
yìnɡ jí chǔ bèi
  • Emergency reserve;emergency stock
  1. 金砖国家同意建立一个应急储备基金,由各成员国的中央银行管理1000亿美元的基金。

    The BRICS agreed to form a Contingency1 Reserve Arrangement , a 100 billion dollars fund to be managed by the central banks of the member countries .

  2. 五大新兴国家的领导人计划成立一家为发展项目提供资金的银行以及一只应急储备基金,以便抗衡强大的世界银行(worldbank)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)。

    Leaders of five big emerging nations plan to create a bank to fund development projects plus an emergency reserve to counter the powerful World Bank and the International Monetary Fund .

  3. 7月,金砖集团国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度、中国和南非)决定建立新开发银行(NewDevelopmentBank)和应急储备安排,由此创建了与世界银行(WorldBank)和国际货币基金组织(IMF)相对应的机构。

    A decision in July by the Brics group of countries ( Brazil , Russia , India , China and South Africa ) to establish the New Development Bank and a contingent reserve arrangement creates alternatives to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund .

  4. 指责iea不该动用应急储备来管理原油价格有一定道理,但批评者应考虑事情的来龙去脉。

    Those chiding the IEA for using emergency supplies as a price management tool have a point but they should consider the context .

  5. 黄热病应急储备由疫苗和免疫全球联盟提供资金并由YF-ICG管理。

    The yellow fever emergency stockpile is financed by the GAVI Alliance and managed by the YF-ICG .

  6. 欧盟(EU)经济事务专员奥利雷恩(OlliRehn)表示,在对单个银行的全面评估于9月完成之前,这300亿欧元将用作应急储备。

    Olli Rehn , EU economic affairs commissioner , said the € 30bn would be used as a contingency reserve until a full assessment of individual banks ' needs was completed in September .

  7. 今年4月份,受利比亚减产影响,油价曾猛涨至127美元/桶的两年高位,迫使国际能源机构(iea)采取了历史上第三次释放应急储备的行动。

    Oil prices surged to a two-year high of $ 127 in April due to the loss of Libyan oil , which forced the International Energy Agency to release emergency stocks for only the third time in history .

  8. 法国农业部长米歇尔巴尼耶(michelbarnier)此前提议,贫穷国家应效仿欧盟实施的共同农业政策,协同管理水资源和维持应急储备。

    Michel Barnier , French agriculture minister , has proposed that poor countries club together to jointly manage water resources and maintain emergency stockpiles as the EU does through its common agricultural policy .

  9. 该国已经要求黄热病疫苗供应国际协调小组(YF-ICG)提供支持,该小组管理全球黄热病疫苗应急储备。

    The country has requested support from the International Coordinating Group on Yellow Fever Vaccine Provision ( YF-ICG ), which manages the global emergency stockpile of yellow fever vaccine .

  10. 卫生部已提出要求,从为控制黄热病提供疫苗的国际协调小组(YF-ICG)管理的全球应急储备中获得黄热病疫苗。

    The MoH has submitted a request for yellow fever vaccines from the global emergency stockpile , managed by the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision for Yellow Fever Control ( YF-ICG ) .

  11. 另外,这五个国家还将再出资1000亿美元建立应急储备基金。

    Another $ 100 billion will be allotted to an emergency reserve fund .

  12. 结论医院消毒供应储备技术流程可以应用到基层医院作为消毒供应应急储备预案及培训内容。

    Conclusion The technical process can be applied as the contingency reserve plan and training contents for primary hospitals .

  13. 协调小组维持一个黄热病疫苗应急储备,以确保迅速应对高危国家中所出现的疫情。

    The ICG maintains an emergency stockpile of yellow fever vaccines to ensure rapid response to outbreaks in high risk countries .

  14. 做一些适当的应急储备,并告诉你的家人在灾难中和灾难之后该做些什么。

    Set aside some emergency supplies , and teach your family what to do at home during and after a disaster .

  15. 金砖五国领导人同意建立应急储备安排,初始规模为1000亿美元。

    BRICS leaders have agreed the creation of a Contingency Reserve Arrangement , with an initial size of 100-billion U.S. Dollars .

  16. 经济学家相信,政府将很容易动用现有的资金,包括应急储备等,来支付初期阶段的额外预算。

    Economists believe the government will easily tap existing funds , including contingency reserves , to pay for the initial extra budget .

