
  • 网络medieval art
  1. 这个画廊是中世纪艺术的宝库。

    The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art .

  2. 哥特式建筑风格代表了欧洲中世纪艺术的最高成就。

    Gothic-style architecture represents the highest achievements of European medieval art .

  3. 米勒从童年时期就对中世纪艺术很着迷。

    Miller 's fascination with medieval art dates from her childhood .

  4. 他做了中世纪艺术的一系列授课。

    He gave a series of lectures on medieval art .

  5. 这一主题是中世纪艺术所惯用的。

    This motive had been a stock-in-trade of medieval art .

  6. 神圣的写作&从符号学、图像学论中世纪艺术中的人物形象

    Sacred Write & The Image of Man in Mediaeval Art from Semiotics and Iconologist

  7. 他在写一本关于中世纪艺术如何表现妇女的书。

    He is writing a book on the representation of woman in medieval art .

  8. 哥特式是中世纪艺术的最高成就,它的发展经历了三个阶段。

    Gothic is the greatest artistic achievement in the Middle Ages . Its development has gone through three stages .

  9. 上帝的思想通过各种艺术语言被揭示出来,几乎每个图像的背后都隐藏深意,因此中世纪艺术首先是一种象征主义艺术,它的形式仅仅是传达信仰的载体。

    The idea of god can be disclosed by various art language . Nearly every back of image conceals profound meaning . Therefore medieval art is first a kind of symbolistic art , its form only uses for conveying faith .

  10. 《圣经》和基督教教义成为中世纪视觉艺术的底本。

    Bible and Christianity doctrine is the base of the visual arts .

  11. 中世纪建筑艺术与工艺美术运动的家具设计

    Architectural Art in Middle Ages and Furniture Design of Arts and Crafts Movement

  12. 欧洲中世纪合唱艺术的形态

    The Format of the European Medieval Chorus

  13. 西方中世纪视觉艺术主要是传播基督教文化的神圣性艺术。

    The West medieval visual art is mainly about the sacred art which spread the culture of Christian .

  14. 他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。

    The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate , patron of arts in the middle ages .

  15. 另外还有数百个职业姓氏在意思上要更加模糊,也证明了中世纪的艺术,技艺和工种等具有惊人的专业性,

    Hundreds of others are more obscure in their meanings and testify to the amazing specialisation in medieval arts , crafts and functions .

  16. 当时巴黎不单是一座美丽的城市而已,而且还是清一色建筑风格的城市,是中世纪建筑艺术和中世纪历史的产物,是一部岩石的编年史。

    It was not then merely a handsome city ; it was a homogeneous city , an architectural and historical product of the middle ages , a chronicle in stone .

  17. 附近的克莱吉亚塔博物馆坐落在一栋16世纪的文艺复兴建筑之中,展览中世纪宗教艺术,年度参观人次从7000人增长到了七万人。

    The nearby Museum of Colegiata , housed in a 16th century Renaissance mansion , experienced a rise in annual visits to 70000 from 7000 for its religious , medieval art .

  18. 浅析北宋时期中日交往中的僧侣现象他那郁郁寡欢的胖脸和阴沉的椭圆形下颚令人联想到中世纪作为艺术保护者的高僧。

    STUDY ON " MONK PHENOMENON " OF SINO-JAPAN CONTACT IN THE NORTHERN SONG DYNASTY ; The plump shadowed face and sullen oval jowl recalled a prelate , patron of arts in the middle ages .

  19. 在教会的管制下,中世纪的文学艺术死气沉沉。

    In church control during the middle ages of literature and art are lifeless .

  20. 这种渊源包括西班牙文艺复兴时代的格列柯、中世纪的哥特艺术、后印象主义的塞尚、非洲黑人雕刻、原始艺术等等。

    Such sources include the Spanish Renaissance El Greco , medieval Gothic art , post-impressionist Paul Cezanne , black African sculpture , primitive art and so on .

  21. 强调艺术应该具有形而上的价值,其使命在于歌颂上帝和为宗教神学服务,从而为西方中世纪美学对艺术的地位和作用的理解奠定了基础。

    He insists that the art should bear metaphysical values and its role consists in singing God or serving for religion theology ; thereby he establishes the comprehends of the Western medieval on artistic status and function .

  22. 哥特式建筑艺术实现了中世纪基督教哲学与艺术创作的完美结合。

    Gothic architecture achieves medieval Christian perfect combination of philosophy and art .

  23. 艺术爱好者可尽情徜徉在中世纪时期的大量艺术瑰宝中。

    Art lovers can fully engage themselves in the numerous treasures dating back to the medieval period .

  24. 尽管中世纪宗教哲学与艺术对希腊罗马文化进行了歪曲,但仍然大量地整理与探索了相关的文化遗产。

    Though Greco-Roman philosophy and art were distorted in Middle Ages , relevant cultural legacies have greatly been organized and explored .

  25. 第二章系统的梳理了中世纪欧洲的宗教艺术,具体的介绍了哥特式艺术的历史重要性。

    Chapter ⅱ system combing the religious art of the Middle Ages in Europe , specifically the historical importance of the Gothic art .

  26. 而是为了让你们把课上的所学,特别是早期基督教的知识,和中世纪对圣经的艺术表达,做个比较。

    It 's so that you can contrast the stuff you 've been learning in this course with especially early Christian and medieval representations of the Bible .

  27. 旨在结合西方中世纪插图发展的繁荣时代,这个特殊历史背景的各个方面,对西方中世纪插图艺术进行研究。

    Aimed . at combining the development of western medieval illustration boom , all aspects of the special historical background , the study of western medieval art illustrations .