
  • 网络NOVARTIS AG;novartis;NVS
  1. 诺华公司的这两种复方药物列在与“疟疾药品事业会”(MedicinesforMalariaVenture,简称MMV)合作开发的50多种最有希望的疟疾药品中。

    The Novartis compounds are among the most promising of over 50 antimalarial products being developed in partnership with the Medicines for Malaria Venture ( MMV ) .

  2. 诺华公司上周(11月17日)宣布它的甲型H1N1疫苗的一半剂量就足以提供针对该病毒的免疫力。

    Novartis announced last week ( 17 November ) that half a dose of its A ( H1N1 ) vaccine is enough to provide immunity to the virus .

  3. 而诺华公司的观点是,在CAPS治疗中的突破可以为由相同机制引发的其他疾病的治疗提供思路。

    But the idea is that cracking the code to treat CAPS will lead the way to treatment of other diseases caused by the same mechanism .

  4. 诺华公司CEO江慕忠向《财富》杂志(Fortune)建议的方法是,重新思考所谓的“拳头产品”,或者每年至少能给公司带来10亿美元收入的药物。

    One way , Novartis CEO Joseph Jimenez suggested to Fortune , is to re-imagine what is known as a blockbuster , or a drug that earns the company at least $ 1 billion per-year .

  5. 上周二,诺华公司(Novartis)称,正与搜索巨头谷歌(Google)的研究团队合作,准备推出智能隐形眼镜技术。

    Novartis said Tuesday it is teaming up with Google [ x ] GOOG - 1.53 % , the search company 's research arm , to launch smart lens technology .

  6. 晨星公司(Morningstar)二月份的分析师报告显示,诺华公司具备长期良性发展的条件。

    According to a February analyst report from Morningstar , Novartis is well positioned for good long-term growth .

  7. 每年九月份,诺华公司(Novartis)都会举办保持健康庆祝活动周活动,将为期一年的全球性员工健身计划推向高潮。

    Every September , Novartis holds a Be Healthy Celebration Week , capping off a year-round , worldwide program for its employees called Be Healthy .

  8. 每年九月份,诺华公司(Novartis)都会举办“保持健康庆祝活动周”活动,将为期一年的全球性员工“健身”计划推向高潮。

    Every September , Novartis holds a " Be Healthy Celebration Week , " capping off a year-round , worldwide program for its employees called Be Healthy .

  9. 诺华公司只是将其做成盐的形式甲磺酸伊马替尼(imatinibmesylate)以发挥药效:使人体吸收药物容易30%。

    Only by making it in salt form , imatinib mesylate , did Novartis have a proper drug : the body absorbed the medicine 30 % more easily .

  10. 2006年印度拒绝向诺华公司授予Glivec的专利,称其是对现有物质伊马替尼(imatinib)的不可申请专利的修正。

    In 2006 India denied Novartis a patent for Glivec , calling it an unpatentable modification of an existing substance , imatinib .

  11. Rufinamide为瑞士诺华公司新研制的抗癫痫新药,已完成三期临床。

    Rufinamide is a new antiepileptic developed by Novartis Company of Switzerland and has finished Phase ⅲ clinical trial .

  12. 瑞士诺华公司(Novartis)将成为首批在华开展基础科学研究的全球制药企业之一,其将投资1亿美元在上海成立一家新药研发机构。

    Novartis is to become one of the first global pharmaceuticals companies to conduct basic scientific research in China , by investing $ 100m in a new drug discovery facility in Shanghai .

  13. 诺华公司因为抗疟药Coartem而获得了该奖,它是首个获得这种“优先评审券”的公司。而该药物是在1999年首先注册的。

    Novartis , which has received the first of these " priority review vouchers ", has accepted it for the malaria drug Coartem & which was first registered in1999 .

  14. 这项研究由Reclast的制造商诺华公司资助,Lyles对这一药物的使用申请了两项专利。

    The research was funded by Novartis , which makes Reclast , and Lyles has two patent applications for the use of the drug .

  15. 路透社上周(9月3日)报道了诺华公司制造的MF59有佐剂细胞培养疫苗的试验,英国的100名志愿者参与了该试验。

    Reuters reported last week ( 3 September ) on a trial of the MF59 adjuvanted cell culture-based vaccine , made by Novartis , on100 volunteers in the United Kingdom .

  16. 比如瑞士诺华公司(Novartis)就研制出了突破性的抗白血病药品格列卫(Gleevec),同时诺华公司的产品线里也有伊克塞锭(Excedrin)和感冒药Theraflu等常用药品。

    The job of Joe Jimenez , 53 , is to navigate that world for Novartis ( NVS ) , the Swiss maker of drugs such as the breakthrough leukemia treatment Gleevec and consumer brands including Excedrin and theraflu .

  17. 该疗法由诺华公司研发,并被命名为Kymriah。

    The treatment is made by Novartis and is called Kymriah .

  18. 而诺华公司致力于针对患者人群较小的药物,走了一条截然不同的道路。

    Novartis is taking a different route through drugs that treat smaller patient populations .

  19. 而江慕忠表示,诺华公司决定重新考虑药物开发方案。

    But Novartis has decided re-think the methodology behind drug development , Jimenez says .

  20. 诺华公司的知识管理

    The Knowledge Management in NOWA Company

  21. 诺华公司坚持认为这是胡说八道。

    Novartis insists this is nonsense .

  22. 诺华公司新策略的目的就是找到这种意外的惊喜。

    Novartis ( NVS ) has a new strategy to try to generate that kind of serendipity .

  23. 2月22日诺华公司向药品行政部门报告了他们的发现结果。行政部调动了一个评论家小组。

    The company reported its finding to the drug agency on Feb.22.The agency mobilized a team of reviewers .

  24. 葛兰素史克公司和诺华公司的疫苗含有危险的角鲨嫌,因此被美国和欧盟监管机构列为生物武器。

    The GSK and Novartis vaccines are classified as bioweapons by US and EU regulators and contain the dangerous squalene .

  25. 诺华公司最初将主要依靠中国的归国科学家。该公司预计,有才干的本地科学家的薪酬很快就会提高。

    The company will initially rely mostly on returning scientists and it expects the salaries of talented local scientists to rise soon .

  26. 作为抗疟疾药物中的一种,复方蒿甲醚也不可避免的有了假货。这是一种由制药公司诺华公司制造的抗疟疾药品,24片一疗程,一个疗程3天。

    One of the drugs being faked is Coartem , a regimen of 24 pills taken over three days developed by pharmaceutical company Novartis .

  27. 比如,诺华公司生产治疗罕见疾病的药物,通过药物在不同疾病中的疗效,最终可能成为公司的拳头产品。

    For one , Novartis will make treatments for rare diseases that could ultimately blossom into blockbusters by virtue of their application to multiple maladies .

  28. 这项技术将首先应用于诺华公司生产器官移植反排斥药物里。

    As such , the technology will originally be packaged with one of Novartis 's established transplant drugs that reduce the likelihood of organ rejection in patients .

  29. 瑞士制药企业诺华公司认为药片不仅需要把药物送至血管,还应能够监测药效,把相关数据传送给医生。

    Swiss pharmacy house Novartis thinks pills needn 't merely deliver medicine to the bloodstream , but could also monitor its effects and transmit data to physicians .

  30. 诺华公司在庆祝活动周期间会提供免费体检、锻炼课程,以及针对慢性病控制的支持项目等。

    During the week , Novartis offers from free health checks , exercise classes , and information on support programs for managing a chronic condition or illness .