
  • 网络Surrey;Surrey University;The University of Surrey
  1. 他现在就读于萨里大学,攻读数学学位。

    He is now reading for a maths degree at Surrey University .

  2. 并非所有人都同意该结论:萨里大学(SurreyUniversity)和哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)的科学家质疑推迟上学时间将导致青少年睡眠时间增加的结论。

    Not everyone concurs : scientists at the universities of Surrey and Harvard dispute that delayed starts will lead to teenagers getting more sleep .

  3. 这项工作在萨里大学(UniversityofSurrey)展开。它那浓荫密布的校园里,点缀着一些粗野主义风格的老旧建筑。

    The work is being done at the University of Surrey , where a leafy campus is dotted with rundown Brutalist-style buildings .

  4. 英国萨里大学(UniversityofSurrey)的研究人员走上典型英式城镇吉尔福德的街头,研究交通堵塞对颗粒污染物浓度的影响。

    Researchers at the University of Surrey inEngland took to the streets of Guildford , a typical English town , to look atthe effects of traffic on concentrations of polluting particles .

  5. 怀旧的效果似乎取决于年龄。这是英国萨里大学(UniversityofSurrey)心理学家爱丽克·何派(EricaHepper)的研究结果。

    The usefulness of nostalgia seems to vary with age , according to Erica Hepper , a psychologist at the University of Surrey in England .

  6. 另一位主讲人、萨里大学的教授玛格丽特·雷曼,强调了饮食的重要性,建议50岁以上的人服用维生素B12补充剂。

    Fellow speaker Professor Margaret Rayman , of the University of Surrey , highlighted the importance of diet and recommended over-50s take vitamin B12 supplements .

  7. 但是萨里大学网络安全专家艾伦•伍德沃德教授对BBC说,绑定的设备越多,安全风险越大。

    But Professor Alan Woodward , a cybersecurity expert from Surrey University , told the BBC the more connections which are made between devices , the greater the risk of a security weakness .

  8. 英国小镇吉尔福德(Guildford)郊外几英里处,萨里大学(UniversityofSurrey)的校园里,人们正在组装一座由金属和玻璃建造的5G实验室。这所亮闪闪的实验室充分彰显出英国开发下一代移动互联网技术的雄心。

    The gleaming metal and glass 5G laboratory being assembled on a campus at the University of Surrey , a few miles outside Guildford , speaks to British ambitions when it comes to building the next generation of mobile internet technology .

  9. 萨里大学5G研究负责人拉希姆•塔法佐利(RahimTafazolli)教授表示,前几代移动技术着眼于更快的互联网速度,而5G技术将更进一步。

    But while previous generations of mobile have been about making the internet faster , 5G will go one step further , according to Professor Rahim Tafazolli , head of 5G research at the University of Surrey .

  10. 本周,由英国萨里大学的沃特文?赫斯(OrtwinHess)领导的一群科研人员宣布了一个计划&通过使用一些具有奇异特性的材料来让光停止脚步并将之储存。

    This week a group of researchers led by Ortwin Hess of the University of Surrey , in England , announced a plan to stop light completely and store it , using materials that possess some odd properties .

  11. 英国萨里大学旅游管理硕士教育的思考与借鉴

    Brief Introduction of MSc Tourism Management in University of Surrey UK

  12. 萨里大学的教授德克-简·迪克提出了这一问题。

    It 's a question asked by Professor Derk-Jan Dijk at the University of Surrey .

  13. 例如,英国的萨里大学开创了一个经营遥感卫星的公司,其卫星像冰箱一样小。

    For example , Englands University of Surrey spun out a company that today sells remote-sensing satellites about the size of a refrigerator .

  14. 以萨里大学毕业生的高就业率为切入点,简要地对萨里大学的内在机制与外在因素进行探究。

    Based on this , this paper , from two perspectives including intrinsic mechanism and extrinsic factors , attempts to explore the underlying causes .

