
  • 网络drc;Congo;The Democratic Republic of Congo
  1. UNICEF三次最大的行动分别在刚果民主共和国,苏丹和埃塞俄比亚。

    UNICEF 's three biggest operations are in the Democratic Republic of Congo , Sudan and Ethiopia .

  2. 刚果民主共和国是它们仅存的自然栖息地。倭黑猩猩是我们最亲近的动物亲属(与我们的DNA有99%相同),在行为举止上与我们的远祖十分相似。

    Its only natural homeland is now the Democratic Republic of Congo . Bonobos are our closest animal relative ( sharing about 99 per cent of our DNA ) and physically resemble our distant ancestors .

  3. 该公司是中国兵器工业集团公司(ChinaNorthIndustriesCorp.)的子公司,自称控制着价值100多亿美元的矿产资源,包括上述缅甸的铜矿和刚果民主共和国的一座钴矿。

    A unit of China North Industries Corp. , Wanbao says it controls more than $ 10 billion worth of mineral resources . , including the Myanmar mine and a cobalt deposit in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  4. 大因加项目的地址位于刚果民主共和国的最西端,由多座大坝和水电站构成,装机容量将达4.2万兆瓦,接近目前世界第一大水电站中国三峡(ThreeGorgesDam)的两倍。

    Located in the far western extreme of the Democratic Republic of Congo , several dams and hydropower plants would deliver 42000 megawatts , nearly twice the size of the world 's largest power station , the Three Gorges Dam in China .

  5. 我们与刚果民主共和国国际人口组织办公室的JamaicaCorker进行了手机通话。

    We talked with Jamaica Corker , on her cell phone , at the Population Services International office in the D.R.C.

  6. 来到她的医院时,西方记者也本能地四下搜寻它的踪影。这所医院位于戈马,隶属刚果民主共和国,约瑟夫.康拉德(JosephConrad)笔下的《黑暗中心》。

    Western journalists instinctively reached for it when they came to her hospital in Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo , in Joseph Conrad 's " heart of darkness . "

  7. 2008年,国际货币基金组织(IMF)介入中国对刚果民主共和国总额为90亿美元的援助项目,要求中国重新制定债务条款,原因是它们认为这些贷款代价过高。

    The International Monetary Fund intervened in China 's $ 9bn aid package to the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2008 to force a rewrite of the debt terms because the loans were deemed too expensive .

  8. 联合国驻刚果民主共和国特使AlanDoss表示,新增维和部队必须足够强硬,起到应有作用。

    The U.N. 's special envoy for the DRC , Alan Doss , said the additional peacekeepers must be of sufficient strength to be effective .

  9. 麦格理(Macquarie)的分析师表示,中国约93%的钴原料来自刚果民主共和国,这是由单个国家供应大宗商品的最高比例。

    Around 93 per cent of China 's cobalt units originate in the DRC , according to analysts at Macquarie , the highest proportion of commodity supply from a single country .

  10. 当M23控制戈马时,刚果民主共和国安全部队逃离了这个城市,其中包括男子监狱的警卫们。

    When M23 took control of Goma , DRC security forces fled , including the guards at a men 's prison .

  11. 旨在应对金融危机的联邦法律《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank)中有一条规定,企业必须披露,是否使用了刚果民主共和国或其邻国非法出口的钨和黄金等矿物。

    Dodd-Frank , the American law designed to address the financial crisis , has a provision requiring companies to disclose if they were using minerals like tungsten and gold exported illegally from the Democratic Republic of Congo or neighboring countries .

  12. 援助机构估计有近一百万人由于刚果民主共和国北部基伍省地区被称为M23的叛军和政府军激增的暴力行为而流离失所。

    Aid agencies estimate almost a million people have been displaced in the North Kivu region of DRC by the upsurge in violence between rebels known as the M23 and government forces .

