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  • Nokia;Nokia Corp.;NOK
  1. 诺基亚已经推迟了新产品的发布。

    Nokia has postponed the release of its new product .

  2. 年中,随着苹果公司的iPhone的推出,诺基亚的市场份额急剧下降,收入大幅下滑。

    With the introduction of Apple 's iPhone in the middle of that year , Nokia 's market share shrank rapidly and revenue plunged .

  3. 埃洛普掌管诺基亚时,诺基亚的市值每天下降2300万美元,从数字上看,他是史上最糟糕的CEO之一。

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia , the company 's market value declined by $ 23 million , making him , by the numbers , one of the worst CEOs in history .

  4. 2013年底,诺基亚已将手机业务出售给了微软。

    By the end of 2013 , Nokia had sold its phone business to Microsoft .

  5. 2007年,诺基亚在全球手机销售中的份额超过40%。

    In 2007 , Nokia accounted for more than 40 % of mobile phone sales worldwide .

  6. 不出所料,诺基亚的很多出色的设计和编程人才也走了。

    Not surprisingly , much of Nokia 's most valuable design and programming talent left as well .

  7. 优秀的领导离开了公司,诺基亚发展的远景和方向也随之东流。

    Good leaders left the company , taking Nokia 's sense of vision and directions with them .

  8. 史蒂芬·埃洛普在2010年10月就任诺基亚首席执行官,他做出的一系列决策决定了诺基亚的命运。

    What sealed Nokia 's fate was a series of decisions made by Stephen Elop in his position as CEO , which he assumed in October 2010 .

  9. 欧洲最大的技术成功案例之一、手机巨头诺基亚也未能幸免,短短几年就失去了市场份额。

    Mobile phone champion Nokia , one of Europe 's biggest technology success stories , was no exception , losing its market share in just a few years .

  10. 但是埃洛普并不是唯一有过错的人。诺基亚董事会拒绝变革,因此公司无法适应行业的快速变化。

    But Elop was not the only person at fault . Nokia ’ s board resisted change , making it impossible for the company to adapt to rapid shifts in the industry .

  11. 最值得注意的是,乔尔玛•奥利拉曾带领诺基亚从工业公司转型为技术巨头,但是她对之前的成功过于着迷,没有意识到维持竞争力所需的变革。

    Most notably , Jorma Ollila , who had led Nokia 's transition from an industrial company to a technology giant , was too fascinated by the company 's previous success to recognize the change that was needed to sustain its competitiveness .

  12. 你听说过一家叫诺基亚的手机公司吗?

    Have you ever heard of a mobile phone company called Nokia ?

  13. 尽管windowsphone平台给诺基亚带来了复苏的希望,但他警告称,这可能为时已晚。

    While the Windows Phone offered hope of recovery , he warned it could come too late .

  14. 诺基亚3G网络方案及特点简介

    Brief Introduction to Nokia 3G Network Solution and Its Characteristics

  15. 如果你想要货真价实的东西,诺基亚Lumia2520平板上预装有微软办公软件(MicrosoftOffice)。

    If you want the real deal , Microsoft Office comes preloaded on the Nokia Lumia 2520 tablet .

  16. 毫无疑问,三星从诺基亚(Nokia)和黑莓手机生产商ResearchinMotion的颓势中获益良多。

    It has no doubt benefitted from the travails of Nokia ( NOK ) and research in motion ( RIMM ) .

  17. 诺基亚(Nokia):下滑2.4%(环比下滑17%)

    Nokia ( NOK ) , down 2.4 points ( 17 % )

  18. 诺基亚向台湾和信电讯公司提供亚洲第一个GPRS网络

    Nokia Provides First GPRS Network in Asia

  19. 诺基亚引领CDMA产业进军IPv6

    Nokia Leads CDMA Industry towards IPv6

  20. 诺基亚(Nokia)首席执行官埃洛普重任在肩。

    Nokia chief executive officer Stephen elop is a man on a mission .

  21. 诺基亚最近演示了世界上首部双协议栈CDMA手机。

    Nokia recently demonstrated the world 's first dual stack ( IPv4 / v6 ) CDMA handset .

  22. 微软(Microsoft)和诺基亚之间的关系也是如此。

    The relationship between Microsoft ( MSFT , Fortune 500 ) and Nokia ( NOK ) also speaks to that .

  23. 周一泄漏的消息称,第一款主流E系列触摸屏手机将会在诺基亚博览会上发布。

    Nokia 's plans for its in-house Nokia World expo should include its first mainstream Eseries touchscreen phone , leaks revealed on Monday .

  24. 诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)周二发布了首款平板电脑。

    Nokia Corp. unveiled its first tablet computer Tuesday .

  25. 诺基亚现场论坛诠释3G

    Nokia Forum Interprets 3G

  26. 诺基亚提供双协议栈的终端设备解决IPv6过渡。

    Nokia is enabling the transition to IPv6 by providing dual-stack ( IPv4 / v6 ) terminals .

  27. 在苹果宣布发布新款iPhone手机后,诺基亚公司发推特调侃:模仿就是最好的恭维。

    Nokia tweeted this as Apple was announcing its new iPhones : Imitation is the best form of flattery .

  28. 诺基亚在2011年转向了windowsphone,旨在与苹果的iphone和使用谷歌的Android系统的竞争对手抗衡。

    Nokia switched to Windows Phone in 2011 , aiming to compete with Apple 's iPhones and rivals using Google 's Android system .

  29. 但是现在,你应该尝试并获得忙于无论您使用的是智能手机,现在无论是作为诺基亚N系列或E-系列之一。

    For now however , you should try and get busy with whichever smartphone you are using right now regardless of it being a Nokia N-Series or E-Series one .

  30. 总部位于上海的投资集团上海联新(NewAlliance)和诺基亚将分别持有新合资公司50%的股份。该公司将于明年1月开始运营,员工人数为80人。

    New Alliance , a Shanghai-based investment group , and Nokia will each hold a 50 per cent stake in the new venture which will start business in January and employ 80 people .