
  1. 高新技术战略评价与决策

    Strategic evaluation & decision making of hi-tech development

  2. 要解决这些问题,必须要强化战略管理,结合自身实际,选择小而精、小而专战略、经营特色战略、高新技术战略或特许经营战略等;

    To solve these problems , we should , first , strengthen strategic management and choose the suitable strategies according to their characteristics ;

  3. 我国中小高新技术企业战略联盟构建研究

    Strategical Alliance Establishment Study of Small-and Medium-sized High-tech Enterprises in Our Country

  4. 军事仓储高新技术发展战略思考

    The development strategies of new technology of military material storage

  5. 中小企业发展高新技术的战略初探

    Probe into the development strategy of high-tech in middle-small enterprises

  6. 高新技术企业战略制定的外部环境特征研究

    Research on the Environment Character of High-Tech Company Planning Stratagem

  7. 高新技术企业战略联盟的综合优势研究

    Study on Comprehensive Advantage of Strategic Alliance on High & New Technology Enterprises

  8. 本文主要研究方向为中小高新技术企业战略联盟构建的内部机制问题,外部保障措施暂不提及。

    The paper mainly studys the internal problem , and puts the exterior guarantees aside temporarily .

  9. 论高新技术企业战略联盟

    Strategic Alliance of High-tech Enterprises

  10. 就高新技术企业战略方法措施来说,建立产品全寿命周期的观点是十分重要的。

    With regard to the strategic method and measure system , it is very important to build up a concept of the product whole life cycle .

  11. 其最大特点是动态的、系统的思考高新技术企业战略风险管理,为高新技术企业战略决策提供更加准确,全面的参考。

    The biggest characteristic of the model is dynamic and systematic thinking and observation , and offers more accurate and overall reference for the strategic decision of High-tech enterprises .

  12. 诣在警示民营企业在向高新技术进行战略转移时:购并是手段,整合是关键。

    It warns that it is key that integration of resource , merger being a only means for Hi-tech enterprises run by private capital in the process of strategic transition .

  13. 根据系统仿真相关结论,论文运用预警理论相关内容构建了高新技术企业战略风险预警体系,该体系的构建为高新技术企业战略风险预警提供了理论参考。

    Through the relevant conclusion of systematic emulation , the thesis constructs the High-tech enterprises strategic risk management forecasting system which will offer the useful reference to High-tech enterprises strategic risk forecasting , which uses the forecasting theory .

  14. 加入WTO与我国高新技术产业发展战略对策

    China 's entry to WTO and development strategies and countermeasures of the high-tech industry in China

  15. 高新技术企业专利战略SWOT分析及对策

    Formulation of Patent Strategies for High-tech Enterprise by Using SWOT Analysis

  16. 河南省高新技术产业发展战略对策研究

    Research on the development strategy of high-tech industry in Henan Province

  17. 高新技术企业动态战略绩效评价研究

    Study on Dynamic Evaluation of Hi-tech Enterprise 's Strategic Performance

  18. 从工业经济到知识经济:我国发展高新技术产业的战略选择

    From Industrial Economy to Knowledge Economy : Strategic Decision for Developing High Technology

  19. 我国海洋高新技术发展的战略对策发展中的无碳复写纸

    The Developing Strategy of Ocean High Technology in China

  20. 温州高新技术产业发展战略分析

    An Analysis on Strategies of Wenzhou High-tech Industries

  21. 发展山西高新技术产业的战略支点

    Strategy Support of Developing Hi-Tech Industry in Shanxi

  22. 宁波市高新技术产业发展战略研究

    Study of the development strategy of New & High tech industries in the city of Ningbo

  23. 我国经济不发达地区高新技术产业发展战略分析

    Analysis of the Development Strategy of New High-Tech Industry in the Economically Under-developed Areas of China

  24. 面向中部崛起的湖北高新技术产业发展战略研究

    Study on the Development Strategy of High-technology Industry of Hubei under the Background of Rising of Central China

  25. 高新技术企业利用战略技术联盟整合外部资源、提升技术商业化能力已得到广泛的认可。

    Utilization of technology alliance to integration of external resources and enhance technology commercialization capability has been widely recognized .

  26. 分析表明,在高新技术企业,战略控制能促进企业的自主、合作创新行为。

    The study draws the conclusion that strategy control can improve both the independent and cooperative innovation in high-tech firms .

  27. 中部作为全国经济发展的关键地区,要实现中部崛起应遵循加强技术创新、发展高科技、实现产业化的指导方针,实施高新技术跨越发展战略。

    As a key area , the rise up of Central China should apply the high technology straddle development strategy .

  28. 因此,建立科学的战略实施效果评价指标体系对高新技术企业的战略实施与控制具有极其重要的作用。

    So establishing a scientific evaluation system plays important role in strategic formulation , strategy implementation and controlling of high-tech enterprises .

  29. 随着高新技术企业标准战略的推进,标准竞争情报的重要性愈加凸现。

    With the advance of the standard strategy of high-tech enterprises , the importance of standard competitive intelligence becomes more significant than before .

  30. 并在此基础上探讨了实现两者对接的模式选择;最后提出通过资本市场来发展高新技术产业的战略与政策选择。

    At last , I compare the integrating modes and draw attention to the strategy and policy choice of hi-tech industry by using capital market .