  17. 市场参与者应该将此视为外汇储备从流动性较强的美元应急储备,转向较长期多种货币投资组合的自然结果。

    Market participants should see this as a natural consequence of the shift of foreign exchange balances from liquid dollar emergency reserves to longer-term multi-currency investment portfolios .

  18. 至于供应中断这一更高的风险,需要对应急储备进行新一轮投资美国已经着手这么做了。

    As for the higher risk of supply disruption , a new wave of investment is needed in emergency storage , a move the US has already embarked on .

  19. 但是,如果没有更多资金投入到应急储备和其他高风险国家的预防接种工作中,非洲仍有1.6亿人可能面临感染风险。

    However , 160 million people could still be at risk in Africa if further funding is not secured for the emergency stockpile and preventive vaccination in remaining high-risk countries .

  20. 他表示金砖成员国应该加强合作,深化伙伴关系,寻求共同发展,尤其是通过2014年建立的金砖国家新开发银行和应急储备安排。

    He said BRICS members should enhance cooperation and deepen partnerships to seek common development , especially through the BRICS New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement which were established in 2014 .

  21. 我们认为在符合各自国内法律和具有适当安全保证的条件下,建立一个初始规模为1000亿美元的应急储备安排是可能和共同期待的。

    We are of the view that the establishment of the CRA with an initial size of 100 billion U.S. dollars is feasible and desirable subject to internal legal frameworks and appropriate safeguards .

  22. 疫苗(1500000剂)是由全球疫苗和免疫联盟应急储备通过为控制黄热病提供疫苗国际协调小组提供的。

    The vaccine ( 1500000 doses ) has been provided by the The GAVI Alliance emergency stockpile , through the International Coordinating Group ( ICG ) on Vaccine Provision for Yellow Fever Control .

  23. 他们的结论是建立一个自我管理的应急储备安排具有积极预防效果,将帮助金砖国家应对短期流动性压力,提供相互支持,并进一步加强金融稳定。

    They have concluded that the establishment of a self-managed contingent reserve arrangement would have a positive precautionary effect , help BRICS countries forestall short-term liquidity pressures , provide mutual support and further strengthen financial stability .

  24. 金砖国家开发银行和应急储备安排的设立,不是要削弱或冲击既有的国际体系,而是对现今全球经济金融机制的有益补充和完善。

    The establishment of the BRICS Development Bank and the Contingency Reserve Arrangement is not to weaken or impact the existing international system , but to better complement and improve the current global economic and financial mechanism .

  25. 同时,需要将组织资源、应急储备、信息系统、应急信息、社会力量等应急资源整合成统一的社会力量,实现资源配置的规模化和效益最大化。

    Meanwhile , the emergent resources like organization resources , emergent store , information system , emergent information and social forces should be integrated into unified social forces in order to maximize the resources distribution scale and benefit .

  26. 本组资料介绍了突发公共卫生事件的含义和种类,分析了我国应对突发公共卫生事件存在的主要问题①公共卫生投入不足,应急储备薄弱;

    The meaning and variety of public health emergencies is introduced , main problems in responding public health emergencies in China are analyzed : ① funds for public health is deficient , backlog of responding emergencies is short ;

  27. 11、我们对财长和央行行长就新的开发银行和应急储备安排所做的工作表示感谢,并指示他们继续谈判,并完成建立上述两机制的协议。

    11 . We are grateful to our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors for the work undertaken on the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement and direct them to negotiate and conclude the agreements which will establish them .

  28. 近年来,地震、海啸、飓风等特大自然灾害频发,我国是一个基础设施差、应急储备不足、保险密度覆盖低的国家,巨灾的发生势必给国家和民众造成巨大的损失。

    In recent years , earthquakes , tsunamis and other largely natural disasters occurred frequently . Catastrophe events cause unpredicted losses to the state and the public , especially in our country which lacks of contingency reserves , has poor infrastructure and low insurance density .

  29. 10、2012年6月,我们在洛斯卡沃斯会晤时指示财长和央行行长探讨通过成立金砖国家应急储备安排来建设金融安全网。

    10 . In June 2012 , in our meeting in Los Cabos , we tasked our Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to explore the construction of a financial safety net through the creation of a Contingent Reserve Arrangement ( CRA ) amongst BRICS countries .

  30. NSGAⅡ在应急物资储备库选址中的应用供应商管理库存系统中库存和运输计划整合

    Application of NSGA ⅱ in Emergency Material Storage Layout Optimization Delivery Consolidation and Stock Replenishment in VMI System