  13. 相反,这笔26.5亿美元、刚果民主共和国(DRC)历史上最大规模的私人投资,旨在确保中国的钴供应。钴曾是一种利基原材料,如今对研发电动汽车电池至关重要。

    The $ 2.65bn deal , the biggest private investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo 's history , is instead designed to secure China 's supplies of cobalt , a once niche raw material that is crucial to developing batteries for electric cars .

  14. 阿富汗,印度,巴基斯坦,尼日利亚,刚果民主共和国和埃塞俄比亚也有所上升。H.I.V减缓了降低孕产妇死亡率的进程。

    Afghanistan , India , Pakistan , Nigeria , the Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia also had increases . H.I.V. has slowed the progress in reducing maternal deaths .

  15. .这里是VOA特别英语发展报道。“紧急救护:无国界医生的故事”是由导演MarkHopkins执导的纪录片,讲述了四名医生以及他们在利比亚和刚果民主共和国的志愿者工作。

    Film Captures Risky Work of Doctors Without Borders This is the VOA Special English Development Report . " Living in Emergency : Stories of Doctors Without Borders " is a by movie director Mark Hopkins . It tells the story of four doctors and their volunteer work in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  16. 刚果民主共和国:这里的武装组织为了争夺黄金,以及锡、钽和钨(即“3T”)的利润而战斗。这些所谓的“争端矿物”是生产很多专业的电子产品元件所必须的。

    Democratic Republic of Congo : Armed groups here battle over profits from gold , as well as tin , tantalum and tungsten ( also known as the " three Ts " ) - the so-called conflict minerals that are necessary to produce the specialized components of many electronic devices .

  17. Tenke铜钴矿位于刚果民主共和国东南部,在省会城市卢本巴希(Lubumbashi)西北约175公里。洛阳钼业表示,去年Tenke钴产量为1.6万吨,其钴储量还可继续开采25年。

    The Tenke mine , which lies in the south-east of the DRC , some 175km north-west of the provincial capital of Lubumbashi , last year produced 16000 tonnes of cobalt and it has reserves that could last 25 years , according to the company .

  18. 包括刚果民主共和国在内的11个国家都签署了协议。

    Eleven countries , including the DRC , signed the agreement .

  19. 他希望更多中国企业到刚果民主共和国投资。

    He is asking more Chinese enterprises to invest in the DRC .

  20. 兵连祸结的刚果民主共和国已经六次暴发埃博拉疫情。

    The war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo has seen six Ebola outbreaks .

  21. 其中一个例子是刚果民主共和国的电话热线。

    One example is a telephone hotline in the Democratic Republic of Congo .

  22. 4月份,8名红十字会工作人员在刚果民主共和国被绑架;

    in April , eight Red Cross workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo ;

  23. 安哥拉和刚果民主共和国的钻石也加入了非法销售的行列。

    Diamonds from Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo joined the illegal exodus .

  24. 他曾经在刚果民主共和国工作,也曾到过利比亚。

    He has served in the Democratic Republic of Congo and spent time in Liberia .

  25. 尼日利亚和刚果民主共和国是该地区受冲击最严重的国家。

    Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo are the hardest hit countries in that region .

  26. 他还将访问刚果民主共和国、博茨瓦纳、坦桑尼亚和塞舌尔。

    He will also travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo , Botswana , Tanzania and Seychelles .

  27. 刚果民主共和国迅速采取外交努力来解决本国东部爆发的危机。

    There is a fresh diplomatic effort to resolve the crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo .

  28. 刚果民主共和国卫生官员证实,新一轮埃博拉疫情造成5人死亡。

    Health officials in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have confirmed five deaths from a new Ebola outbreak .

  29. 1976年,当时叫作扎伊尔的刚果民主共和国发现了埃博拉病毒。

    The Ebola virus was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo , then known as Zaire , in 1976 .

  30. 但是在中非刚果民主共和国却有新的出血热病例出现。

    But new cases of the hemorrhagic fever are turning up in the Democratic Republic of Congo , in Central Africa .