
Liù Cháo
  • Six Dynasties ;Northern and Southern Dynasties;the Six Dynasties—the six dynasties between the downfall of the Han in 220 and the reunification of China in 589 which had for their capital what is now Nanjing
六朝 [liù cháo]
  • (1) [the Six Dynasties]

  • (2) 六个朝代

  • (3) 合称中国历史上均以建康(南京)为都的吴、东晋、宋、齐、梁和陈

  • (4) [Northern and Southern Dynasties]∶南北朝

  • 六朝法典

  1. 六朝教育格局的多样化

    The Diversification of the Patterns of Education in the Six Dynasties

  2. 论六朝诗歌的传播与接受

    On the Diffusion and Acceptance of Poetry in the Six Dynasties

  3. GIS的强大的地图显示和查询功能与号线线路的自身特点相结合,应用于南京六朝号线管理系统中,取得了良好的社会效益。

    Combining powerful map displaying & querying capabilities of GIS and characters of number lines is successfully applied to LCMIS ( LiuChao Management Information System ) .

  4. 佛经文学与六朝小说母题

    On Literary Buddhist Sutras and Motif of Six Dynasties ' Novels

  5. 六朝皖南农业开发研究

    The Research of Agricultural Development in Southern Anhui during the Six-dynasties

  6. 他们都是六朝民间神祗在文学上的反映。

    They are the reflection of the folk deity in literature .

  7. 魏晋六朝志怪小说情爱作品中的女性形象

    Female Image In the Weird Fictions During the Wei Jin Dynasties

  8. 文笔之分与六朝文学观念

    Classification of Writing Styles and Literary Concept of the Six Dynasties

  9. 汉魏六朝赋中的民俗文化

    On Folklore Culture of Ode from Han Dynasty and Wei Dynasty

  10. 南京曾是中国的六朝古都。

    Nanjing was the capital of Six Dynasties in ancient china .

  11. 南京市博物馆举办的“六朝风采”陈列榜上有名。

    Nanjing Museum 's " Six Dynasties style " display list .

  12. 六朝陵墓石刻的保护与利用

    The Protection and Utilization of Liu Chao Tombs and Stone Carvings

  13. 六朝时期,世家大族的出现是一个重要的社会现象。

    Noble is an important social phenomenon in Six Dynasties period .

  14. 六朝武昌城试掘简报

    Brief Report on Testing Excavation of the Six Dynasties ' Wuchang City

  15. 民众信仰与六朝社会

    People 's Beliefs and the Society of the Six Dynasties

  16. 汉魏六朝赀税探析

    The Properties Tax in the Han-Wei and Six Dynasty Periods

  17. 至六朝,印章始刻朱文。

    To the Six Dynasties , Zhu engraved seal before .

  18. 六朝唯美诗歌研究导论

    Introduction to the Study of the Aesthetic Poetry of the Six Dynasties

  19. 浅谈六朝山水画的兴起与审美取向

    On Rising and Aesthetic Tropism of Landscapes in Six Dynasties

  20. 试论六朝诗歌中的柳意象

    On the Image of Willow in the Six Dynasties ′ s Poetry

  21. 六朝宫廷音乐活动类型考

    On the Categories of the Palace Music Activities in the Six Dynasties

  22. 六朝时期颜氏家族的家风与文化

    The Family Style and Culture of Family Yan in The Six Dynasties

  23. 文言文注释应重视同义连用现象魏晋六朝汉译佛经中的同义连用总括范围副词初论

    Pay Attention to Synonymy Phenomenon in Annotation of Classical Chinese

  24. 六朝文化及其历史地位与现代价值

    The Six-Dynasty Culture and its Historical Position and Modern Value

  25. 鄂州六朝墓发掘资料的学术价值

    Academy value of data about unearthed tombs of Six Dynasties

  26. 论贾谊故居在六朝时期的保护

    The Silver Age of Jia Yi Former Residence Protection , Six Dynasties

  27. 官伎与家伎,是六朝倡伎的两种主要类型。

    Official and private singers and dancers are the two chief types .

  28. 六朝政局中的宁波地域与宁波人物

    The Region and Figures of Ningbo in the Political Situations of Six Dynasties

  29. 六朝青瓷中的宗教信仰

    The Religious Belief in the Celadon of Six Dynasties

  30. 汉魏六朝多称~水;

    Chinese Wei Liu Chao claims " ~ water ";