
xiàn jīn yù suàn
  • cash budget
  1. 企业现金预算存在的问题分析

    Analysis of the questions in cash budget of enterprise at present

  2. 大家可以把它视为公司的现金预算,至少是现金流出额。

    Think of it as a company-issued cash budget – at least for the outflows .

  3. 在第16章我们了解了年度现金预算是怎样制订的。

    We saw in Chapter 16 how annual cash budgets are produced

  4. 编制现金预算收益调整法

    Adjusted income method of preparing cash budget

  5. 现金预算的非现金帐目法

    Noncash account method of cash budget

  6. 现金预算不仅规划支出及收入的年度总额,同时还有收支的时间。

    It projects not only the amounts of expenses and revenues for the year , but also their timing .

  7. 资本支出预算和预计损益表都为现金预算即预计的现金收支汇总表提供了资料。

    The capital expenditures budget and the budgeted income statement provide data for the cash budget , or statement of budgeted cash receipts and disbursements .

  8. 企业信用资产管理的具体内容就是在加强现金预算管理的前提下,加强企业对商业信用的管理,加强企业对银行贷款的管理,加强企业对资本性借款的管理。

    The concrete content of enterprise credit asset management is that after cash budget management , strengthen management of commercial credit , loan , and capital credit .

  9. 资金是企业的血液,现金预算是企业预算管理的核心,现金流量的好坏在很大程度上决定着企业的生存和发展。

    Capital enterprise is the " blood ", the cash budget is the core of enterprise budget management , cash flow is good or bad to a large extent determine the survival and development .

  10. 本文对企业购并风险出现形式进行了探讨,并为控制企业并购财务风险建立财务规划,通过资本结构设计、现金预算控制企业并购财务风险。

    This article focuses on the forms of financial risks in M & A and then sets up the financial programming included design of the capital structure and cash budget to deal with the risks .

  11. 本文解剖了当前企业现金预算管理中存在的问题,并分析了产生的原因,对如何加强现金预算管理作了有益的探索。

    In this article , it dissects the questions of cash budget control in the present enterprise , and analyses the reasons , making a valuable exploration towards how to strengthen the cash budget control .

  12. 从利润预算、资产负债预算和现金流量预算入手,探讨了财务预算管理在企业的应用。

    Starting from the benefit budget , asset-liability budget and cash flow budget , this paper probes into the application of financial budget management in enterprise .

  13. 在完成这两个预算的编制后,再进行诸如材料、直接人工、制造成本、销售和管理费用、现金等预算的编制工作。

    Follow them are the individual budgets for such things as materials , direct labor , overhead costs , selling and administrative expenses , and then cash budgets .

  14. 直接对CEO汇报,负责现金流、预算、财务报表的审阅和审批及成本分析。

    Making report to CEO directly with responsibilities of cash flow , budget , financial report inspection and approval and cost analysis .

  15. 利用MATLAB工具箱比较三种谱估计算法一种估算财物需求的有效工具是现金(收支)预算。

    Comparing Three Kinds of Power Spectral Estimation Algorithms Using MATLAB Toolbox A useful tool for estimating financial needs is the cash budget .

  16. 埃及政府试图用获得的现金来偿还其预算赤字,目前几乎是这个国家GDP的8%。

    The Egyptian government is trying to secure the cash to cover its budget deficits , which currently stand at almost 8-percent of the country 's GDP .

  17. Marian满足了所商定的行李标准,他预对需要花费的现金做了适当预算,并且她把要带到婚礼上的物品列表中的物品打好了包。

    Marian meets the agreed-upon luggage criteria , she has budgeted the proper spending cash , and she 's packed the items that were on her list of things to bring to the wedding .

  18. 一种估算财物需求的有效工具是现金(收支)预算。

    A useful tool for estimating financial needs is the cash budget .

  19. 本文的创新之处针对房地产公司的特点,建立现金流的动态预算管理体系,以动态预算管理体系为基础运用现金流管理理论构建了一个系统的现金流管理体系。

    Based on the dynamic cash flow budget system and cash flow management theory , this paper builds a systematic cash flow management system . This paper is very meaningful for Real Estate Company .

  20. 企业内部各部门要准备一个有关现金收支及余额的现金预算计划。

    Prepare for each department within the organization a cash budget of planned cash receipts , cash payments , and cash balance , scheduled month-by-month for the coming year .

  21. 在现金流管理体系中,现金流的预算、规划是现金流管理的基础,因此现金流的预算是本文的研究重点。

    So cash flow management is the research key point in this paper .