
  • 网络Modern barter
  1. 现代易货业的发展正是借助互联网的平台及发达的物流系统发展起来的。

    The modern barter industry become popular because the use of the Internet platform and the developed logistics system .

  2. 易通网是在现代易货贸易的基础上,开发的一个全新的面向企业的易货交易平台。

    Yi tong website based on modern barter trade is a new platform of barter trade which faces company .

  3. 电子易货就是将易货与电子商务相结合的现代易货交易形式。

    E - Barter is a modern form of barter which combines the barter with the e-commerce .

  4. 在现代易货这种新型交易模式中,对其用户行为的分析研究,还比较缺乏。

    In modern barter trade this new model , its analysis of user behavior , is still relatively scarce .

  5. 现代易货贸易的兴起为电子商务注入了新的活力,也为企业解决资金困难的问题带来了便利。

    The rising of modern barter trade brings new energy to E-bossiness , as well as convenience to the problem for shortage of funds .

  6. 结合当前经济环境,对现代易货的产生与发展进行了系统介绍,经济发展的不平衡和资金短缺问题催生了现代易货。

    In light of current economic environment , a systematic introduction of Modern Barter is conducted on its emergence and development . Uneven development of economy and shortage of funds made Modern Barter came into being .

  7. 随着科学技术和科技文化的发展,现代易货呈现出全球化、多边化、网络化等特征。然后,对互联网和电子易货流程进行了阐述。

    Then , science and technology and sci-tech culture is mentioned , and Modern Barter under scientific and technological environment shows features of globalization , multilateral trading , networking , etc. Besides , the Internet and the process of E-barter transaction are discussed .