
dài kuǎn huò bì
  • Loan currency;currency used for a loan
  1. 有一类抵押贷款货币管理产品可以通过成功的外汇交易,减少或消除抵押贷款。

    These mortgages offer the prospect of reducing or eradicating a mortgage through successful currency trading .

  2. 对商业银行贷款与货币政策的研究

    Research on the Lending Behavior of Chinese Commercial Banks and the Monetary Policy

  3. 传统理财产品的背后,是债券、贷款和货币市场工具等信贷资产。

    Traditional WMPs are backed by credit assets such as bonds , loans and money-market instruments .

  4. 我国借贷资本效率不断下降,金融机构贷款和货币供应量大幅度增加。

    Credit capital efficiency has declined continuously and loan of financial institution and money supply has extended greatly in China .

  5. 可见,房地产的虚拟资产特性对于银行贷款和货币供给的稳定增长,从而对整个经济的稳定增长具有重要意义。

    In summary , real estate can stabilize the entire economy through the credit of banks and the supply of money .

  6. 看涨者指出,去年12月的新增贷款和货币供应增速为几个月来最快,超出分析师的预期。

    Bulls point to the fact that new lending and money supply for December rose at the fastest pace in months , exceeding analyst estimates .

  7. 工业增加值、固定资产投资及零售总额增长在7月份均有所回落,而新增银行贷款和货币供应增长也有所放缓。

    The rates of increase for industrial production , fixed asset investment and retail sales each fell last month , while new banks loans and money supply growth also slowed .

  8. 然而,今年新增贷款与货币供给的急剧增长、楼市与股市的上涨,已经引发了人们对于政府政策正在催生一系列泡沫、加剧经济产能过剩的担忧。

    However , the dramatic increases in new lending and money supply this year , combined with rising property and equity markets , have raised fears that government policies are creating a series of bubbles and aggravating over-capacity in the economy .

  9. 7月,华盛顿:最后一个借款方偿还了贷款,国际货币基金组织(IMF)没有了经常收入,该机构被宣告破产。

    Washington : the International Monetary Fund is declared insolvent after its last remaining borrower repays its loans , leaving the institution without a regular income .

  10. 金融机构对外贷款量受货币供应量的影响较大;

    The quantity of the currency supplement can influence the loan easily .

  11. 总库制贷款指参加货币总库制的贷款。

    A loan included in the currency pooling system .

  12. 当银行从其准备金中发放贷款时,货币供给增加了。

    When a bank makes a loan from its reserves , the money supply increases .

  13. 为了抑制通货膨胀率,越南政府提高了利率,下令银行减少贷款,增加货币储备。

    To fight inflation , the government raised interest rates and ordered banks to reduce loans and increase their reserves .

  14. 联邦储备系统通过控制银行储备的货币量来控制银行贷款中的货币量。

    By controlling the dollar amount of the reserves , the Federal Reserve thus controls the dollar volume of bank loans .

  15. 随着人民币下跌,人们越来越担心离岸未偿债券和贷款可能出现货币错配。

    As the renminbi has fallen , fears have grown of a potential currency mismatch on outstanding offshore bonds and loans .

  16. 就像争论的那样,廉价资金(不只是低息贷款,还有货币的贬值等)的涌入早把投资者推到了硬资产那边,特别是石油那里。

    This flood of cheap money , so the argument goes , has sent investors into hard assets , especially oil .

  17. 欧元区大约40%的房贷和75%的商业贷款都与货币市场利率挂钩。

    Around 40 per cent of loans to households across the currency bloc are tied to money market rates while the figure for business loans is 75 per cent .

  18. 三年前,由于不满当时衡量国内货币供应量的指标,中国央行推出了被其称为社会融资规模的指标,并称该指标比银行贷款总额或广义货币供应量(M2)更具代表性。

    Three years ago , unhappy with its existing tools for measuring domestic credit , the PBOC rolled out what it called total social financing , or TSF , trumpeted as a more representative measure than total bank loans or M2 ( broad money supply ) .

  19. 基于我国不良贷款条件下的货币需求扩展函数研究

    On Augmented Money Demand Function under the Conditions of Non-performing Loans

  20. 中长期贷款增长与未来货币政策走势研究

    Mid-to-long-term Loans Growth and Trend of Future Monetary Policy

  21. 但我们发现提供担保还不够,因为许多小型贷款机构无法获得货币融资。

    But we learned guarantees are insufficient , because many small lenders cannot get the currency financing .

  22. 但当经济开始复苏的时候,这些储备可能转化为新贷款和更快的货币增长。

    But when the economy begins to recover , these reserves can be converted into new loans and faster money growth .

  23. 从我国来看,从流通中现金到贷款规模再到货币供应量,构成了建国以来我国货币政策中介目标的演变史。

    From currency to the load scale to the money supply , which founded the evolvement history of the intermediate targets of the monetary policy in China .

  24. 贷款条件是国际货币基金组织的资金能及时周转的重要保证,也是基金组织和借款国利益平衡的结果。

    The loan terms are important guarantee for IMF fund 's prompt turnover , and are also the result of benefit balance between IMF and the loan countries .

  25. 那么在中国,房地产市场货币政策传导是如何进行的,货币中介目标中是贷款额,是货币供应量,还是利率对房地产市场有更为有效的影响呢?

    While in China , how the monetary policy transmission mechanism perform , and the loan , the monetary supply or the rate which one generate the most effective influence on the real estate market .

  26. 国家采取上调存款准备金率以及提高存贷款利息率等货币政策治理输入型通货膨胀,虽然短期内对抑制物价上涨有一定的作用,但对长期防范输入型通胀的发生并无明显效果。

    By adopting monetary policy , including raising reserve requirements and rediscount rates , the price rises has been brought under control in short term , but the prevention of transmitted inflation in long-term was still difficult .

  27. 当央行上调存款准备金率时,金融机构可用于贷款的资金减少,社会的贷款总量和货币供应量也相应减少;

    When such rate is raised by the Central Bank , the total amount of capital available for loan will become less and the total amount of loan and currency supply in the society will drop accordingly ;

  28. 中国央行昨日警告称,计划严格控制对经济中某些行业的贷款。此前,中国3月份新增银行贷款和货币供应出现了创纪录的大幅增长。

    China 's central bank yesterday warned that it planned to strictly control credit to some sectors of the economy after the country recorded a record surge in new bank loans and money supply in March .

  29. 在中国利率市场化、金融市场存在缺陷和银行贷款对绝大多数企业是不可替代的资金来源时,银行贷款仍为中国货币政策传导的主渠道。

    Bank 's credit is still major channel of China 's monetary policies because of interest 's market and the defects of financial market and most of enterprises depending on banks lending .

  30. 贷款和赠款:当一国对另一国贷款或赠款时,如此提供的贷款国货币,会用到外汇率市场上去购买其它国家货币,去购买这些国家的货物。

    Loans and grants : when a country grants loans or gifts to another country , the currency of the lender country so provided may be used to buy other currencies in the foreign exchange market for purchases to be made from those countries .