
yìnɡ biàn nénɡ lì
  • adaptability
  1. adhoc网络是多跳无线网络,无需基础设施就可以建立动态互联的网络,其网络技术优点是能够提高通信设施的抗毁性和应变能力。

    Ad hoc network is a multi-hop network , which can set up a dynamic network of interconnected without infrastructure . The technical advantage of Ad hoc network is that it can improve the survivability and adaptability of the communication facilities .

  2. 羽毛球青少年运动员应变能力好,有韧性,但内向。

    Badminton young athletes have good adaptability and tolerance , within .

  3. 他们与雇员面谈以判定他们的应变能力。

    They interviewed employees to gauge their reaction to the changes .

  4. 增加CO2产量提高装置应变能力

    Increasing the Adaptability of the Unit by Enlarging the CO _ 2 Capacity

  5. 但是,在多层Web体系结构的设计中,仍然存在着程序可重用度低、维护工作繁琐、应变能力弱等不足。

    But , there are still several disadvantages in the design of multilayer web architecture like low software reusability , fussy maintenance and weak flexibleness etc.

  6. 通过实施ERP系统来增强企业市场竞争能力和应变能力已经势在必行,因此,滨州渤海活塞股份有限公司于2003年底开始实施ERP系统。

    It is imperative for enterprises to enhance their market competition ability and strain capacity through implementing the ERP system .

  7. 光镊技术,用于研究细胞的应变能力、细胞膜的弹性、跟踪并描述单个分子之间的结合以及操纵DNA分子;

    Optical tweezers can investigate the stress response of cells and the elasticity of cellularity , monitor and describe the combination of single molecule and control DNA .

  8. 随着中国加入WTO,国内煤炭生产经营集中度不断提高,来自国内外煤炭企业间的竞争愈发激烈,迫切需要淄矿集团进行内部变革,重塑业务流程,进一步增强竞争实力与应变能力。

    Accompany with the entry of WTO and the increased production centralization , the competition among the domestic and abroad coal industry enterprises becomes intense gradually .

  9. 文章介绍了在C语言教学中如何从自主能力,应变能力,探索能力,分解能力,实践能力,合作能力等六个方面对学生进行创新能力的培养。

    This article discusses how to cultivate the students ' innovative ability on six aspects of independent ability , changing ability , exploratory ability , analytical ability , practical ability and cooperative ability .

  10. 因此,优化调度算法的性能直接影响到FMS的生产效率和应变能力。

    The production efficiency and flexibility of FMS is influenced directly by the capability of optimal scheduling algorithm .

  11. 在我国企业的信息化建设过程中,通过实施ERP系统,能够从根本上提高企业的管理水平,优化现有的业务流程,加快企业对市场的应变能力,并取得竞争优势。

    Through implementing the ERP system , the enterprise can improve its management level , optimize existing business process , and enhance the adaptation ability to the market .

  12. 如果Google在硬件业务上的的学习和应变能力可以和它在软件业务上一样优秀的话,兴许它就能够更好地理解如何去运作手机市场了。

    If Google can learn and change in a hardware business as quickly as it does in software , its vision of how the phone business should operate may catch on .

  13. 通过对CO2闪蒸塔工艺操作条件的改进,增加了CO2闪蒸量,提高了全装置的整体应变能力。

    By modifying the process conditions of the CO 2 flash column , the CO 2 flashed is increased in volume , and the overall capability to meet contingency of the whole unit is improved .

  14. 研究与应用结果表明,该技术对于CP企业有效地实施BPR,实现灵活的企业配置系统,增加应用柔性,提高企业市场应变能力,具有一定的实用价值。

    The result indicates that this technique is valuable to realizing BPR , improving the flexibility of the enterprise configuring system and application , enhancing the ability of adapting to the market .

  15. 摘要利用模拟icu对61名新护士进行急救技能的培训,大大提高了护士的心理素质、急救能力、应变能力、沟通和合作能力。

    Firstaid training class in simulated ICU is given to61 new nurses , which greatly improves their abilities such as mentality quality , first aid ability emergency adjustment , communication and cooperation ability .

  16. CIMS是下个世纪制造业组织生产的主导模式,能够有效提高轧钢企业应变能力和新产品开发能力。

    CIMS is a leading technology of manufacturing in industry in twenty century . It appears enormous potential on improving the flexibility and the capability of developing new products of our rolling steel enterprises .

  17. 实例表明,应用ARIMA模型进行需求预测具有精度高、数据可靠、操作方便、运行迅速、应变能力强等优点。

    The application examples show that ARIMA model has the advantages of high accuracy , reliable data , easy operation , high working speed , high adapting ability .

  18. ETS个人潜力指数评估的6项个人素质分别包括:“知识与创造力”、“沟通技巧”、“团队合作能力”、“应变能力”、“策划和组织能力”与“道德与诚信度”。

    The six personal attributes captured by ETS PPI are Knowledge and Creativity ; Communication Skills ; Teamwork ; Resilience ; Planning and Organisation ; and Ethics and Integrity .

  19. 在面对日益激烈的竞争和复杂的动态市场环境下,当今企业为了提高决策水平和市场应变能力,在实施企业内部ERP系统外,采用供需链管理技术也是重要的手段。

    Facing the increasingly competent and more dynamic market environment , nowadays the enterprises are aim to improve the level of decision and flexibility due to market demand fluctuate . Based on implementation of ERP System within factory , SCM is an important technology .

  20. 研究柔性制造系统(FMS)中加工设备的负荷分配问题,对于发挥先进制造车间的高效性和灵活性具有十分重要的意义,优化算法的性能直接影响到FMS的生产效率和应变能力。

    The study of optimal workload assignment among machining tools in a FMS is very important for fully exerting the high efficiency and flexibility of an advanced manufacturing shop floor , the capability of a FMS is influenced directly by the performance of optimal algorithm .

  21. 现代作战环境的复杂性要求雷达能对付各种电子干扰,而采用自适应数字波束形成技术(ADBF)的相控阵雷达具备这种应变能力。

    In modern environment of campaign , radar is requested to deal with electron interference , and phased array radar adopting adaptive digital beam forming ( ADBF ) technology possess this ability .

  22. DWM可以提高企业的决策效率和快速应变能力,是现代企业竞争的需要,将有重要的应用价值。

    DWM can improve the decision efficiency and fast reaction ability , which are required for an enterprise to survive in the competition . The significant value of this technology in the coming future is seen .

  23. 运动员比赛应变能力的培养

    The Training of the Players ' Contingent Abilities in the Contests

  24. 领导者应变能力及其培养途径

    On Leaders ' Ability to Handle Emergency and Ways for Training

  25. 其三,完善信息系统,增强应变能力;

    Thirdly , perfect information system to improve response ability .

  26. 创新能力包括技术创新能力、价值创新能力和学习应变能力。

    Innovation capabilities include technological innovation , value innovation and learning capabilities .

  27. 适应市场环境,增强企业的应变能力;

    To enhance the capabilities of meeting the changes of market circumstances .

  28. 双过剩危机挑战银行应变能力

    Double Surpluses Crisis Challenges the Response Ability of Business Banks

  29. 有较强应变能力,具备良好的团队合作精神。

    Be resourceful and have a good sense of teamwork .

  30. 论体育教师的应变能力及培养

    Discuss about ability of coping with contingency of P.E teachers and training