
  • 网络bcwp;bcws;Budgeted Costs
  1. 排序和选择项目的过程应该根据组织的财政目标,比如收益率、投资回报率(ROI),预算成本以及税收增长。

    The process for prioritizing and selecting projects should go beyond financial objectives , such as profitability , return on investment ( ROI ), budgeted costs , and revenue growth .

  2. 根据计划生产进度安排和预算成本,组织、监控、控制mx的生产。

    Organize , monitor and control the production of MX according to the planned schedule and planned cost .

  3. 各国对IMF贡献的资金,通常预算成本为零,因为这些贡献在本质上只是把国家储备从一个地方挪到另一个地方,同时IMF成员国还能从各自的贡献中得到利息。

    Contributions to the IMF usually have a budgetary cost of nil , as in essence they involve shifting national reserves from one place to another and IMF member governments receive interest on their contributions .

  4. 浅谈现代建筑装饰工程的预算成本和工程总造价

    Statement of budget and engineering cost of modern building decorating engineering

  5. 作为一部低预算成本的影片,它是很值得赞扬的。

    For a low-budget film it has much to commend it .

  6. 为上述计划编制总预算成本明细表;

    Prepare overall estimated cost breakdown for the above ;

  7. 即便没有设立养老基金,欧洲国家也开始削减未来养老金的预算成本。

    Even without such a structure , European countries have reduced future pension costs .

  8. 这项建筑工程的预算成本大大超过一百万英镑。

    The estimated costs of the building project are well over $ 1 million .

  9. 从项目节制的角度而言,项目经理当对那些和预算成本有重大偏差的项次给予特殊的关注。

    For project control , managers would focus particular attention on items indicating substantial deviation from budgeted amounts .

  10. 深刻剖析了预算成本的涵盖范围,构建了基于作业的成本预算制度方法;

    Thirdly , this paper analyzes the range of containing of budget cost deeply and sets up cost budget system based on activity .

  11. 如果我们不能满足你的第一个预算成本的期望,我们将努力找到一种方式来迎接他们。

    If we don 't meet your cost expectations on the first budget we will work to find a way to meet them .

  12. 负责确保在预算成本内,根据客户的要求及时完成项目。

    The project manager is responsible for ensuring projects are delivered on time , on budget , on target and according to client expectations .

  13. 本文阐述了目前施工企业建筑产品工程实际成本与预算成本口径存在着差异,从而给工程成本管理带来了两个方面的问题。

    The difference between the actual cost and budget cost of construction projects in construction enterprises has resulted in two problems in the construction cost control .

  14. 预算成本还可能包括对工作人员的专业培训&如果他们需要有关不熟悉的操作系统或应用程序的速成培训的话。

    Budget costs may also include professional training for staff members if they need a jump-start on operating systems or applications with which they 're unfamiliar .

  15. 本论文取得的主要研究结果如下:1.河北某高尔夫球场建造工程案例中,5项施工工序建造实际成本比预算成本增额250万元,成本增额幅度达到30%。

    According the golf course construction case , the actual cost of five construction processes increased 2,500,000 yuan than the budget , which reached 30 percent . 2 .

  16. 第三,它提醒了我们与快速老龄化相关的现有及巨额的未来预算成本,从而暴露了公共财政安排的脆弱与不可持续。

    Third , it exposed the fragility and unsustainability of public finance arrangements , by reminding us of the existing and enormous future budgetary costs associated with rapid ageing .

  17. 项目成本控制是保证项目实际发生的成本不超过项目预算成本项目范围而对项目的成本进行监督检查并进行有效调整的活动过程。

    Project cost control is to ensure that the project does not exceed the actual cost of the project budget scope and supervise and adjust cost of the project .

  18. 虽然已有的路由协议可通过在十字路口加入固定节点来缓解效率低的问题,但是这样却增加了外在基础设施不仅实施困难而且预算成本较高。

    Although the existing routing protocols can mitigate the problem of inefficiency by adding fixed nodes at crossroads , they require infrastructure , which is expensive and hard to deploy .

