
  • 网络liuhe district;Luhe;Luhe District
  1. 六合区农村有线电视网络数字化方案探析

    Discussion on the Rural Cable Television Digital Network Transformation in Luhe District

  2. 南京市六合区耕地资源土壤肥力状况调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Soil Fertility of Cultivated Land of Luhe District in Nanjing City

  3. 关于南京市六合区土地利用现状更新调查项目的几点思考

    The Thought about Nanjin City Land Condition Update Investigation Project

  4. 南京市六合区水稻生产现状与发展对策

    Current Status of Rice Production in Liuhe Region , Nanjing City and Development Countermeasures

  5. 南京市六合区金牛山水库洪水预报方法及应用

    Method and Application of Flood Forecast of Jinniushan Reservoir in Liuhe District of Nanjing City

  6. 南京市六合区采矿权拍卖试点的思考

    Consideration for the Public Auction Trial of Mining Right in Liuhe District , Nanjing , Jiangsu Province

  7. 2006&2008年南京市六合区大厂食品卫生监测结果分析

    Analysis of Monitoring Results of Food Hygiene in Dachang Area of Liuhe District of Nanjing City during 2006-2008

  8. 本文主要探讨电子商务在乡村旅游经营管理中应用途径;乡村旅游电子商务系统的构建;南京市六合区金牛湖景区电子商务应用分析。

    This paper study on the e-commerce in rural tourism management application means construction of rural tourism e-commerce systems .

  9. 为呼应南京市跨江发展战略,六合区提出建设“现代化新市区”的发展目标。

    Responding to the trans-Yangzi River development stratagem , the government of Liuhe District establishes the orientation that is Modern District .

  10. 这些光滑的爬行动物为南京六合区的春益养殖合作社所有,它们于8月26日外逃。

    The slippery reptiles , which belong to Chunyi Breeding Cooperative in the suburban Liuhe district in Nanjing , broke free on August 26 .

  11. 论文以南京市六合区第一图书馆文化信息资源共享工程点为例,探讨了区县图书馆文化信息资源共享工程建设中存在的问题与对策。

    Taking the " Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project " in First Library of Luhe District of Nanjing as an example , this paper discusses the issues and strategies in the implementation of " Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project " in district libraries .

  12. 宁淮高速公路六合服务区设计理念综述

    Summery of design ideas for Liuhe Service Area of NING-Huai Expressway

  13. 滁河南京段是江苏省1条重要的主干线航道,构成南京地区“王”字结构航道网上部的一横,横贯南京江北浦口、六合两区,其战略地位十分重要。

    Chuhe River Nanjing Section is a trunk waterway of Jiangsu Province and of great significance in strategic position .

  14. 南京市六合北部山丘区多水源优化配置

    Water Resource Optimal Collocation of Luhe Hilly Area of Nanjing City