
  • 网络implicit liability
  1. 政府隐性负债分析

    Analysis on Government Implicit Liabilities

  2. 尽管农村合作基金会作为一种非正规金融组织从形式上已经消失,但随着时间的推移,由此而引发的地方政府或有隐性负债及财政风险问题却愈加突出。

    Although the Rural Cooperative Fund Associations have disappeared as an abnormal kind of financial organizations , problems of contingent implicit liabilities and finance risks in China 's local governments have become more serious .

  3. 市政债券为隐性负债的显性化提供了重要保障。

    Municipal bonds provides important guarantee to recessive debts dominance .

  4. 县域政府负债不仅包括显性负债,还包括了隐性负债。

    The government debt includes explicit and tacit debt .

  5. 地方政府或有隐性负债问题研究&以农村合作基金会为例

    Implicit Contingent Liabilities in China 's Local Governments & A Case Study on the Rural Cooperative Fund Associations

  6. 专用性投资是偿还隐性负债的基础,在公司具备相当盈利能力的前提下,专用性投资与股利支付水平应具有负相关关系。

    Specific investments are the foundation of paying for implicit liability and it should be negative to dividend payout if corporate has strong profitability .

  7. 这些隐性负债来源广、领域宽,只有积累到一定程度,发生财政危机、政府信任危机时,人们才能直接感觉它的危害性。

    The harm of the tacit debt can be directly felt only when it accumulates to some extent and fiscal and government trust crisis occurs .

  8. 三是基金积累不足,隐性负债巨大,面临支付危机。

    At last it is shortage to accumulate the fund , but the latent debt amount is immense large and results in the crisis of payment .

  9. 当前,中国应继续完善试点,积级探索做实个人帐户的有效方式,着力解决个人帐户的隐性负债问题。

    At present , China should keep on making the pilot project perfect , actively search for the efficient way of refilling the individual account and solve the problem of implicated debt of individual account .

  10. 论文首先介绍了中国及河北省目前的养老保险制度及运行状况,接着建立了测算2005年河北省基本养老保险隐性负债的数学模型。

    First of all , this paper introduces the working state of the present Basic old-age pension system and models the actuarial models , which could estimate the implicit debt in 2005 about Hebei province .

  11. 分析了我国公共隐性负债的内容构成,借鉴国外经验,提出了对我国社会保障义务进行会计核算和报告的具体建议。

    This dissertation analyzes the content of Chinese public implicit liability , refers to the experience abroad , and advances the concrete suggestions about the accounting and reporting methods to Chinese social security obligations . 5 .

  12. MBO后上市公司一般具有显性或隐性的高负债率。

    The MBO listed corporations often have a high rate of liability , apparently or recessively .

  13. 更为聪明的做法是,欧洲央行(或者任何其他机构)去尝试量化这些隐性的资产负债匹配变化带来的冲击。

    Better still , it would be canny for the ECB or anyone else to try to quantify the impact of these hidden ALM shifts .

  14. 时间赎买策略的本质是一种财政机会主义的行为,政府在转型初期财政能力弱化的约束下,以大最积累隐性、或有负债的形式来尽量推延财政支付的时限。

    The nature of time buying strategy is a kind of fiscal opportunism behavior . Under the constraint of fiscal strength weakening , the government inclined to accumulate excessive implicit and contingent liabilities in order to put off the timing of fiscal payment .