
  • 网络Noam Chomsky;Noam Choms-ky
  1. 该团体自称是“反对重要测试中使用机器对学生作文进行评分的专业人士”,现已收集到了近2,000个签名,其中也包括一些知名人士,如诺姆·乔姆斯基等。

    The group , which calls itself Professionals Against Machine Scoring of Student Essays in High-Stakes Assessment , has collected nearly 2,000 signatures , including some from famous people like Noam Chomsky .

  2. 虽然我很钦佩诺姆·乔姆斯基,但我恐怕他在这个问题上是完全错误的。

    Much as I admire Noam Chomsky , I 'm afraid he 's very wrong here .

  3. 但是,著名语言学家诺姆·乔姆斯基指出许多孩子学习文字时通过关联模仿,但是他们也运用独特、自然又有创意的方式把单词组合成有意义的句子。

    However , Noam Chomsky , a famous expert in language , pointed out that although children do learn some words by imitation and association , they also combine words to make meaningful sentences in ways that are unique , unlearned and creative .