
  • 网络AESOP;YESO;Izzo
  1. 《伊索寓言》含蕴着丰富的哲理。

    There is plenty of Philosophy in aesop 's fables .

  2. “这是寓言家伊索——这些动人小故事的作者——经常在动物和动物间关系故事中表达的内容,”他说。

    " This is Aesop , the fabulist , the man of these charming little tales , often told in terms of animals and animal relationships , " he says .

  3. 我认为伊索暗示的是,当你对他人做了一件善事,你可以希望这一善事会返回来使你——做这件善事的人——在某种程度上受益。

    " I think what Aesop was suggesting is that when you offer a good turn to another human being , one can hope that that good deed will come back and sort of pay a profit to you , the doer of the good deed . "

  4. 伊索寓言》中有一些是讽刺作品

    Some of Aesop 's Fables are satires . 《

  5. 巴菲特当时的位置远远落在后面,他在接受《财富》(Fortune)杂志采访时称:“我只希望伊索的预言没错,乌龟最终将战胜野兔。”

    From this way-behind position , Buffett was quoted in fortune as saying , " I just hope that Aesop was right when he envisioned the tortoise overtaking the hare . "

  6. 安杰洛·帕拉伊索-阿罗约(AngeloParaiso-Arroyo),17岁,加利福尼亚州伯克利

    Angelo Paraiso-Arroyo , 17 , Berkeley , Calif.

  7. 对汉堡中的马肉味道仍心有余悸的欧洲人,应该关心一下沃尔玛(Walmart)在中国的消费者,他们正面对一场听上去像是一则伊索寓言的食品安全丑闻。

    Europeans still harbouring concerns about a horsey taste in their hamburgers should spare a thought for Walmart customers in China , who are dealing with a food safety scandal that reads like an Aesop fable .

  8. 星期六上午,哈里王子计划和莱索托的塞伊索王子一起访问哈莱姆儿童区。莱索托是南非国内的一个王国,而塞伊索王则赞助了一个叫做Sentebale的慈善机构。

    On Saturday morning , Harry is scheduled to visit the Harlem Children 's Zone with Prince Seeiso of Lesotho , a kingdom-enclave within South Africa , who is his co-patron in a charity called Sentebale .

  9. 然而生活比伊索寓言更复杂。

    Yet life is more complex than in Aesop 's fable .

  10. 这则伊索寓言告诉我们:熟识淡化了偏见。

    This Aesop 's Fable tells us : Acquaintance softens prejudices .

  11. 总有人不如你。(不宜妄自菲薄)&伊索

    There is always someone worse off than you . & Aesop

  12. 这个习语可追溯到《伊索寓言》中的一个故事。

    The saying can be traced to one of Aesop 's Fables .

  13. 恋爱着的人容易受骗。&伊索

    A man in love is easily deceived . & Aesop

  14. 感激是高尚灵魂的标志。&伊索

    Gratitude is the sign of noble souls . & Aesop

  15. 来源之三是脍炙人口的《伊索寓言》;

    The third source embraces the popular Aesop 's Fables .

  16. 作家伊索盛赞蚂蚁是辛勤的工人。

    Aesop gave ants a reputation for being hard workers .

  17. 不要根据外表来判断一个人的用处。(人不可貌相)&伊索

    Do not judge people 's usefulness by their appearance . & Aesop

  18. 这部寓言是仿照《伊索寓言》写成的。

    This fable was written after the manner of Aesop .

  19. 不要利用别人一时的软弱。&伊索

    Don 't take advantage of people 's moments of weakness . & Aesop

  20. 永远不要相信在危急时舍弃你的朋友。&伊索

    Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch . & Aesop

  21. 如果没有头脑,美貌是没有用的。&伊索

    Beauty is no use without brains . & Aesop

  22. 慢而稳者胜。&伊索

    Slow and steady wins the race . & Aesop

  23. 自由比舒服更重要。&伊索

    Freedom is more important than comfort . & Aesop

  24. 我是伊索,是安徒生,用一个个奇妙的故事揭示人生的真谛;

    I am Aesop and Hans Christian Andersen revealing truth through countless stories .

  25. 说实话有好处。&伊索

    It pays to tell the truth . & Aesop

  26. 谁也不相信人所共知的骗子。&伊索

    No one believes a known liar . & Aesop

  27. 在很久以前,有很多象伊索这样的思想家。

    Many great thinkers , like Aesop , lived a long time ago .

  28. 不要信任奉承别人的人,他们往往另有所图。&伊索

    Don 't trust flatterers . They usually want something for themselves . & Aesop

  29. 伊索,向右移动,科尔文说。结果,这架机器人就遵从命令移动。

    " Aesop , move right ," Colvin says , and the robot obeys .

  30. “走,”伊索朝他喊到。

    " Go ," Aesop shouted at him .