
  • 网络job aid
  1. 此外,工作帮助学生更加独立,而且自己赚零用钱还可以教导他如何处理自己的财务。

    Furthermore6 , work helps a student to develop greater independence , and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances7 .

  2. 赵忠贤和他的同事们开展的工作帮助我国在凝聚态物理学领域中崛起。CRI新闻,闵瑞(音译)报道。他只肯给予极简短的回答,例如“是”和“否”。

    He would give only monosyllabic replies , such as " Yes " and " No. "

  3. 他所受过的音乐训练对他的工作帮助很大。

    His musical background helps him a lot in his job .

  4. 在20世纪60年代,他的工作帮助了印度与巴基斯坦抗击饥饿。

    His work helped fight starvation in India and Pakistan in the 1960s .

  5. 这对我的工作帮助很大。

    It really helps on the job .

  6. 他在电学方面有良好的知识,这一点对他的工作帮助很大。

    He has a good knowledge of electricty , which helps him a lot in his work .

  7. 旨在通过本文及作者所做工作帮助读者送一步了解手机国产化的实现进程,对国产手机中核心软件的开发尽到微薄之力。

    This paper is intended to help readers get a further understanding about the process of realizing domestic mobile phone .

  8. 这样的工作帮助他养活自己的儿子她的儿子今年26岁,自幼患有自闭症,生活无法自理。

    This helps her support her 26-year-old son who suffers from autism and is not able to take care of himself .

  9. 我对贵医院住院顾问一职很感兴趣,特写信申请。其目的是继续我的工作帮助那些发育有障碍的人。

    I am interested in applying for the position of resident counselor in order to continue my work with people who have developmental disabilities .

  10. 此外,工作帮助学生更加独立,而且自己赚零用钱还可以教导他如何处理自己之财务。

    Furthermore , work helps a student to develop greater independence , and earning his own pocket money can teach him how to handle his finances .

  11. 这样设计的目的是能够为用户提供全面的、适合自己的帮助方式。同时也保证了在不同情况下可以选择不同的合适的帮助形式进行使用,初步探讨了管理信息系统中一个工作帮助系统。

    The purpose is to provide users with comprehensive , suited to their way of helping , also guarantee the different circumstances can use of help .

  12. 在数据分析部分,首先探讨了情感讨论网、互动交往网络、实际找工作帮助网络的规模和构成情况,以及规模和构成的影响因素有哪些。

    In analysis part , the author first discussed the scale and composition of emotional discussion network , interactive communication network and actual job help network , and what factors can effect the scale and composition .

  13. 他的工作包括帮助患有多动症的儿童建设性地利用他们的精力。

    His work involved helping hyperactive children to use their energy in a constructive way .

  14. 杰森·莫兰的工作就是帮助改变这种状况。

    It 's Jason Moran 's job to help change that .

  15. 克里斯和蒂姆在动物园工作,帮助濒危的鹤进行繁殖。

    Chris and Tim work at a zoo , helping endangered cranes with their reproduction .

  16. “我们希望,我们的工作能帮助开发技术解决方案,以确保高龄驾驶人在驾驶时更安全。”

    " We hope that our work will help with technological solutions to ensure that older drivers stay safer behind the wheel . "

  17. 我的工作是帮助当地人修理房屋。

    My job was to help the local people to repair houses .

  18. 如果你擅长你的工作,帮助别人会更容易。

    If you 're good at your job , it will be easier to help others .

  19. 这项工作包括帮助顾客,把东西放在架子上,收集手推车等。

    The job includes helping customers , putting things on the shelves , collecting trolleys , etc.

  20. SOA可保持IT与业务的一致性,使IT系统按照业务系统的方式工作,帮助确保IT产生业务价值。

    It aligns IT and business so that IT systems work the way the business does , helping to ensure that IT produces business value .

  21. 因此,开发人员DBA能够做许多工作,帮助改进应用程序开发团队的工作效果。

    So , developer-DBAs can do a lot to enhance the effectiveness of application development teams .

  22. 通过对Q系法应用的介绍,探讨了围岩类别划分定量化的合理性、可行性,希望能对今后的工作有所帮助。

    This paper probe into the feasibility and rationality of surrounding rock quantitative classification by the application of Q system method , which can be taken as reference for future works .

  23. 本文建立了灰色GM(1,1)预测模型,结合地理信息系统组件开发,应用于云南省艾滋病时空分析研究中,为艾滋病防治工作提供帮助。

    The author has set up the GM ( 1,1 ) model , with GIS module development method applying in Yunnan HIV / AIDS space-time analysis research for aids prevent and control .

  24. 获得哈佛MBA之后,我紧接着要实现的目标是继续在一个国际咨询公司工作,帮助海外公司进入日本市场并有突出的表现。

    My immediate goal after getting an MBA is to continue working for a global consulting firm and to help foreign companies enter and excel in the Japanese market .

  25. 这样的基础工作可以帮助在DaaS模型中实现许可协议。

    This groundwork helps the implementation of software license agreements in DaaS models .

  26. 象所有信息系统一样,Wiki必须对员工的日常工作带来帮助,而不是定位于一个没有差错的信息档案系统。

    Like all information systems , wikis must help information workers in their daily work and not be positioned as an archive into which information gets pushed uncritically .

  27. 发展整个dns的目的就是通过结合不同的体系结构、实现任务自动化以及允许以一种发展的方式完成这一工作,帮助开发人员抓住机会。

    And so the overall DNS message is one about helping developers seize that opportunity by bringing together the different architectures , making things automatic and allowing this to be done in a great evolutionary fashion .

  28. 例如,在莫桑比克,IDA资金正被用来追踪进展、监督工作、帮助政府“将项目推动的方法转变为国家自己当家作主的方案,”他说。

    In Mozambique , for instance , IDA financing is being used to track progress , supervise efforts , and to help the government " move from a project-driven approach to a nationally owned program ," he says .

  29. 每三个美国人当中就会有一个患有肥胖症,美国医疗学会(AMA)决定要协助医生以及其他医疗工作人员帮助肥胖症患者脱离这种疾病的困扰。

    Obesity is an issue for one in three Americans and the AMA took the decision in order to impact on the way doctors and other medical professionals approach those suffering from the disease .

  30. 我的名字叫范素行。我是一个美国生物学者。我现在成都城市河流研究会(CURA)工作,帮助安龙村的可持续发展。

    My name is So-Han Fan , I 'm an American limnologist who is currently working with the Chengdu Urban Rivers Association ( CURA ) to help with Anlong 's sustainable development .