
  • 网络Inventory
  1. 看板试图通过确保上游阶段只生产下游阶段所需的零件,以达到在不同阶段之间最小化WIP(未完成任务),或者存货清单的目的。

    Kanban 's aim is to minimize WIP ( Work-In-Process ), or inventory , between processes by making sure that the upstream process produces parts only if its downstream process needs it .

  2. 那就是我们一年要做2次存货清单的原因。

    That 's why we do an inventory twice a year .

  3. 每一地点拥有唯一的RegionID,因此如果存货清单满足请求消息来自于相同的地点,则MDB不会处理此信息。

    Each region has a unique Region ID , so that the MDB does not process the inventory fulfillment request message if the message comes from the same region .

  4. JiWire还使用一项从创业公司Nearbynow购得的技术,它能够实时显示那些商店的存货清单。

    Jiwire is using technology it acquired from start-up Nearbynow to also show the inventory at those stores in real-time .

  5. 我们只做个朋友之间的存货清单。

    We 'll make up an inventory , just between friends .

  6. 存货清单公司货物的具体清单。

    Inventory A detailed list of a company 's goods .

  7. 负责仪表仓库的储存及维修存货清单。

    Responsible for stock and inventory of the Instrumentation warehouse .

  8. 工作主要是编列存货清单,填充货架。

    Mostly I took inventory and stocked the shelves .

  9. 是否需要存货清单?

    Do you need to purchase a beginning inventory ?

  10. 现随函附上本公司存货清单以供参考。

    With regard to stock lines , we are enclosing a list foryourinformation .

  11. 每存货清单购买和销售的费用的详细记录被连续保持。

    Detailed records of the cost of each inventory purchase and sale are maintained continuously .

  12. 先得开列存货清单,才能把店铺卖出去。

    An ~ of all the stock has to be made before the shop can be sold .

  13. 这样的例子包括存货清单、发票和数不清的其他业务文档,这些文档的存在使得现代商业得以有效运行。

    Examples include inventory listings , invoices , and countless other business documents necessary for making modern businesses run .

  14. 应格外留意,以确保承包商的存货清单中保留了通过分类的焊条分离。

    Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that electrode separation by classification is maintained in the contractor 's inventory .

  15. 在本例中,您将了解如何通过有选择性地从数据库中删除行把旧项目从产品存货清单中删除。

    In this example , you learn how to remove old items from a product inventory by selectively removing rows from your database .

  16. 这些服务可以提供任意层次的业务功能,从订单管理,到记账,到存货清单,到执行。

    These services can provide any level of business function , from order management , to billing , to inventory , to fulfillment .

  17. 而且,美乐家负责将产品发送给顾客的每个环节,营销主管无须为产品运送和管理存货清单而操心。

    Moreover , since Melaleuca ships every order directly to the customer , executives don 't have to contend with stocking products or managing inventory .

  18. 货品代理:代理仓储集散、验、物保险。负责仪表仓库的储存及维修存货清单。

    Cargo agency : warehouse service , prepare packing list , cargo inspection , cargo insurance . Responsible for stock and inventory of the Instrumentation warehouse .

  19. 在当时这是最大的私有卫星网络,可以让办公室追查到存货清单和销售情况并立即反映给卖场。

    At the time , it was the largest private satellite network , allowing the corporate office to track inventory and sales and to instantly communicate to stores .

  20. 例如,您可能需要在销售产品后或更新产品的价格后,根据可用性更新存货清单中的项目数量。

    For example , you might want to update the number of items in your inventory after you make a sale or update a product 's price , depending on availability .

  21. 经销商正在四处收罗性能好的二手车,而且观注着他们的存货清单以确保他们在波峰时没有购买过多的二手车。

    Dealers are stepping up efforts to snag high-quality used cars , while eyeing their inventories to make sure they don 't get caught with too many vehicles at the top of the curve .

  22. 尽管瑞士采取进一步行动,对存货清单和所有权进行追溯,这里的自由港仍然是一处不透明的保留地(尽管近日来比新加坡的类似自由港透明了许多),充满各种所有权复杂难解的物品。

    Despite enhanced Swiss efforts to track inventory and ownership , the free ports there remain an opaque preserve ( though more transparent these days than counterparts in places like Singapore ) , filled with objects whose ownership can be confoundingly convoluted .

  23. 当来自一个操作的业务是另一个所需时,错综复杂的部分出现了:例如,存货清单分配需要一个订单号,其顺次生成一个用来计算月记账综述的记账系统所使用的记录。

    The tricky part comes when information from one operation is required by another : for instance , an order number is needed for inventory assignment , which in turn generates a record that is used by a billing system to compute the monthly billing statement .

  24. 各课长必须检查及核对存货盘点清单及盘点卡之流水号码。

    Department heads must check the sequential number of inventory checking list and inventory cards .

  25. 他们逐一查讫了财产(存货)清单上的所列项目。走路进行一次官方的检查,比如财产的范围。

    They checked off all the items in their inventory one by one make an official inspection on foot of ( the bounds of a property ) .

  26. 存货盘点清单应经课长及处长检查签名,并送交会计课,不得修改。

    Inventory checking list should be checked and signed by the department heads & section heads , and then sent to accounting department . No revision is allowed .

  27. 这儿有一份所有存货的完整清单。

    Here is a comprehensive list of all the items in stock .