
  • 网络ottawa university;Ottawa;The University of Ottawa
  1. 渥太华大学现代远程教育的启示

    Modern Distance Education in Ottawa University & A Visiting Report From Ottawa University

  2. 我想努力进入蒙特利尔或渥太华大学,因为他们的物理系都很好。

    I 'm going to try to go to either Montreal or Ottawa university , as both are supposed to have good physics departments .

  3. Bruyere研究院和加拿大渥太华大学研究员艾米·许博士称:“‘生命计算器’可以让家人和他们的挚爱有所准备”。

    Dr Amy Hsu , an investigator7 at the Bruyere Research Institute and at the University of Ottawa in Canada , said : " The RESPECT calculator allows families and their loved ones to plan .

  4. 渥太华大学医学系副教授、渥太华医院康复中心心理学家Wilson说。

    Wilson , who is an associate professor of medicine at the University of Ottawa and a psychologist at the Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre .

  5. MoniqueBégin是加拿大渥太华大学管理学院的教授,两次被任命为国家卫生和福利部长。

    Monique B é gin is Professor at the School of Management , University of Ottawa , Canada , and twice-appointed Minister of National Health and Welfare .

  6. 加拿大渥太华大学二十多年双语教学的成功经验表明,操法语的学生通过他们的英语水平考试(EPT),可以从双语教学中受益,达到提高语言水平和掌握学科知识的双赢。

    Ottawa 's more than 20 years ' successful experience has shown that students who have passed their English Proficiency Test ( EPT ) can benefit from bilingual courses .

  7. 渥太华大学(UniversityofOttawa)的心脏病专家乔治·福多尔(GeorgeFodor)博士列举了这一研究中的诸多破绽,并断定因纽特人中的心脏病率被大大低估了。

    seal and whale blubber . Dr. George Fodor , a cardiologist at the University of Ottawa , outlined flaws in much of this early research , and he concluded that the rate of heart disease among the Inuit was vastly underestimated .

  8. 本文借鉴渥太华大学双语教学中需要考查学生英语水平的经验,通过对EPT和我国的CET进行同期效度研究,对我国高校进行双语教学的学生需具备的英语水平进行探讨。

    In light of this finding , the present study attempts to determine the English proficiency required of Chinese college students for bilingual education by carrying out a concurrent validity study of the EPT and the CET .

  9. 这是渥太华大学的网站。

    This is the website for University of Ottawa .

  10. 1987年在加拿大渥太华大学获机械工程博士学位。

    Xia Yingqi received a doctor degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Ottawa , Canada , in1987 .

  11. 这是渥太华大学生物化学,微生物学与免疫学系的网页。

    This is the web page of the Department of Biochemistry , Microbiology and Immunology , University of Ottawa .

  12. 渥太华大学的的官方评分系统是一个包含数字与文字评分的系统,它应用于渥太华大学的所有专业课程。

    The University of Ottawa 's official grading system is alphanumeric , and it must be applied to all courses .

  13. 在同一时期,他还获得了渥太华大学的哲学硕士学位和圣保罗大学的硕士学位。

    During the same period , he completed his master 's degree in philosophy at the University of Ottawa and licentiate at St.

  14. 在2012年的一篇演讲中,克鲁格用这一术语来解释渥太华大学迈尔斯克拉克的著作,后者用研究表明:经济体发展越不均等,社会越缺乏流动性。

    Mr Krueger used the phrase in a 2012 speech to describe theworkof miles corak of the University of Ottawa , who has shown that more unequal economies tend to have less fluid societies .

  15. 渥太华大学人类动力学院曾做过相关实验,结果表明,如果在炎热干燥的环境下喝热饮,身体会通过流汗代谢多余热量。

    A study done at the University of Ottawa 's School of Human Kinetics showed that if you were to drink a hot beverage in a hot and dry environment , your body will overcompensate for the added heat by sweating , and sweating a lot .

  16. “从进化角度看,迷信似乎并不适应(进化理论),”最近发表于《动物行为》的研究论文撰稿人之一、渥太华卡尔顿大学的生物学家凯文阿伯特说道。

    " From an evolutionary perspective , superstitions seem maladaptive ," said Kevin Abbott , biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and co-author of a recent study published in Animal Behavior .