
  1. 银行公共关系信用货币制度下的货币创造与银行存贷差额

    Bank Public Relations The Creation of Currency and the Surplus between Deposits and Loans

  2. 1996年以来,商业银行存贷差额逐年扩大,银行资产配置非贷款化倾向严重,大量储蓄资金转化为商业银行在中国人民银行的超额准备金和债券资产。

    With persistent expending of the deposit and credit balance of Chinese Commercial Banks from 1996 , the banks assets allocation preference incline to non-credit assets , including the extra reserves in People 's Bank of China and treasury bonds .

  3. 商业银行的资产主要是贷款,而主要的收入来源则是存贷间的利息差额。

    Commercial bank assets is mainly loans , while the main source of income is the difference between deposit and loan interest .