
  • toll;road toll;toll fee
  1. 居高不下的过路费以及日趋刚性的罚款是公路货运超载的主要原因。

    High toll and tough penalty are the major causes for highway overload .

  2. 有一点也许你想知道,那就是我的四元过路费被免掉了。

    In case you 're wondering , my RMB4 toll fee was waived .

  3. Car的设计能够最大程度地减少你可能面临的交通拥堵费、过路费和停车罚款,这是因为,尽管它实实在在地存在于道路上,但它的官方注册地是一个加勒比海小岛,这使得Car拥有外交豁免权。

    Car has also been programmed to minimise your exposure to congestion charging , toll roads and parking fines because although it has a physical presence on the roads it is officially registered to a small island in the Caribbean that has given it diplomatic immunity .

  4. 车费里不包含过路费。

    The toll fee is not included in the fare .

  5. 您知道车费里不包括过路费吗?

    Do you know the toll fee is not included in the fare ?

  6. 本文认为伪造军车牌照偷逃过路费的行为构成诈骗罪。

    This Article thinks forged military vehicle license evasion tolls break the fraud .

  7. 车费里不包含高速过路费哦。

    In addition , The toll fee is not included in the fare .

  8. 很多商家还乘机谋财,对前来拍照的市民收取过路费。

    Many businessmen also Moucai opportunity to take pictures of people who collect tolls .

  9. 这条路免交过路费,过路费是那些连接城市地区的新建公路的负担。

    The road is free of the tolls that burden new highways connecting urban areas .

  10. 租车期间,承租方仅负责报销司机和车辆实际发生的过路费、停车费、过桥费。

    The vehicles above are all new , and the least leasing period is two years .

  11. 其次是过路费。

    Second , are road charges .

  12. 数量众多的收费站和高额的过路费加大了物流成本。

    The number of toll stations and high fees increase the cost of transport and logistics .

  13. 那是我要关心的问题。我可以很好的付清你要的过路费,我有的是银子。

    That is my concern . I can pay for our passage and pay well . I have the silver .

  14. 通常,收费区内收费亭的数目远多于进入过路费收费区的车道数。

    Commonly , a much larger number of tollbooths is provided than the number of travel lanes entering the toll plaza .

  15. 但如果开车从广州出发到北京,仅仅是高速公路的过路费,就已经高达1400元人民币。

    However , if the car starting from Guangzhou to Beijing , only highway tolls , it has been as high as1400 yuan .

  16. 他们从砍下我们珍贵树木当作木料贩售的人手中收取金钱,接着又在他们的卡车经过时,开口索讨更多的过路费。

    They took money from the people who chopped down our precious trees for timber and then demanded more money to let their trucks pass .

  17. 但是沿线一度有几个城市大概会向过往的大篷车队收取过路费,并从食品和服务贸易中获益。

    But at one time there were cities along this route , perhaps exacting a toll from the passing caravans and profiting from the trade of provisions and services .

  18. 乙方在租赁期间要解决司机的休息场所和停车场地,负责用车期间所发生的燃料费、停车费、过江费、以及过桥过路费。

    Party B shall offer the resting place and gas oil cost and parking lot to the driver and all the toll and parking charges during the using of the vehicles shall be borne by Party B.

  19. 例如:高昂的过路费、公路企业过高的债务问题、落后的收费方式形成的交通拥堵等等。

    Nevertheless , there are numerous problems at the same time , such as the high toll fees , the heavy enterprise debt , and the backward traditional means of charges , which leads to traffic jams .