
  • 网络Joint acquisition;Consortium Offer
  1. •纽约时报(NYTimes):高通和瑟伯勒斯考虑联合收购黑莓

    • NY Times : Qualcomm and Cerberus join a bid for BlackBerry

  2. 好时与费列罗联合收购会非常复杂,难以把控。

    A joint Hershey-Ferrero bid would be horribly complex to engineer .

  3. 国际石油公司通常会与国有的国家石油公司联合收购未开发资产。

    International oil companies routinely team up with state-owned national oil companies to bid for undeveloped assets .

  4. 第三、如果按兼并收购的融资渠道来分,可分为杠杆收购、管理收购和联合收购。

    Thirdly , according to the sources of mergers financing , mergers are labeled as leverage , managerial or combined buy-outs ;

  5. 戴米勒克莱斯勒和现代公司已宣布了合作计划,他们将联合收购大宇。

    DaimlerChrysler and Hyundai are bidding jointly for the troubled South Korean car maker Daewoo after announcing plans to tie up .

  6. 一位知情人士表示:中国国航主动去找国泰,提出联合收购东方航空,以击败新加坡航空及淡马锡。

    Air China went to Cathay with the idea of an offer to China Eastern to trump SIA and Temasek , one person familiar with the matter said .

  7. 印度和中国的两家国有石油企业,已经以8亿美元的价格,联合收购了哥伦比亚一家石油生产商50%的股份。这是两国决定在全球能源资产方面合作以来最大的交易。

    Two Indian and Chinese state-controlled oil companies have jointly bought a 50 per cent stake in a Colombian oil producer for $ 800m in the largest deal since the countries decided to co - operate in the global race for energy assets .

  8. 比如,联合利华去年收购了澳大利亚高端茶叶零售商T2,以补充旗下大众市场茶叶品牌立顿(Lipton)。

    Last year , for example , Unilever bought T2 , an Australian premium tea business to complement its mass market Lipton teas .

  9. 于是,联合企业媒体收购了芝加哥的一家数字设计工作室来开发自己的用户界面,以创建更关注企业的虚拟世界。

    UBM 's response was to buy a Chic-ago digital design studio to develop its own user interface to create a more focused business version of a virtual world .

  10. 信息经济时代的到来和经济全球化的加剧让企业处于激烈的竞争环境中,不管是自愿联合还是兼并收购,企业集团化趋势越来越明显。

    The coming of information economy era and economic globalization heating make enterprises trapped in the competitive environment . Whether it is the voluntary association or mergers and acquisitions , the trend of enterprise groups is increasingly evident .

  11. 3年前,联合包裹曾试图收购TNT快递,但失败了,因为欧洲监管部门担心,合并将诞生欧洲最大快递公司,远远超过DHL。

    UPS 's attempt to buy TNT Express three years ago failed due to European regulators " fears that the combination would have emerged as the number one delivery company , well ahead of DHL .

  12. 据知情人士透露,百仕通(blackstone)及高盛(goldmansachs)私人股本子公司等美国企业,将在中国设立投资公司,从本地投资者手中募集人民币资金,并联合中国合作伙伴收购本地公司的股权。

    US firms , such as Blackstone and the private equity arm of Goldman Sachs , are establishing investment companies in China to raise renminbi funds from local investors and take stakes in local companies with Chinese partners , according to people familiar with the matter .

  13. 在夏建统的联合睿康集团收购这家位于英格兰中部的俱乐部之前,该俱乐部因在2015-16赛季中成绩垫底而从英格兰足球超级联赛降级。

    The sale to Xia 's Recon Group follows the central England club 's relegation from the Premier League after placing last in the 2015-16 season .

  14. 一些工业专员认为联合科技可能的收购目标是伪航天和国防工业制造电子和通讯设备的洛克威尔科林斯。

    Some industry specialists believe Rockwell Collins – which provides the aerospace and defence industry with communication and electronic devices – is also a likely target for United Technologies .