
ɡōnɡ fèi yī liáo
  • free medical care;free medical service;public health services
  1. 我们都享有公费医疗。

    We all enjoy free medical care .

  2. 这里所有工人都享受公费医疗。

    All the workers here enjoy free medical care .

  3. 休斯敦市享受公费医疗的HIV感染者肺炎疫苗、流感疫苗接种情况

    Coverage of Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination in HIV-infected persons receiving public health services in Houston area

  4. 介绍了J2EE体系的基础知识,并重点分析了EJB的工作原理,以及EJB在新型的公费医疗管理系统设计中的应用。

    This paper presents the basic knowledges about J2EE , and analyzes the working principle of EJB and the application of EJB in new medical management system .

  5. 有关公费医疗费用相关标准的探讨

    A discussion on the standards of charge on free medical care

  6. 门诊公费医疗药品费用的分析与管理

    Analysis and administration of the medicine expense in outpatients free of charge

  7. 山西省的公费医疗管理与改革

    Management and Reforms of Public Medical Service in Shanxi Province

  8. 两种县公费医疗管理模式的比较分析

    Comparative Studies on Two Administrative Modes of Public Health Service in County

  9. 公费医疗制度改革的伦理透视

    Ethical Perspective on Systematic Reform of Free Medical Serive

  10. 另外一个变化就是公费医疗所涵盖的越来越少。

    Another change is that medical expenses are being covered less and less .

  11. 医院公费医疗管理的程序设计和应用

    Program Design and Applications of Hospital Socialized Medicine Management

  12. 政府实行免费教育和公费医疗制度。

    The State provides free education and health care .

  13. 享受公费医疗的外国专家,哪些费用需自理?

    What expenses shall be covered by foreign experts entitled to free medical service ?

  14. 那些没有公费医疗的人会愿意买健康保险。

    Those who have no public health services would like to buy health insurance .

  15. 传统公费医疗保障制度提供了可能性。

    And ④ confusion resulting from the traditional medical security system of free medical care .

  16. 为该区公费医疗费用的有效使用、减少财政支出而服务。

    The system serves for effective use of public health expenses and reduction of fiscal expenditure .

  17. 采用描述性分析、多因素分析等方法,研究了1996-2001年某公费医疗人群中所有经由门诊治疗的高血压病患者在各级医院的门诊费用和药品使用情况。

    Descriptive analysis and multivariate analysis are used to analyze the outpatient expense and drugs utilization .

  18. 我的翻译是:实际上,美国正在引领一种拖欠公费医疗的一种趋势。

    America is , in effect , heading towards a version of socialized medicine by default .

  19. 公费医疗会把我从名单上划掉

    Medicaid gonna cut me off .

  20. 目的探讨广东高校公费医疗超支的原因及对策。

    Objective To explore the causes and methods of social medicine overtaking situation of Guangdong Province university .

  21. 公费医疗患者的平均住院费用比自费患者高。

    Hospitalization expense in the patients paid by public fund was higher than those paid by their own expenses .

  22. 论医疗服务收费③医疗收费体制改革,公费医疗消费受到抑制;

    On Medical Fees ③ the demand for free medical service is restrained due to the reformed medical payment system ;

  23. 随着公费医疗制度的改革和“入世”的到来,国有医院必须进一步加快改革的步伐。

    With the coming of medical reforms and WTO , state-owned hospitals in China need a more effective and prompt reform .

  24. 城镇医疗保险提到的公平性与劳保公费医疗相比有了很大的提高。

    Compared with the labor of the public health , the fairness of the urban medical insurance system has been greatly improved .

  25. 公费医疗经费管理及信息分析系统是应廊坊市卫生局的要求开发的。

    The management system of free medical care expenses and information analysis has been developed as requested by Lang Fang Hygiene Bureau .

  26. 法院规定魁北克有义务提供及时的公费医疗或者让病人自己支付这些服务的费用。

    The court ruled that Quebec was obliged to provide timely medical treatment or allow patients to pay personally for such services .

  27. 随着国家公费医疗制度改革的不断深入,各地区公费医疗管理办公室面临新的挑战。

    As the reform of the national public health service system continually goes deep , all regional public health administrations are facing new challenges .

  28. 竹立家说:过去公费医疗中所体现出的不公性必须解决,社会福利制度必须公平地覆盖所有人。

    The inequality embodied in the traditional medication benefit has to be tackled , said Zhu . Social welfare systems must cover everyone indiscriminately .

  29. 享受公务员医疗补助的范围基本上是原享受公费医疗待遇的人员。

    The limits that enjoys allowance of officeholder medical treatment basically is the personnel that enjoys treatment of medical treatment at public expenses formerly .

  30. 第一节分别阐明公费医疗、劳保医疗和农村合作医疗的历史起源和建立过程。

    Section I were to clarify public health , rural cooperative medical insurance and the medical history and origin of the process of building .