
  1. TOT作为一种新兴的项目融资方式,具有融通资金、盘活国有存量资产、有选择加快基础设施民营化、提高基础设施运营效率等特点,必将在我国政府基础设施领域改革中发挥重要作用。

    TOT , as a new approach and methodology of project financing with characteristics in terms of funds lobby , renewed state-owned property , promotion of infrastructure privatization etc , must play an important role of infrastructure acceleration .

  2. 因此,企业存量资产证券化逐渐被采用。

    Therefore , the enterprise asset securitization is gradually the stock .

  3. 目前银行存量资产管理中尚存在一些问题。

    There remain some problems in the bank 's inventory assets management .

  4. 存量资产管理是指对已发放贷款的管理。

    The inventory assets management means the management of the loans credited .

  5. 盘活存量资产促进国企发展

    Accelerating the Development of State-owned Enterprises through Stock Assets Inventory

  6. 关于深化存量资产管理的探讨

    A study on the deepening of the inventory assets management

  7. 晚期矿山盘活存量资产的思考

    Think of Activating Reserve Capital in Last Phase Mine

  8. 存量资产与预算管理相结合的基本前提与保障措施

    Combination of troops stock assets with budget management

  9. 企业通过并购,存量资产重组,进而推进资源优化配置。

    The enterprises merger or reshuffle the inventory assets to optimize the resources distribution .

  10. 存量资产价格变动的测定

    How to Measure Price Change of Left Asset

  11. 盘活存量资产发展多种经营

    Stimulating Deposit Assets and Developing Diversified Businesses

  12. 加快企业重组,盘活存量资产;

    To speed up the reorganization of the enterprise and make the state assets operate ;

  13. 军队企业要努力盘活存量资产

    Military enterprises should run storage assets properly

  14. 可以根据西部地区资源、市场和经济结构特点,以自然资源、市场、存量资产换外资;

    The exchange for the foreign capital with the natural resources , market and the storage capital ;

  15. 激活存量资产提升资产质量努力拓展存续公司生存发展空间

    Activating stock assets and upgrading quality of the assets to develop room for the non-listing part COMPANY

  16. 资产剥离作为资产经营的主要形式之一,在提高存量资产效率、调整产业结构等方面发挥着极其重要的作用。

    Divestiture plays an important part in advancing the efficiency of inventory assets and adjusting industrial structure .

  17. 它使贷款成了具有流动性的证券,盘活企业的存量资产,并优化其财务比率。

    It makes the loan more flexible and activate the deposit asset and optimize the financial rate .

  18. 当前闲置存量资产的供求有效性与政策敏感性分析

    Analysis of the supply - demand effectivity and policy sensitivity of the present idle assets in storage

  19. 政府要采取激活存量资产、调动民间资金的策略,实现资金约束瓶颈的突破。

    Government should activate asset , attract the nongovernmental capital and get the breakthrough of capital bottleneck restraint .

  20. 盘活存量资产的一项重大举措&对抢救有前景的半拉子工程的思考

    AN IMPORTANT MOVE TO ACTIVATE THE DEPOSITED ASSETS & Thinking about Rescuing the Hopeful " Unfinished " Projects

  21. 因此,投资管理不仅涉及到企业的增量资产管理问题,还涉及到企业存量资产的管理问题。

    Therefore , investment management relates not only to increment fund management , but also to stock fund management .

  22. 资产就是以前的存量资产和收入的能力,即未来的资产。

    Assets is the inventory assets and the incomes that can be made , namely , the future assets .

  23. 当前推动闲置存量资产的整合活化具有重大的经济意义和政治意义。

    It is of great economic and political importance to promote the incorporation and activation of idle assets in storage .

  24. 企业兼并作为企业资产重组的一种重要形式,是盘活存量资产的一种重要手段。

    Enterprise merger , as an important form of assets reorganization , is a vital means to liquidize remnant assets .

  25. 国有企业必须通过存量资产的流动与重组,调整国有资产的产业布局,将国有资产及时退出劣势行业,尽快转向优势产业和新兴产业。

    The state-owned enterprise must adjust the distribution of state-owned asset industries though reorganization , and turn to the advantage and new industries .

  26. 土地资产是城市经济发展最大的存量资产,同样也是自主创新示范区建设的基本资源。

    Land assets are the greatest urban stock assets , and they are also the basic resource of the independent innovation demonstration zone construction .

  27. 在此笔者将保险资产证券化分为三类:保险增量资产证券化、保险投资证券化和保险存量资产证券化。

    In this paper the insurance securitization is divided into three categories : Insurance incremental asset securitization , insurance investment securitization and insurance asset securitization .

  28. 要着眼于盘活存量资产,特别要重点盘活所控制的矿产资源和土地房产资源;

    Should be aimed at reinvigorating the reserve property , especially , should stress on reinvigorating the possessed mineral resources and land , house resources ;

  29. 目前,引进外商直接投资改组改造国有企业、盘活国有存量资产等措施对加快辽宁经济改造及发展是十分必要的。

    Recently , it is vital to accelerate Liaoning economy development by introducing foreign direct investment to reform state-owned business enterprise and liquidize remnant state assets .

  30. 企业一般可以通过分区设立多家小规模纳税人企业和及时盘活存量资产来降低增值税税负;

    However , the enterprise can decrease the value added tax by setting up several small scale tax payment enterprises and making the deposit flow timely .