
  • 网络Six Towns;Six Frontier Towns
  1. 但是我并不喜欢周六镇议会的情况

    but I don 't enjoy these Saturday city council meetings .

  2. 北魏六镇起义对政治格局和历史进程的影响

    Impact of Six Towns Uprising on the Political Structure and Historical Process

  3. 江南六镇旅游发展模式的比较及持续利用对策

    Tourism development models comparative study and sustainable development countermeasures of ancient towns in south China

  4. 孝明帝正光四年(523),六镇起兵,北魏陷人分裂和内战。

    In the 4th year of Zhengguang ( 523 ) during the Emperor Xiaoming 's reign , six towns rose to rebel . The Northern Wei was disunified and plunged into civil war .

  5. 北魏在以“六镇”为中心的西北边疆地区实行过垦田,颁布过垦田法,它也是这一地区“府户”的户籍样,后来增添进了“丘井之式”。

    In the period of the North Wei Dynasty , land reclamation was carried out in the northwest border region with the " six towns " as the center and a land reclamation law was promulgated which later became the household register prototype in this region .

  6. 北朝后期,以六镇鲜卑武装力量为基础建立了两个割据王朝:东魏和西魏,并分别被北齐和北周所取代。

    The later stage of the Northern Dynasties witnessed the establishment of two separatist dynasties with the backbone of six garrisons ' armed forces : the Eastern Wei Dynasty and the Western Wei Dynasty , which were respectively replaced by the Northern Qi Dynasty and the Northern Zhou Dynasty .