
Construction the Evaluation System of State-owned Capital Operational Budget
The budget and examining combining management ;
Then , the training regulation system is established in consideration of three parts-interior instructors ' management , training expense budget and training assessment management .
And plan accordingly , timely feedback information through the budget , performance evaluation and other means , constantly adjust the deviation , to achieve strategic goal .
In addition , the check mechanism of the cost budget management is set up and the feasibility of this model is tested and verified by the case study .
In practice , the way of fiscal control of forestry enterprise group corporate were as following seven aspects : system control , assets control , budget and achievement appraisal system , financing management , fiscal information system control , personal control , and establishing and perfecting supervision organization .
And budget analysis and performance evaluation form inseparable parts for a successful budget system .
The monthly meetings of the various departments to examine the implementation of the budget .
The purpose of this chapter is to provide theory base for building the overall budget , controlling , examining and awarding .
Meanwhile , we raised the specific project to integrate activity-based budgeting and performance reviews , which make the improvement of manufacturer budget control system more workable .
It is a overall control for raising , using and allocating funds needed in manufacturing and operation and whole course plan , budget , control , appraisal and analysis of funds movement , etc.
It consists of sole management , sole taxation , grades check , budget management and achievement inspection . On the basis of integration of the current financial resources , separates the financial management from accounting calculation .
It is analyzed that the operation of the checking subsystem from the setting-up of the evaluating model , the checking method and the way of encouragement .
From the examination of the principles and procedures , budget evaluation of incentive measures , the budget level of appraisal and evaluation indicators as well as the determination of the Group on the examination and the overall budget management system to improve incentives .
Tobacco companies implemented the policy of comprehensive budget management from an earlier period . Till now , many tobacco companies have established the assessment system based upon budget management , which brings comparatively higher profit for their management .
In this article , how much influence that the categorization system of budget income and expense will exert on budget of education is discussed in different models of categorizations of government budget . budgeting of all government revenues and expenditures ;
Based on the analysis of value chain , this paper uses integrated business processes and optimized activities as the organization platform for the . budget formulation and control to build a loop-type budget management system , which is " Activity optimization-Budget formulation-Budget control and evaluation-Activity optimization " .
Therefore , there is important significance to study budgetary slack , determine an accurate budget base and establish a rational budget evaluation and incentive mechanism according to the management features of large group companies .
Enterprise groups should choose budget management model combining their own characteristics . The links of budget management include budget making , budget supervision , budget analysis and budget evaluation .
In the corporate R & D budget management information system analysis process , this paper analyzes its business processes 、 the data processing processes and systemic functional requirements from three stages : budget compilation , budget control and budget analysis and evaluation .
In practice , enterprises should implement it from such aspects as setting up budget control committee , making and examining budget , defining the aims of control , conducting interim control , and strengthening budget analysis and assessment .
For budgetary control , this paper presented some Methods to control cost , and did the case analysis shows . Then , I did some theoretical study for budgetary assessment and reward system .