
  • 网络dormant investment
  1. 在现实的经济生活中有大量的隐名投资现象。

    There are a lot of dormant investment in real life .

  2. 非规避法律隐名投资的类型化调整

    Regulations of Dormant Investment of Different Types

  3. 从法学角度看隐名投资也是一种法律现象,然而本着以交易安全为基本出发点的投资透明化立法导向,现行立法对隐名投资相关的规定比较粗疏。

    From the legal point of view concealed investment is also a legal phenomenon .

  4. 隐名投资下的股东资格认定及其法律关系

    Shareholder Eligibility and Legal Relationship in Hidden Investment

  5. 第三章对隐名投资行为的效力问题进行了详细论述。

    Chapter III of the investment behavior and hidden in the effectiveness of the issues in detail .

  6. 由隐名投资而引起的各项法律纠纷在现实生活中已越来越多。

    In the reality life more and more legal disputes arising out of dormant investment have occurred .

  7. 如何认定台商在大陆隐名投资的法律效力&以上海为例的探讨

    How to Identify Legal Effectiveness of Some Taiwan 's Businessmen 's Dormant Investment in Mainland & A Case Study of Shanghai

  8. 在这部分中,通过对隐名投资基本理论的阐述,使得对隐名投资有一个初步的认识和界定。

    In this section , through the basic theory of dormant investment exposition of dormant investment makes a preliminary understanding and definition .

  9. 公司隐名投资是一个存在范围极广却很少有法律明文规定的领域,故而对公司隐名投资的讨论也相对甚少。

    Dormant investment in companies has been existed for many years , but there is no definite regulations related to this field .

  10. 而无论何种类型的隐名投资纠纷,几乎都涉及到隐名股东的股东资格认定问题,该问题的厘清已经成为有效处理隐名投资纠纷的首要条件。

    No matter what kind of hidden investment dispute , it has something to do with identifying the shareholder qualification of dormant partners .

  11. 在这些领域里,公司隐名投资的法律问题最具代表性,也相对更为复杂。

    In these areas , investment companies and hidden in the most representative of the legal issues , but also relatively more complicated .

  12. 隐名投资问题涉及到更深层次的立法宗旨、立法技术和政策导向,如何根本解决不可一蹴而就。

    Undisclosed investment issues related to deeper legislative purpose , legislative technical and policy direction on how fundamental solution cannot be done overnight .

  13. 第二部分主要分析台商大陆隐名投资的基本现状,并着重分析了台商大陆隐名投资的主要原因。

    The second part analyses the basic status of dormant investment of Taiwanese businessman and focuses on the main reasons of the phenomenon .

  14. 隐名投资因其投资者的隐蔽性和投资关系的复杂性而给正确处理此类纠纷带来一定的难度。

    The dormant nature of the investors and the complicity of the investment relationship have caused certain difficulties in correctly resolving disputes of this type .

  15. 运用类型化分类方法,按照不同的分类标准将隐名投资进行分类,并指出非规避法律类型的隐名投资行为为本文所要探讨的重点。

    By using the type classification method , classified the dormant investment and pointed out that the non-circumvention law type of dormant investment was the wanted .

  16. 隐名投资不仅是匿名人、显名股东之间的内部关系,还涉及公司、第三人之间的利益纠葛。

    The anonymous investment not only regulates the relations between dormant partner and registered shareholder , but also concerns the interests of company and third parties .

  17. 长期以来,我国公司投资中存在着不少隐名投资的现象。

    For a long time , with the advanced development of market economic of China , there are many phenomenon of dormant investment in the Company field of our country .

  18. 隐名投资作为一种法律现象,存在于各种经济领域之中,如房地产投资、公司股权投资、金融期货投资等。

    Abstracts : anonymous investment as a legal phenomenon exists in a variety of economic sectors , such as real estate investment , equity investment companies , financial futures and investment .

