
  • 网络Sappho;sapphic
  1. 源头诗人萨福再探

    Re-exploring of Source Poet Sappho

  2. 这些诗据信是萨福所作,但其真实性令人置疑。

    The poems are supposed to be by sappho , but they are actually of doubtful authenticity .

  3. 变化可能在一个漫长的时期内发生——他们援引未来学家保罗•萨福(PaulSaffo)的至理名言:Nevermistakeaclearviewforashortdistance(望山跑死马)。

    Change may be a long time coming ( they cite futurist Paul Saffo 's wise insight : " Never mistake a clear view for a short distance " ) .

  4. 美丽的东西当然是好的,品行好的人未必是美丽的。&萨福。

    What is beautiful is good , and who is good will soon also be beautiful .

  5. 论萨福抒情诗创作艺术

    Arts in Sapho 's Lyrics

  6. 米萨福医生之研究乃各地再度广为盛行之诸多研究之一,其探究影响精神之化合物之治疗作用。

    Dr Mithoefer 's study is part of a broader resumption of research into the therapeutic uses of psychoactive compounds .

  7. 古希腊抒情诗人中,萨福和品达至今仍被人们广泛赞赏。

    Of the many lyric poets of ancient Greece , two are still admired by readers today : Sappho and Pindar .

  8. 干嘛不找尼萨福洗衣店来洗呢?他们提供当天服务,价格也合理。

    Why don 't you use the services of the Sunlight Laundry ? They offer one day service and their charge is reasonable .

  9. 相比之,近来一临床试验结果使吾人窥见光明,彼由南加利福尼亚州查尔斯顿之精神病学家麦克尔•米萨福公诸于世。

    So the results of a clinical trial recently announced by Michael Mithoefer , a psychiatrist in Charleston , South Carolina , are encouraging .

  10. 古希腊女诗人萨福站在欧洲抒情诗的源头,以其卓越的艺术成就推动了希腊文化史上的变革。

    Standing on the river source of European lyrics , ancient Greek female poet Sappho propeled reform of Greek culture with her prominent artistic achievement .

  11. Cutrale和萨福拉的投资集团提出向奇基塔股东支付每股13美元,较奇基塔上周五收盘价存在29%的溢价。

    Cutrale and Mr Safra 's investment group offered $ 13 per share to Chiquita shareholders , a 29 per cent premium to Chiquita 's closing price on Friday .

  12. 正因为这些诗作,她被誉为最伟大、最具创造性的诗人和西方自萨福以来最伟大的女诗人。

    And just because of those poems , she is considered as " the greatest and most creative poetess " and " the greatest poetess after Sappho in the West " .

  13. 萨福拉是巴西最富有银行家之一。知情人士表示,萨福拉和Cutrale家族关注这笔交易已有一段时间,但此前一直等待针对奇基塔的涉及民兵组织杀戮的诉讼被撤销。

    Mr Safra , one of Brazil 's wealthiest bankers , and the Cutrale family have been eyeing the deal for a while but had been waiting for lawsuits against Chiquita over militia killings to be dropped , people close to the deal said .