
xiàn shí ɡòu mǎi lì
  • Real purchasing power;current purchasing power
  1. 这种需求一旦变成现实购买力和进口能力,对拉动全球经济走出危机影响,将会起到举足轻重的作用。

    Once the demands are translated into real purchase power and import power , they can play a vital role in driving the global economy out of the shadow of crisis .

  2. 农民负担问题一直是社会各界关注的热点问题,解决农民负担问题,对启动农村市场,推动农村经济发展,提高农民现实购买力具有深远意义。

    Probe of farmer 's burden has been the topic of general interests all the time , so to solve the problem has profound significance for activating rural market , promoting the development to rural economy and improving farmer 's real purchasing power .

  3. 居民储蓄不等于结余购买力,结余购买力也不是现实的购买力。

    Deposit is not the surplus buying power and surplus buying power is not the actual buying power .

  4. 与此同时,中国巨大的市场潜力会逐步转化为现实的购买力,从而为世界各国各地区提供一个庞大的市场和商机,这必将使中国对全人类作出新的贡献。

    In the meantime , china 's huge market potential will be gradually transformed into real purchasing power , thereby providing a formidable market and business opportunity for various countries and regions around the world , this will definitely enable China to make new contributions to all mankind .