  19. 每个市场主体都是以追求经济利益为中心,并在充分考虑和利用市场的条件下做出理性选择,隐名投资现象的出现及发展也不例外。

    Every market entity is focusing on pursuing economic interest and making rational choices under full consideration and utilization of market condition that the occurrence and development of dormant investment is without exception .

  20. 伴随着经济的快速发展、投资空间的扩大与投资形式的多元化,隐名投资逐渐成为一个普遍存在的法律现象。

    With the rapid growth of the economy , the enlargement of the investment space and the diversity of the investment channels , dormant investment comes up to be a ubiquitous legal phenomenon .

  21. 近年来,隐名投资现象呈现出日益增多的趋势,由该现象引发的纠纷和问题也成为当前司法实务亟待解决的难题之一。

    Recently , dormant investment phenomena present an increasing trend , the disputes and problems this phenomena caused also become one of the hard nuts to crack that requires urgent resolution in current judicial practice .

  22. 并在隐名投资行为的效力部分和隐名投资纠纷的解决部分特别述及了对规避法律的隐名投资的处理。

    And in the part of the validity of anonymous investment behavior and and the part of the settlement of anonymous investment dispute , specially state how to deal with the anonymous investment that evades law .

  23. 鉴于有限公司中发生的隐名投资行为更具普遍性,其所涉法律关系也较为复杂,笔者认为有必要对其所涉法律关系进行细致地梳理和探讨。

    Given the limited occurring in the dormant investment behavior is more universal , its legal relationship is relatively complex , the author thinks that it is necessary to its legal relationship makes a detailed analysis and discussion .

  24. 由于我国法律并未对隐名投资有明确和直接的规定,因此在司法实践中对此类案件的处理往往采取不同的态度,造成了极大的混乱。

    Since the laws of our country do not contain express and direct stipulations on dormant investment , in judicial practice different attitudes have been adopted in dealing with cases in this field , and such different attitudes have caused great confusions .

  25. 第五章是对隐名投资的各种规制提出了宏观上的设想,内容包括隐名投资问题的发展趋势评估、公司立法的可能性分析、司法规制的路径选择等。

    Chapter V is hidden in a variety of investment regulations put forward the idea of the macro level , including investment and hidden in the assessment of trends , the company analyzes the possibility of legislation , regulations Secretary-routing , and so on .

  26. 投资主体隐名投资于有限责任公司作为公司隐名股东的现象,在公司实务中比较常见,法律对此问题没有明确规定,理论界尚未形成一致认识,导致实务中极易发生纠纷。

    The phenomenon of Anonymous investors investing in limited liability companies as anonymous shareholders is very common in the company practice , the law does not specify this problem , theorists have not form a consistent understanding yet , which can easily lead to disputes in practice .

  27. 在现代社会投资领域中,无论是国外还是国内,隐名投资形式都被广泛采用,在我国社会主义市场经济的投资实践中尤其是在对公司的投资领域中,隐名投资也具有一定的普遍性。

    In the area of investment in modern society , whether foreign or domestic , concealed forms of investment is widely used . In the area of Chinese socialist market economy investment , especially in the areas of the company investment , concealed investment is also wildly used .

  28. 第二章通过对几起有较大影响案例的引述及评论,结合现行立法规制缺失之考察,点明了当前司法审判在隐名投资法律适用问题上面临的现实困境。

    The chapter has a greater impact on several of the cases cited and comments , combined with the existing legislation and regulations on the inspection system deficiencies , pointed out that the current administration of justice implicit in the Investment Law applies to the real issues facing the dilemma .

  29. 隐名股东投资公司的目的是为了享有股权,这是隐名股东与其他投资者的本质区别。

    Dormant shareholders invest in companies to hold stock rights , which is the essential distinction between dormant shareholders and other investors .

  30. 一般而言,隐名股东投资是一种特殊形式的出资,既满足市场主体参与投资、获取投资收益的愿望,又能拉动经济增长,繁荣市场。

    Generally speaking , investment of dormant shareholders is a special type of investment , which not only satisfies the purpose of a market entity to take part into investment and financially benefit from that , but also promotes the economic growth and prospers the market thereby .