
lián hé bàn ɡōnɡ
  • cooperate in handling official business
  1. 第三工作场所也常被称作“联合办公空间”,它既有传统办公室的便利设施和技术,又能拥有家庭办公室的灵活和低开销。

    The third workplace , commonly called co-working space , combines the amenities1 and technology of a traditional office with the flexibility2 and lower expense of a home office .

  2. 我们在2009年建立了一个联合办公场所,然后开始融资,最终于2011年3月份启动价值6000万美元的风险投资基金PassionCapital。

    We started by establishing a co-working space in 2009 and then we were able to raise , close , and launch our $ 60 million fund , Passion Capital , in April 2011 .

  3. 一家创建于2015年、名叫裸心社的联合办公空间的CEO乔纳森·赛理格称,80后倾向于寻求更好的设计、追求时尚的环境。

    Jonathan Seliger , CEO of naked Hub , a co-working space operator founded in 2015 , said the post-1980 generation tended to seek better designed and aspirational settings .

  4. 北京三家大型的联合办公品牌--优客工场、无界空间、SOHO3Q,目前覆盖的总办公室面积约为14万平方米、19000张办公桌。

    The three major operators in Beijing - URwork , Wujie Space and SOHO 3Q - currently cover a total office area of about 140000 sq m with 19000 desks .

  5. 加强关联监督,需要通过联合办公系统来完成。

    To strengthen this supervision needs a correlated office system .

  6. 就在上星期,秘书长科菲•安南在日内瓦主持了艾滋病规划署/世卫组织联合办公楼的落成仪式。

    Just last week , Secretary-General Kofi Annan inaugurated the new joint UNAIDS / WHO building in Geneva .

  7. 仿真结果表明:电子政务具有传统政务和传统政务联合办公所无法比拟的优势;

    The simulation results show that e-government is superior largely to traditional government and its joint office work .

  8. 他们可能在家里有一间办公室,或者使用联合办公空间,或者就近选择一家咖啡厅。

    They may have an office at home , in a co-working space or even at the nearest coffee shop .

  9. 提出了管理工作标准化制度,专业搭接制度,联合办公制度及现场调查制度等新的管理制度和规范。

    Management work standardization systems , specialty lap systems , union job on-the-spot survey systems are put forward about management systems norms .

  10. 报告指出,更多跨国企业有望让数字、创新或技术团队入驻联合办公空间。

    More multinational enterprises are expected to deploy their digital , innovative or technical teams into co-working spaces , the report said .

  11. 他们可能在家里有一间“办公室”,或者使用联合办公空间,或者就近选择一家咖啡厅。

    They may have an " office " at home , in a co-working space or even at the nearest coffee shop .

  12. 我们也是唯一一家在联合办公场所运营的伦敦风险投资公司——我们与另外十个或十二个团队共同使用这个开放空间。

    And we were the only London VC with a co-working space - an open plan that we share with ten to twelve teams at any given time .

  13. 我们也是唯一一家在联合办公场所运营的伦敦风险投资公司&我们与另外十个或十二个团队共同使用这个开放空间。

    And we were the only London VC with a co-working space & an open plan that we share with ten to twelve teams at any given time .

  14. 森古塔:与遍布各地的分支机构联合办公是目前企业运营的一大趋势,不过,我们现在使用的通讯工具仍然是些老古董。

    Sengupta : we spend a lot more time working with distributed offices these days , but the methods and means we use to communicate have stayed the same .

  15. 为了对利用外资工作进行监督、检查、协调、仲裁,建立上海市利用外资联合办公会议制度。

    A system of joint administrative meetings to discuss the utilisation of foreign investment in Shanghai Municipality will beset up to carry out supervision , examination , co-ordination and arbitration .

  16. 根据商业分析平台“标准排名”和联合办公空间公司“优客工场”发布的排名,北京、上海和深圳是我国最为创业友好的城市。

    Beijing , Shanghai and Shenzhen are the most start-up friendly cities in China , according to a ranking released by business analysis platform biaozhun007.com , and co-working office space company UrWork .

  17. 这个联合办公系统的基本逻辑是:各部门空间关联和可视性→监督效率→公务员努力程度→政府行政系统的服务效率。

    The basic logic of this system is : spatial correlation and visibility between each department → supervision efficiency → degree of diligence of public servants → service efficiency of the government administration system .

  18. 根据美国房地产服务商高力国际集团近日发布的一份报告,到2030年,联合办公空间将占办公市场的30%,其主要用户将是跨国企业。

    By 2030 , co-working spaces will make up 30 % of the office market and multinational enterprises will become major users , according to a report released by the US-based real estate services provider Colliers International Group Inc.

  19. 博科圣地宣称对尼日利亚的许多袭击事件负责,包括教堂爆炸以及联合国办公处爆炸事件。

    The Islamic militant group has claimed responsibility for numerous attacks in Nigeria , including church bombings and the bombing of a United Nations building .