
  1. 过高的大额刚性支出成本和未来收支的不确定性可能是导致消费信贷作用渠道受限的重要原因。

    High " large rigid spending " cost and the uncertainty of future payments maybe the important reasons which limit the mechanism of consumer credit .

  2. 以劳动收入为主的绝大多数居民群体,没有足够应对通货膨胀的能力,实际收入下降,个人税收征收的额度却在增加,居民家庭高储蓄、低消费以应对未来的巨额刚性支出。

    The real income of the majority of labor income-based falls , and individual income tax has increased . Therefore , residents who own less ability to cope with inflation , save most of their income with less consumption .

  3. 从当前看,稳增长的压力仍然很大,财政收入的增速不高,而改善民生的刚性支出不能减,甚至在有些方面还需增加。

    Judging from the current situation , we are still under tremendous pressure in stabilizing growth . Fiscal revenues are only slowly growing , while the necessary spending to improve people 's well-being cannot be cut and may even have to be increased in some areas .

  4. 西部地区经济基础薄弱,乡镇财源稀缺。税费改革后,乡镇收入的锐减和刚性支出以及超前支出不变之间的矛盾越发突出,西部乡镇财政岌岌可危。

    Weak economic base of the western region , scarce financial resources , tax reform , the sharp drop in township revenues and expenditures , as well as rigid unchanged ahead of the contradiction between spending more and more prominent have drove the western township into financial risk .

  5. 税收的强制性、无偿性特点客观上决定了纳税是企业的一项刚性现金支出,税收成为影响企业财务管理决策的一个重要因素,减轻税负是理性经济人的内在需求。

    The compulsory and free characteristics of tax objectively decide that tax payment is a rigid cash expenditure of enterprises , and tax becomes an important factor that influences enterprise financial management decision-making . Then it is an inherent demand of rational economic man to reduce tax burden .

  6. 在短期内,由于强烈的教育需求刚性,教育支出增加会引起家庭消费的增加,从而刺激需求,拉动经济增长。

    In a short time , because of strong education demand rigidity , the increase of educational expenditure will cause family consumption increasing , thus stimulate the demand , spur economic growth .