
  1. 13和美国《1988年综合贸易与竞争法》对反规避作了具体规定。

    13 and the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 of U.S.A specifically provide anti-circumvention .

  2. 综合贸易公司,是一家瑞士公司。你不认为在外企工作很神气吗?

    Amalgamated trading company . it 's swiss . don 't you think working at a foreign company would be glamorous ?

  3. 近代中国的综合贸易条件指数整体呈下降趋势,说明中国在对外进行商品交换过程中的相对经济利益是不断下降的。

    The index on comprehensive terms of trade of modern China presenting decline trend explains the economic profit of China 's merchandise commutation outward declining continuously .

  4. 本文分析了上海汽车工业现状,并与国外汽车工业作了对比,技术成熟度接近于零,综合贸易特化系统接近于-0.8,车型单一,因此,上海汽车工业国际竞争力差;

    The current situation of shanghai auto industry is analyzed and a comparison between shanghai auto industry and foreign auto industry is made in this paper .

  5. A公司是一家从单一产品的代理企业发展为产销一体多元化经营的综合贸易型的股份制民营企业。

    Company A is a private joint-stock enterprise which is developed from an agent for single product to a diversified trade business , including production and sales .

  6. 综合贸易所得和投资所得,估算了双边经贸关系对相关国家经济的贡献度;

    By integrating the gains from trade and from investment , it calculates the contribution of economic and trade relationship to the economy of the countries concerned ;

  7. 现行的201条款是经过1988年《美国综合贸易与竞争法》修正后的《1974年贸易法》的第201节~204节。

    So-called Section 201 in effect is Section 2,01-Section 204 of the Trade Act of 1974 amended by the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 , which stipulates the substantive requirements and procedural requirements of Section 201 detailed .

  8. 国内综合自由贸易区法律问题研究

    Researches on the Law Problems of Domestic Comprehensively Free Trade Zone

  9. 广州润承贸易有限公司是经营玻璃及制品、玻璃原材料等项目为主的综合性贸易公司。

    Guangzhou Runcheng trade co. , Ltd is a comprehensive trade company that mainly deals in glass , glassware and glass raw material , etc.

  10. 一般来说,贸易发展战略包括自由贸易战略、进口替代战略、出口导向战略和综合型贸易战略。我国现行的贸易战略属于偏出口的综合型贸易战略。

    General speaking , there are four categories of trade strategies , which include Free Trade , Import Substitution , Export Promotion and Integrated strategies .

  11. 自成立以来,公司已快速发展为以氰胺类、碱类、活性炭为贸易主体的内、外向型的综合性贸易公司。

    Since its inception , the company has fast-growing category for Cyanamid , alkali , activated carbon within the main body for trade , export-oriented comprehensive trading company .

  12. 包括伊藤忠商事株式会社(一综合性贸易公司)和日本理光集团(一打印机制造商)在内的一些公司推出弹性工作机制,以减少加班,或不再加班。

    Some companies including Itochu , a general trading house , and Ricoh , a printer maker , are initiating flexible working hours so as to reduce or put an end to overtime .

  13. 综合考虑贸易制度、贸易战略等因素,中墨双边农产品贸易规模还将进一步扩大,但还存在一定的障碍,需要双方增强合作与协商。

    Under the comprehensive consideration of the trade systems and strategies of the two countries , a conclusion is made that the scale of the bilateral agricultural trade between China and Mexico tends to expand , but there still exist some barriers which require further coordination and negotiation .

  14. 本文综合运用加工贸易增值系数、加工贸易对我国GDP的拉动度及线性回归分析等方法将加工贸易对我国经济增长的作用做了实证分析。

    By synthetic use of the value-augmented coefficient of processing trade and linear regression analysis , the paper makes empirical studies of the effect of processing trade on China 's economic augment .

  15. 公司还拥有自己的加工设备和筛选工厂,我公司已成为真正的综合型国际贸易公司。

    The company also has its own processing equipment and screening plant , our company has become a real integrated international trading company .

  16. 浙江康乐集团进出口有限公司是一家大型国有企业改制后,具有独立法人的综合性跨国贸易公司。

    Reformed from a large state-owned enterprise , Zhejiang Kangle Group Import & Export Co. , Ltd. is a comprehensive Multinational trade enterprises with independent legal representative status .

  17. 我公司是经国家对外经济贸易合作部审核批准,享有进出口经营权的股份制综合性国际贸易公司。

    My company is approved by state ministry of foreign trade and economic cooperation has approved the right of import and export , comprehensive international trade company stock .

  18. 本章将尝试采用可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型来综合评估林产品贸易变动对中国社会经济发展的影响。

    The chapter will try to use CGE model to comprehensively evaluate the influence of foreign trade fluctuation for forest products to Chinese economic development .

  19. 供应链贸易是国际贸易研究的一个新视野,这一视野综合了中间产品贸易和全球价值链贸易两个范畴。

    Supply chain trade is a new field of vision in international trade research , which contains the concept systems of intermediate product trade and global value chain .

  20. 重庆市对外贸易经济委员会是重庆市人民政府综合管理全市对外贸易经济合作的职能部门。

    Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Commission is a functional organization under Chongqing Municipal Government , in charge of all the foreign trade and economic cooperation of Chongqing .

  21. 然而,由于货物及服务进口均随着货物及服务出口放缓而回落,综合有形和无形贸易帐在二零零一年仍录得可观盈余。

    Nevertheless , as imports of both goods and services came down in tandem with the setback in exports of goods and services , the combined visible and invisible trade account still yielded a further sizeable surplus in2001 .

  22. 日本综合商社(即综合贸易公司)作出如此转变之际,日本政府正准备在本月推出计划,为海外粮食生产投资提供资金。

    The move by the SOGO shosha , or general trading companies , comes as the Japanese government prepares to launch plans this month to finance investment in food production overseas .