
yù suàn jié yú
  • budget surplus
  1. 在此基础上,将预算会计要素设置为预算收入、预算支出和预算结余;将政府财务会计要素设置为资产、负债、净资产、收入和费用。

    On that basis , we might set the budget accounting elements as budgetary fiscal revenues , public expenditures , and the budget surplus ; and set the government financial accounting elements to assets , liabilities , net assets , revenues , and expenses .

  2. Budgetflush指每年第四季度常见的消费热潮,(预算结余)不花就不是你的了,即“突击花钱”。

    Budget flush is the " use it or lose it " spending spree that occurs near the end of the fourth quarter .

  3. 这句话是说:迄今为止,格林斯潘先生一直热衷于利用预算结余来减轻联邦债务,那么为什么他一改初衷了呢?

    1 : Until now Mr Greenspan had been " gung ho " for using the budget surpluses to reduce the federal debt , so why the change of heart ?

  4. 政府预计今年的财政预算有结余。

    The government is forecasting a budget surplus this year .

  5. 加强预算单位年终结余资金管理办法研究

    Management research of strengthening budget balance of funds

  6. 各级政府预算的上年结余,可以在下年用于上年结转项目的支出;

    The balance of the previous year 's government budget at any level may be used in the next year for the expenditure of the previous year 's carry-over projects ;

  7. 政府预算的执行情况由预算会计系统提供,预算会计要素设置为预算收入、预算支出和预算结余。

    Government budget implementation is provided by the budget accounting system . Budget accounting elements are the fiscal revenues , public expenditures , and budget balance .