  15. 2013年初,英国萨里大学的睡眠研究中心发现,睡眠时长与基因之间存在直接联系。

    In early 2013 , the Sleep Research Centre at the University of Surrey found a direct link between hours spent sleeping and genes .

  16. 萨里大学有一项研究发现,高级主管们比起布罗德莫精神病院的罪犯更具有自恋人格障碍倾向。

    A study from the University of Surrey found that more high-level executives had traits of narcissistic personality disorder than criminals at the Broadmoor Hospital .

  17. 但是最近英国萨里大学的一份新调查中发现,如果每天运动的时间的不同,人体会产生不同的饥饿感。

    But new research from Surrey University in Britain has found the time of day you exercise could make a difference to how hungry you feel .

  18. 在接下来的24小时中,科学家每3小时采集一次志愿者的血样,并将这些血样送到英国萨里大学作分析。

    Over the next 24 hours , scientists took the volunteers ' blood every three hours and sent the samples to the University of Surrey for analysis .

  19. 林女士从英国萨里大学休闲和旅游管理专业获得硕士学位,主要研究兴趣在酒店电子分销领域。

    Ms Lin holds a Master Degree in Leisure and Tourism Management from University of Surrey , UK , with a special research interest in hotel electronic distribution .

  20. 斯坦利博士在英国萨里大学设立了一个睡眠实验室。他表示现代人也应该效仿古人分床而睡的做法。

    Dr Stanley , who set up one of Britain 's leading sleep laboratories at the University of Surrey , said the people of today should consider doing the same .

  21. 萨里大学营养科学系主任苏教授认为这些调研都有其局限性,并不能准确地评估包括体重等生活习惯。

    Prof Sue , Head of the Department of Nutritional Sciences , University of Surrey , said the study had limitations , such as weak methods to assess lifestyle habits including bodyweight .

  22. 在萨里大学,研究人员测量了褪黑素和皮质醇的水平。这两种荷尔蒙会根据身体的主时钟增加和减少。研究人员还测量了同消化有关的代谢物的水平。

    There , researchers measured levels of hormones called melatonin and cortisol , which rise and fall according to the body 's master clock , along with levels of metabolites linked to digestion .

  23. 萨里大学的社会学家罗伯特·麦多士博士称,人们和配偶同睡时感觉睡得更像,而实际的证据表明情况恰恰相反。

    Dr Robert Meadows , a sociologist at the University of Surrey , said : " People actually feel that they sleep better when they are with a partner but the evidence suggests otherwise . "

  24. 睡眠评估咨询服务中心主任克里斯伊济科夫斯基教授归纳出六种常见的睡眠姿势和它们的含义。他还是英国南部萨里大学的客座教授。

    Professor Chris idzikowski , director of the sleep assessment and advisory service and a visiting professor at the University of Surrey in southern england , has identified six common sleep positions and what they mean .

  25. 该研究的第一作者、萨里大学神经内分泌学教授德布拉·斯基恩称,这些发现将帮助科学家更多了解轮班工作可能造成的损害。

    Debra Skene , the first author on the study and professor of neuroendocrinology at the University of Surrey , said the findings will help scientists to learn more about the harms that shift work can cause .

  26. 担任英国萨里大学化学讲师的贝利表示,现今,检测这些物质的技术大多用于刑侦,但其应用可以更为广泛。

    At the moment , the technique used to detect these substances is mostly used in crime detection , but its application could be much wider , according to Bailey , who lectures in chemistry at the University of Surrey in the UK .

  27. 美国萨里大学网络安全专家艾伦•伍德沃德教授表示:“奇怪的是等了这么久它才出现。这一技术已经存在有一段时间了,所以现在的问题是让银行卡专家相信这是一件值得做的事。”

    Professor Alan Woodward , a cyber-security expert from Surrey University , said : ' It 's surprising it has taken so long for this to appear . The technology has existed for some time so now it will be a case of persuading card processors that it is worth doing . "

  28. 英国萨里(SURREY)大学的MBA教育

    MBA Education in British University of Surrey