
  1. 高级管理人员的业绩标准主要是董事会制定的预算指标;

    Performance standards are often based on budgets established by directorate ;

  2. 建立合理的绩效预算指标体系的思考

    Reflections on Establishing Sound Performance Budget Index System

  3. 将预算指标按业务领域进行优化分类为业务预算、资本支出预算、财务预算。

    Will the budget on the business field index optimization classification for business budget , the capital expenditures budget , financial budget .

  4. 设置弹性预算指标,建立预算预警机制和预算结果质询制度;

    Set up the elastic budget indexes , Set up the early warning mechanism of budget and budget enforcement result inquiry system ;

  5. 金财工程是现代政府财政管理综合信息系统的简称,预算指标管理是金财工程中一个重要的子系统。

    JIN CAI project refers to the finance management information system of modern governments , and the management of budget target is a important subsystem in which .

  6. 本文借鉴平衡计分卡的思想,将战略目标具体化,将建立一套既有财务指标又包含非财务指标的预算指标体系。

    Furthermore , this article applied the theory of Balanced Score Card to concretize strategy target , and set up a budget index system which includes not only financial index but also non-financial index .

  7. 平衡计分卡是现行较为严谨的绩效考评手段,其评价指标内容丰富,能够全面的反映考核对象业绩,为各项预算指标的准确性提供考核依据。

    The balanced scorecard is more rigorous current performance evaluation method , its evaluation index is abundant in content , can reflect the comprehensive performance evaluation objects , the budget for the accuracy of assessment index provides the basis .

  8. 当经理人预期到本期的努力会带来下期预算指标的提高,导致自己承担更大的不能完成预算的风险,进而影响自己的报酬时,他们制造预算松弛的可能性就会更大。

    When managers are expected to current efforts will improve the indicators of the budget , resulting in their failure to complete the budget , thereby affecting their reward , the possibility of budget slack they creat will be greater .

  9. 高校部门经费预算与指标控制的软件设计

    Software Development for Financial Budget & Index Control in Universities

  10. 第五章介绍了海事单位支出项目预算绩效评价指标体系的建立,指标权重的确定方法以及评价方法;

    Chapter five introduces the setting-up of unit 's expenditure project budget performance evaluation index system , weight definite method and appraising method of the index of maritime affairs .

  11. 例如如何将预算、财务指标和非财务指标完整的相结合,如何将这些指标和企业的长远发展战略联系起来,如何和现代的管理理念相融合等等。

    For example , how to combine the budget with financial indicators and non-financial indicators integrity ? How to link up targets with the long-term development strategies ? How to relate with modern management concepts and so on ?

  12. 军队预算执行综合考评指标体系构建

    Establishing the comprehensive examination and evaluation indices of troops budget implementation

  13. 此外,本文还初步设计了高校校内预算支出绩效评价指标体系,该体系分共性指标和个性指标,共分为三级。

    Meanwhile , this thesis has also designed a college campus budget expenditure performance appraisal index system with common index and individual index in three levels altogether .

  14. 对于综合预算支出绩效管理采用预算支出绩效评价指标机制,因为利用预算支出绩效指标体系,可以对学校总体发展的战略目标和总方向进行绩效考评。

    Budget expenditure performance evaluation system is for the general budget expenditure performance management . Under the budget expenditure performance evaluation system , the strategic objectives and overall direction of the school overall development budget expenditure performance indicators can be evaluated in performance .

  15. 但大型集团公司有独特的管理特点:存在如集团公司、省公司和地市公司的层级组织结构,各子公司之间的预算信息相互牵制,子公司的各预算指标之间相互牵制。

    However , the large group companies have unique management features : the existence of different company levels such as headquarters , provincial and municipal companies ; the constraints between various subsidiaries ; the constraints of various budget indexes for one subsidiary .

  16. 本文分析了造成建设工程预算偏差的因素,建立了预算准确性综合评价指标体系,并对工程预算的准确性进行了评估和分析。

    The paper explains the deviation reasons of the budget comparing to the actual cost , establishes the comprehensive evaluation index system , and evaluates the accuracy of the construction project 's budget and analyzes it .

  17. 特别是在循环体系的构建中,对企业预算目标、预算目标的确定、预算目标的指标选择、目标利润的分解、成本目标的分解进行了详细的讨论。

    Especially , in the construction of Recycling System , the article gives detailed discussion at the aspects of budgeting target and its finalization , index choice of budgeting target , disassembling of target profit and target cost .

  18. 简要介绍了一个预算支出管理系统的功能,主要功能有预算指标管理、拨款单据管理、明细账管理、报表输出及系统维护;

    The functions of a financial capital budgeting system has been introduced . The main functions of this system include management of budget target , management of bills , management of detail account books , report outputs and system maintenance .

  19. 但是传统的全面预算实现方式由于涉及的内容广、部门多、预算指标之间的勾稽关系复杂,致使预算编制工作往往被简化为一种在过去基础上的外推和追加的过程。

    However , with traditional methods , the budget work is simplified to one kind of process of extrapolation and adding up because too many items , too many sections , and too complicated articulations are concerned with the traditional implementation of overall budget .

  20. 本文根据非营利组织绩效预算评价自身的特殊性,阐明了构建非营利组织绩效预算评价指标的原则,提出了一套能普遍适用的一般非营利组织绩效预算的指标体系。

    According to the particularity of non-profit organization performance budget evaluation , the principles of constructing Performance Budget evaluation indexes of non-profit organization were explained , and a set of Performance Budget evaluation index system supporting general non-profit organization was put forward .

  21. 长期以来,预算的编制基本都是依靠手工单一报表或通过孤立的单机版系统录入汇总生成;预算指标的审核完全依赖人为因素来完成。

    Long-term since , the compilation of the budget are basically rely on manual single statements or through the entry summary generation stand-alone system isolated ; budget audit entirely dependent on the human factors to complete .

  22. 医院预算管理存在重支出、轻收入,编制依据不足,风险意识不强等问题。加强医院预算管理,应提高预算管理的认识,建立科学合理的预算指标,强化预算约束和信息反馈。

    To strengthen the hospital budget management should increase the cognition of the budget man - agement , establish the scientific and reasonable budget indexes and to strengthen the budget restraint and infor - mation feedback .