
  • 网络Government consumption expenditure
  1. 我国政府消费支出与经济增长关系的实证分析

    An Empirical Study on Relationship between Government Consumption Expenditure and Economic Growth

  2. 政府消费支出具有很强的生产性,与投资支出相比更能促进经济增长的实证性结论。

    Compared with government investment , the government consumption can contribute more to the economy growth .

  3. 政府消费支出结构变动趋于合理,但军费开支较大。

    The governmental spending was being changed according to economic and social development , and military expenditure was being enlarged .

  4. 在一个随机内生增长模型中分析了具有相对拥挤性的政府消费性支出,并讨论了最优的财政政策。

    Government consumption expenditure with congestion was analyzed and optimal fiscal policy in a stochastic endogenous growth model discussed .

  5. 研究结果显示,财政收入、政府消费性支出、政府生产性支出、财政赤字分别与就业变量之间存在长期均衡的协整关系。

    Research results show that there is a long-term equilibrium co-integration relationship between the government revenues , the government consumer spending , the government productive expenses , fiscal deficit and employment respectively .

  6. 政府一般最后消费支出,按职能分列;

    General government final consumption expenditure by function ;

  7. 政府希望转向以消费支出为基础的、更具可持续性的新增长模式。

    The government wants to shift to a new , more sustainable model for growth based on consumer spending .

  8. 从政府投资支出转向政府消费支出是政府职能转变的重要标志。

    The transformation from the governmental investment spending into the governmental consumption spending marks the transformation of governmental function .

  9. 通过分析认为,政府非税收入使用、政府消费支出对经济增长的长期影响为正,政府公共投资对经济增长无显著影响。

    The analysis indicates that the use of those revenue and the consumption expenditure by the government have a positive long-term effect over the economic growth while governmental public investment does not bear perceivable effect .

  10. 但在长期内,我国政府支出与居民消费呈替代关系,即政府支出挤占居民消费支出。

    But they present a substitution relationship in the long run , that is , government expenditure supplants private consumption .