
  • 网络transition management
  1. 卜拉希米表示,和谈议题包括四点,分别为打击暴力和恐怖主义行为、组建过渡管理机构、保留国家机构以及民族和解与对话。

    The four-point agenda included fighting violence and terrorism , the transitional governing body , national institutions , and as well as national reconciliation and national debate , according to Brahimi .

  2. 对总体需求的分析,详细设计了IPv4/IPv6过渡期监测管理系统。3、研究数据采集的实现方法,设计并实现基于SSH传输通道的数据采集子系统。

    Based on the analysis of overall demand , the IPv4 / IPv6 transition monitoring management system is designed . 3 、 After researching the methods of data collection , a data collection subsystem using the SSH transport channel is designed and implemented .

  3. 借助LINDO软件构建转换项目过渡期的管理人员指派模型,提供有限成本和资源下的最优人员指派方案。

    With the help of LINDO software , establish the management group assignment model to provide the optimized personnel assignment scheme to support the project at transition period under limited cost and resource .

  4. 切实抓好高校过渡时期的管理工作

    Do a Good Job of the College 's Management in Its Transition Period

  5. 外包过渡中的管理控制问题探讨

    Management and Control in Outsourcing Transition

  6. 在从开发单一产品过渡到变体管理的过程中,企业要经历一系列可以预见的步骤。

    A company goes through predictable steps in the transition from developing a single product to variant management .

  7. 个中缘由固然有战略决策失误、经营管理不当等因素,但一个不可回避的带普遍性的原因是:权力下放过渡,财务管理混乱导致子公司失控。

    Besides some factors such as the mistake of strategy decision , the inappropriate management etc , a widespread reason is authority deconcentration and finance management confusion which cause the subsidiary to lose control .

  8. 过渡经理人不是在管理自己在一家组织内的长期职业生涯。

    Interims are not managing their long-term careers within an organisation .

  9. 农村社会养老保险基金的运营要逐步过渡到社会化管理,通过合理竞争,提高其保值增值能力。

    The business of endowment insurance fund should transit to social management , and improve the ability of increase value .

  10. 她的经验使她很适合记录从传统产品管理过渡到敏捷产品管理的最佳实践和陷阱。

    Her experience makes her a perfect candidate to document the best practices and pitfalls to transition from traditional to agile product management .

  11. 随着土地开发整理事业的蓬勃发展,其项目的管理也由以前的传统管理方式逐步过渡到新的管理方式,项目管理难度越来越大。

    As land consolidation and development blooms , it becomes more difficult to manage projects , which demands a new management from the traditional ones .

  12. 企业必须建立起完善的现代人力资源管理体系,从以前的战术型管理,过渡到战略型管理。

    Enterprise must set up perfect modern human resources management system , from previous " tactical " type management , the transition to " strategic " management .

  13. 直接存取将二进制数据直接存入数据库中,存取过程均以临时文件过渡,是数据库管理二进制数据的发展方向。

    Direct access which stores the binary in the database directly with the temporary file for transition is the developing direction of the binary of the database management .

  14. 本文将给出一个成功过渡到敏捷产品管理的概览,指出要避免的常见陷阱是什么,应对新挑战有哪些建议的解决方案。

    This article provides an overview of a successful product management transition to Agile , the most common pitfall to avoid and proposed solutions to the new challenges that arise .

  15. 随着我国建筑行业的发展,工程项目管理已经从粗放式管理逐渐过渡到精细化管理,同时,随着市场经济的发展,建筑施工企业也面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    With the development of Chinese construction industry , project management has gradually turned extensive management to the fine management . At the same time , with the development of market economy , construction companies face fierce competition .

  16. 最终建立一个有效的利率风险防范和内控体系,从而更好地防范和控制利率风险,并为商业银行最后过渡到全面风险管理奠定良好的基础。

    Only doing this , commercial banks can set up an effective risk prevention and internal-controlling system of interest rate in order to prevent banks from interest rate risk , and lay a solid foundation for comprehensive risk management .

  17. 现代高校内部管理体制改革的核心是由过程管理向目标管理过渡,由身份管理向岗位管理过渡,要实现两个过渡,学校必须下放权力,使学院责、权、利一致。

    The kernel of the reform of internal management system of modern university is the transition from progress management to goal management , from identity management to post management . To achieve these transitions , universities must give some power up ; let the obligation , right and interest integrated .