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xī mén zǐ
  • Siemens
西门子[xī mén zǐ]
  1. 沪产西门子手机返销欧洲。

    The Siemens mobile phones made in Shanghai are sold back to European countries .

  2. 另外,为了表示对您成就的赞誉,我们将给您就读的高中发放奖旗,表彰您的中学有一名06-07的西门子准决赛获得者。

    In addition , to acknowledge your achievement we will be mailing your high school a banner to display announcing that there is a2006-07 Siemens competition semifinalist at your high school .

  3. 事实上,世界各地的技术公司,如IBM、西门子和微软等,都已经开始涉足这项业务。

    In   fact ,   technology   companies   around   the world   such   as   IBM ,   Siemens   and   Microsoft   are   already   in   the   business .

  4. 此软件用于对西门子S7-300加密逻辑块解密。

    The software used for Siemens S7-300 encryption logic block declassified .

  5. 西门子动态数据库,用于连接PC与PLC。

    Siemens dynamic database , for connecting a PC and PLC .

  6. 用西门子PLC控制锥形磨浆机一例

    An Example of Application of Siemens PLC on Controlling Conical Refiner

  7. 西门子PLC在钢管测量系统中的应用

    The Application of Siemens PLC and The Pipe Measure System

  8. 方法:采用螺旋CT扫描重建技术,在西门子VolumeNavigator工作站上对泪囊及周边相关结构进行三维重建。

    Method : To the 3 D model of lacrimal passage was reconstructed with CT scanning .

  9. 西门子PLC强制及保持功能应用

    Siemens PLC is Compulsory and keep the Function Application

  10. 西门子PLC在空气调节系统中的应用

    Application of Siemens PLC in Center Air Adjusting System

  11. 西门子多排螺旋CT新技术

    Siemens Multi-Slice CT New Technologies

  12. 设计了一种具有积分环节的模糊控制器,并由西门子S7&200系列PLC实现。

    Fuzzy controller with integral is developed , and is realized by Siemens S7-200 PLC .

  13. 西门子PLC程序加密方法

    Encryption Method for Siemens PLC Program

  14. 西门子公司发展CNC系统的道路&西门子(中国)有限公司运动控制系统部门总经理访谈录

    The Way of Developing CNC System in SIEMENS

  15. 在2004年加入IBM之前,她在德国西门子从事XML和Java开发。

    Before joining IBM in 2004 , she worked on XML and Java development at Siemens in Germany .

  16. 西门子DCS系统在大型焦炉中的应用

    The Application of Siemens DCS System in Large-scale Coke-oven

  17. 模拟西门子PLCS7-300通信协议的VB程序设计

    The VB programming of the communication protocol simulating Simatic PLC S7-300

  18. 西门子Logo!在防暴挡车器上的应用

    Application of Siemens Logo ! on the Road - blocker

  19. 基于OPC技术的西门子S5PLC与上位机通信

    Communication between Siemens S5 PLC and PC Based on OPC Technology

  20. 西门子CF数字X线机精密电位器的代用

    Replacement of Precise Potentiometer for SIEMENS CF Digital X-ray Machine

  21. 西门子LOGO!控制器在刮刀涂布器上的应用

    Application of Siemens LOGO ! in Blade-coating Machine

  22. 本文简述了在枕式包装机如何利用西门子PLC实现高精度全自动化的控制方案。

    This Paper focuses on how the Packaging machine use Siemens PLC to fulfill the task of high precious automation control .

  23. SomatomPlus4CT环状伪影的消除西门子AR系列CT机的环状伪影分析

    Elimination of ring artifact of SOMATOM PLUS_4 CT The Analysis of Ring Artifacts SOMATOM AR

  24. 西门子(Siemens)等公司正是从这里看到了巨大机遇。

    And it is precisely here that companies like Siemens see enormous opportunities .

  25. 基于西门子S7系列PLC的机电设备分布式监控系统的实现

    Electromechanical Equipment Distributing Monitoring System Based on S7 PLC

  26. 采用西门子S7-200系列可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)构成水电站辅机自动化监控系统。

    Siemens S7-200 PLC is applied to the auxiliaries control system of the hydropower station .

  27. 使用西门子PLCsimulation软件包进行软件测试,测试正常后,进行PLC软硬件联合调试,调试结果表明,软件设计满足控制系统设计要求,PLC软件设计正确。

    The results of the debugging with PLC simulation software package show that the software of this system can satisfy the requirements of the designing .

  28. 本文描述了基于西门子通讯模块CP-340的PLC与ManB&M柴油主机通讯的船舶自动监控系统设计与应用。

    This article described design and application of the automatic monitoring system of shipping based on communication ofCP - 340 module and MAN B & M diesel .

  29. 西门子印度分公司的工程师们开发了一种低成本X射线扫描照相机&它非常好用,因此将被用于发达世界的设备中。

    Engineers at Siemens ' Indian affiliate developed a low-cost x-ray scanner camera that is so good it will be used in developed-world equipment .

  30. 西门子OEM软件在数控凸轮轴磨床上的开发与应用

    Exploitation of Siemens OEM Software in CNC Camshaft Grinder