
  • 网络cash plan
  1. 正如消费者汽车网站Edmunds.com的首席执行长安维尔(JeremyAnwyl)所说:旧车换现金计划的原意是提振车市,但那是物理学的概念,而经济学则大不一样。

    As Edmunds.com CEO Jeremy Anwyl put it : ' Cash for Clunkers was supposed to prime the pump , but that is a physics concept , and economics is quite different .

  2. 规模30亿美元的旧车换现金计划正是如此。

    That 's what happened with the $ 3 billion Cash-for-Clunkers program .

  3. 它还推出了旧车换现金计划,对节能型家用电器进行补贴。

    Clunkers were swapped for cash , and subsidies slapped on energy-efficient appliances .

  4. 旧车换现金计划将在11月1日,或资金用完时结束。

    The programme is due to end by November 1 or when funds are exhausted .

  5. 你现在有几周的时间来利用旧车换现金计划。

    You now have a few more weeks to take advantage of the Cash for Clunkers program .

  6. 然而,随着有资格且愿意参与旧车换现金计划的人数减少,该计划的影响力也将逐渐消退。

    The impact of cash-for-clunkers will fade , however , as the number of those eligible and willing to participate dwindles .

  7. 2011年,科尔曼成立了动力现金计划公司,为人们提供税收、法律以及健康专家的信息。

    In 2011 , he launched Momentum Advanced Planning & a firm that connects people to tax , legal and wealth experts .

  8. 但它表示,温和复苏是受到补充库存、旧车换现金计划以及人们所预期的增值税调高的推动。

    But it said the modest recovery was driven by restocking , the car scrappage scheme and the anticipated value added tax increase .

  9. 世行本身正在通过支持针对弱势人群的粮食和现金计划、以工代赈计划等方式提供援助。

    For its part , the Bank is assisting by backing feeding and cash programs for vulnerable people and public work for food programs .

  10. 大约半数的新车来自进口,其中许多来自法国尽管法国也受益于自己没那么慷慨的旧车换现金计划。

    About half those cars were imported , many from France though France benefited , too , from a slightly less generous scrappage scheme .

  11. 他们担心的是,一旦旧车换现金计划及其他紧急措施的效应消退,经济增势可能出现逆转。

    The fear is that the growth could go into reverse once the effects of the car scrappage and other emergency measures wear off .

  12. 尽管旧车换现金计划提振了整体增长率,但消费者在较小型商品和服务方面的支出,以及企业对设备和软件的投资,也都有所上升。

    While cash-for-clunkers boosted the overall growth figure , consumer spending on smaller items and services also picked up , as did business investment in equipment and software .

  13. 这也有可能是因为人们把钱花到旧车换现金计划上而造成的一个暂时性波动。如果是后者,消费者很快就会继续重建储蓄,而这又会拖累经济增长。

    Alternatively it may be a temporary blip caused by cash-for-clunkers , in which case the consumer will soon return to rebuilding savings , and again drag on growth .

  14. 事实上,虽然30亿美元的旧车换现金计划刺激了汽车销售,但定于周四公布的7月份零售数据可能不过刚刚能回到正增长。

    Indeed , July retail sales figures , due on Thursday , may only make it into positive territory thanks to the $ 3bn cash-for-clunkers scheme stimulating car sales .

  15. 如果你正在考虑旧机器换现金计划,而且你确定已经闲置不用,你最好现在就马上行动。

    If you are thinking about taking advantage of Cash for Clunkers Program and you 've put it off , you 'd better to jump on it right now .

  16. 这一严酷的现实促使世界粮食计划署今年早些时候在某些受暴力和动乱影响最为严重的地区开展了工作赚现金计划。

    It is this grim reality that prompted the World Food Program to begin its cash-for-work program earlier this year in some of the areas most affected by violence and insecurity .

  17. 周四,美国参议院批准为旧车换现金计划增资20亿美元,使其规模扩大两倍。该计划已推动美国汽车销售在创纪录地暴跌后有所回升。

    The US cash for clunkers programme , which pushed July car sales higher after a record-breaking slump , tripled in size on Thursday as the Senate extended it by $ 2bn .

  18. 在德国,尽管旧车换现金计划已于9月份结束,但10月份新车登记量仍然增长了24%,因为符合计划的新车订单仍在发货中。

    In Germany , October new car registrations were up 24 per cent , though its scrappage scheme ran out in September , as cars ordered under the scheme are still being delivered .

  19. 事实证明,德国的旧车换现金计划,在让通常节俭的民众大肆花钱方面取得了惊人的成功;第二季度新车登记量上升40%,恰恰在德国需要的时候提振了该国的消费。

    Germany 's car scrappage scheme proved remarkably successful at getting usually frugal citizens to splash out ; the 40 per cent rise in second-quarter car registrations boosted German consumption exactly when it was needed .

  20. 政府通过旧车换现金计划扶持汽车工业,也提振了对冲基金对铂和钯的兴趣。在这两种金属的年度消费量中,汽车业占了大约一半。

    Hedge fund interest in platinum and palladium has also been boosted by government support for the car industry via scrappage schemes as the sector accounts for about half of annual consumption of both metals .

  21. 这显示旧车换现金计划之外的需求也出现了上升,提振了消费支出和制造业。

    That signals an improvement in demand apart from the Cash for Clunkers program , which let people trade vehicles in for a credit toward more fuel-efficient models , helping boost consumer spending and manufacturing .

  22. 在已经结束的旧车换现金计划的提振下,8月份汽车及汽车零部件的销售大幅增长了10.6%;加油站的销售也因油价在该月的上涨而大幅增长了5.1%。

    Car and car parts sales jumped 10.6 per cent in August thanks to the now-defunct clunker scheme , while petrol stations ' sales also jumped 5.1 per cent as the price of oil rose during the month .

  23. 很长时间以来,国际社会一直责怪德国消费者没有起到支持全球经济复苏的作用。如今,受政府旧车换现金计划的推动,德国消费者支出创下了2年多来的最高增幅。

    German consumers , long berated internationally for not playing their part in supporting a global economic recovery , have increased spending at the fastest rate for more than two years , boosted by the government 's car scrappage scheme .

  24. 美国旧车换现金计划已成为自身成功的牺牲品。美国政府周四宣布,此项激励计划将于下周一晚间终止距该计划推出仅一个月。

    The US cash-for-clunkers car scrappage scheme has become a victim of its own success , with the government announcing on Thursday that the incentives will come to an end on Monday evening , just a month after they were introduced .

  25. 那些“窃取”未来需求的税收政策例如美国的“旧车换现金”计划、面向购房者的税收抵免(taxcredit)、或是对环保电器的补贴政策效应将逐渐消退。

    The effects of tax policies that steal demand from the future such as the US " cash for clunkers " scheme , tax credits for home buyers or cash for green appliances will fizzle out .

  26. Nambiar怀疑,现金奖励计划是否真正触及到了问题的实质。

    Nambiar questions whether cash incentive schemes really go to the heart of the matter .

  27. 旧车折扣换现金的计划今天可能会开始。

    The runaway hit rebate plan Cash for Clunkers could get a jump-start today .

  28. 负责现金收付计划的编制及日常管理。

    In charge of daily income and expenses of cash and cash in ba .

  29. 现金分配计划的编制

    Preparation of cash distribution plan

  30. 他说,把人们留在农场的唯一方法是,让他们参加“工作换现金”计划。

    He says the only way to keep people on the farm is to enlist them into cash-for-work programs .