  19. 针对口径上的差异,对建筑产品工程实际成本与预算成本项目如何调整进行了探讨,并提出改进的建议。

    Judging from this , the way of the adjustment of the actual and budget cost items of construction projects is discussed , and suggestions for improvement are put forward .

  20. 该预算成本也要定期更新,以反映完工前的预测成本,并确保项目完工前的现金投入。

    The budgeted cost should also be updated periodically to reflect the estimated cost to completion as well as to insure adequate cash flows for the completion of the project .

  21. 标准成本通常指一件完工产品的成本,而预算成本则倾向于表达某种产品的成本总额。

    The term standard cost usually refers to the cost of a single finished unit of output . In contrast , the term budgeted cost usually refers to a total amount .

  22. 因此建立本单位的人工、材料、机械消耗量定额等标准,合理确定预算成本,对于提高企业的经济效益意义重大。

    So , It has an important meaning for the company 's economic Benefit to form it 's manpower consumption norm , ' material consumption norm And making sure of budget cost reasonably .

  23. 建议使用1400平方英尺的空间来部署该机器及其辅助设备,预计配置200条延迟线,预算成本共计11,200英磅。

    He proposed a total of 1400 square feet for the machine and its accessory equipment , and estimated the total capital cost of a machine with two hundred delay lines at 11200 pounds .

  24. 传统的成本管理方法是通过全面预算成本管理对整个经营过程进行成本核算和预算,根据内部转移价格的原理,划分责任中心,然后通过责任中心考核来实现成本的降低。

    Traditional costing methods were based on general budgeting system . according to the principle of transfer price to define responsibility centres and , the performance of responsibility centre is associated with its financial index .

  25. 针对网格任务的成本和执行时间要求,提出了一种基于网格经济模型,根据实际执行成本和预算成本进行分类的网格分类优化调度算法。

    According to the cost requirement and the demand of executing time of grid task , a classified optimization-scheduling algorithm is introduced . This algorithm can well trade-off the actual executing cost and its budget in grid economy model .

  26. 本文就建筑施工企业如何强化项目成本管理进行阐述,重点讨论项目成本管理的原则以及做好预算成本、计划成本和实际成本控制的方法。

    This paper expounds how to strengthen the project cost management of construction companies , and focuses on discussing the principles of project cost management and the methods of making budget cost , plan cost and real cost controlling .

  27. 目标成本、计划成本、预算成本、定额成本、标准成本虽然都是企业进行成本控制的标准,但它们有的可以结合应用,有的却不能。

    Although target cost , plan cost , estimated cost , fixed cost , standard cost are all cost control standards used in enterprises , yet some of them can be applied in a combination and others can not .

  28. 文章主要特点体现在追求以结果导向的模式中,始终将过程管理的因素考虑在内,提出将绩效预算成本控制、预算激励作为文章核心内容。

    Main features of the article embodied in the pursuit of " results oriented " mode , always taking into account the factors of process management , cost control performance budget proposed budget incentives as the core content of the article .

  29. 而软件产业却面临着高失败率、很少按时交付,经常超出预算成本等危机,形成投入高、风险高却不一定能产出高的产业特征。

    On the contrary , the software industry is facing a number of difficulties , such as high failure rate , frequent delay and common budget deficit , which feature the whole industry with high inputs and high risks but possible low outputs .

  30. 库区塌岸防治工程措施受多种因素影响,如塌岸的成因机理、塌岸模式、塌岸的空间范围及其规模以及塌岸段的地形地貌条件以及预算成本等等。

    Bank collapse prevention project have affected by a few factors , such as bank collapse cause of formation mechanism , bank collapse pattern , the extension of bank collapse and size , the condition of terrain and physiognomy and budget and so on .