
  1. 这些隐性能力的培养,对管理者/领导者的调适性领导力提出了很高的要求。

    The cultivation of such invisible capacities has lead to high requirements on the adaptable leading capacity on the part of manager or leader consequently .

  2. 显性能力包括两个维度:岗位管理能力、人际管理能力;隐性能力包括四个维度:自我管理能力、冒险创新能力、运筹能力和任务管理能力。

    Dominant ability includes two dimensions , which are post management ability and interpersonal management ability . Tacit ability includes four dimensions , which are self-management skills , adventure innovation ability , flexible logistics and task management ability .

  3. 对于多变量耦合系统,DMC控制还具有特有的隐性解耦能力,不需要传统解耦控制方法。

    For multi-variable coupling system , DMC has the latent decoupling ability .

  4. 前馈神经网络隐性单调与泛化能力

    The implied monotonicity and evolvement capability of the feed forward neural networks

  5. 企业的显性化能力,就是将隐性知识的核心能力转化为战略性资产的能力。

    Hence , the manifest ability of the corporate is to convert the core ability of covert knowledge to strategic assets .

  6. 语文新课程的显性目标包括知识目标和能力目标,而能力目标又包括独立阅读能力、自主写作能力、口语交际能力;语文课程的隐性目标包括审美能力、探究能力和情意要素。

    The explicit objectives of the course of Chinese include reading comprehension , writing , and speaking proficiencies , while the implicit objectives aesthetic capability , research resources , and affective elements .

  7. 对隐性损伤的消除能力有限,最好才达7%,若能使折钩率降低一半,则意味着粗短纤维减少10%。

    The decrease of fiber-length implicit damage was limited , which was only achieved by 7 % , if the percentage of hooked fibers were reduced to a half , the stubbed fibers would be decreased in 10 % .

  8. 隐性知识是技术知识的重要侧面,对于技术追赶中的企业,其隐性知识的吸收能力决定了技术学习的有效性。

    To catch-up firms , their capacity of absorbing the tacit knowledge will judge their effectiveness and efficiency of technology learning .