- hexahedron

Arbitrary Hexahedron Collocated Grid - based SIMPLE Algorithm
Then the solid geometry model is entered into ANSYS to do the pre-treatment of FEM . It is disassembled by hexahedron elements .
Research on Data Structure and API of All-hexahedral FEM
Electromagnetic Mechanism of AC Contactor Based on 3D Finite Element Analysis 3D Magnetostatic Field Computation With Hexahedral Surface Integral Equation Method
So , if I try to form a parallelepiped with these three sides , and P is not in the plane , then it will have some volume .
Automatic Density-changed All-hexahedral Element Mesh Generation Algorithm Based on STL File
Mixed Finite Element Method of Hexahedral Elements for Navier-Stokes Problem
Mid-surface is important to the sheet metal calculation in engineer analysis and hexahedral mesh generation .
The diameter of the particles suitable for the matrix materials of magnetic liquid is about 10.88 nm , whose shapes are mainly hexahedron and clavatus .
The structure of the compound exhibits one-dimensional chain constructed from four-polyhedral rings consisting of two { MoO4 } tetrahedra and two { FeN2O3 } hexahedra .
In this paper , we derive a new mixed element format of hexahedral elements for Navier-Stokes problem in the three-dimensional space .
The 3D model was meshed with tetrahedral elements which will be replaced by hexahedral elements later in ANSYS ICEM CFD software .
Solutions to the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations were obtained using finite volume method and an unstructured mesh arrangement with hexahedral elements .
Based on Kane methods a dynamic mathematical model of hexahedron flexible multi-body truss is established and simulated numerically .
Utilizing GAMBIT in FLUENT software to mesh the model , adopting unstructured tetrahedron mesh instead of the commonly used structured hexahedron mesh .
A method of adaptive LMS filter is presented in this paper to identify the model and inverse model of the hexahedral unit of flexible truss .
A parallel algorithm determining the topological relation for hexahedral grid is presented in this article . All-Hexahedral Mesh Generation for Prismoid Subject to Geometry-Topology Constraints
Introduced the makeup and analysis procedure of ANSYS software , and the calculating precision difference between tetrahedron element and hexahedron element are discussed , and thorough research are made to the hexahedron mesh method .
Analytical analysis is based on mechanics of elasticity . When we use ANSYS software to do finite element analysis , axis symmetry element PLANE 183 and three - dimensional twenty - node solid element SOLID 186 are used separately .
This paper firstly to Japan by housing industrialization development course and the present situation of system research , summarizes Japanese in the process of the development of housing industry standardization and components experience ; Analyzes the SI system and residential hexahedral concept .
SEM and TEM were used to characterize the morphology of carbon filament produced on Ni / SiO2 serial catalyst . It was shown that Ni particles transform from pear shape to quasi hexahedron shape after Cu addition .
In Meshing process , the model was divided into hexahedral and tetrahedral shape of the unit . The type of analysis was selected as ' nonlinear MES ', unit type as ' block ' .
The polyhedra are tetrahedral , hexahedral or irregular in shape , measuring about 0.7 & 1.5 μ m.
In this paper , three-dimensional numerical manifold method ( NMM ) based on hexahedron element is proposed and the shape functions of C8 isoparametric element are used as the cover weight functions .
The method of numerical simulation is adopted in this paper . The simulation physical model is created firstly by using the software of GAMBIT , hexahedron cells are used to partition the calculation region to generate the grids . And then the software of FLUENT is used to simulate .
The realization process for the three-dimensional element free Galerkin is studied . The implementation method of the regular hexahedron fixed background cell quadrature technique is introduced . And programming steps for element free Galerkin method are given .
Cage hexahedral silsesquioxane ( T 8 ), an octamer , each of its sides consists of silicon and oxygen ring . From which , many kinds of macromer and related inorganic / organic nanocomposites containing inorganic silicon dioxide core have been prepared .
Second , a higher order vector finite element-boundary integral method ( FE-BI ) based on hexahedral elements is developed and employed to compute RCS of cavities and input-impedance of cavity-backed patch antennas .
Then , PRO / E program design concept is adopt to realize the parameter design by the control of ourselves design equation and generate the models conveniently . Using ICEM , the model is meshed in full hexahedral format .
Research and Implementation of Hexahedral Mesh Generation Algorithm Based on Sweeping