museums and tourist sites .