
  • 网络customer perceived quality
  1. 随着市场竞争的加剧,提高顾客感知质量是为企业提高竞争优势的重要途径。

    As the market competition , improving customer perceived quality is an important way of the enterprises ' competitive advantage .

  2. 本研究通过定性分析和定量分析,主要验证了以下观点:1.第三方物流顾客感知质量包含潜在质量、硬的过程质量、软的过程质量以及结果质量等四个维度。

    Customer perceived quality in Third Party Logistics includes four dimensions : potential quality , hard process quality , soft process quality and output quality .

  3. 在顾客感知质量不变的前提下,顾客的期望将决定最终的顾客满意度。

    With the prerequisite of constant customer perception quality , customer expectation will ultimately decide customer satisfaction .

  4. 利用统计技术对顾客感知质量和感知价格进行市场定位可以解决品牌市场定位中存在的一些问题。

    Analyzing customer perceptive quality and price by statistical techniques could solve some issues in brands positioning research .

  5. 探索性因子分析、验证性因子分析和二阶因子分析的结果表明,包含十六个指标和四个维度的第三方物流顾客感知质量评价模型具有较高的信度和效度。

    The study finds out that the measurement model for customer perceived quality in Third Party Logistics is reliable and valid through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis . 2 .

  6. 研究结果表明:顾客感知质量对顾客满意度、顾客感知价值对顾客忠诚度、顾客满意度对顾客抱怨具有显著性的影响;

    The results show that the perceived quality of customers imposes positive effect on customer satisfaction remarkably , the same to the perceived values of customers on customer loyalty and the customer satisfaction on customer complain ;

  7. 高的顾客感知服务质量才有可能得到高的服务生产率。

    High customer-perceived service quality can be obtained high service productivity .

  8. 南京英语培训顾客感知服务质量研究

    The Customer Perceived Service Quality Research of Nanjing English Training Industry

  9. 国内网上冲印顾客感知服务质量研究

    A Study on Customer Perceived Service Quality of Online Printing Service

  10. 论酒店顾客感知服务质量的控制

    On Control of Service Quality of Hotel Guest Reaction

  11. 论医院顾客感知服务质量

    A Discussion on the Customers ' Perception of Service Quality in a Hospital

  12. 英语培训;顾客感知服务质量;交互质量;服务质量差距。

    English training ; Customer Perceived Service Quality ; Interaction Quality ; Service quality gap .

  13. 因此,顾客感知等待质量应该受到服务企业的高度重视。

    Thus , customers ' perceived waiting quality should be paid more attention by service companies .

  14. 服务的特性决定了服务补救对于提高顾客感知服务质量、顾客满意和忠诚的重要意义。

    The characteristics of service decide the importance of service recovery for the customer perceived service quality , customer satisfaction and loyalty .

  15. 第三部分是在前一部分理论分析的基础上,将顾客感知服务质量引入到我国的饭店业。

    Depending on theory analyses , in the third part the author introduces the service quality of customer aesthesia into hotel industry in our country .

  16. 作者将医院顾客感知服务质量定义为顾客对医院服务的预期质量与感知质量的对比。

    The hospital customers ′ perception of service quality is defined by the writer as the comparison between customers ′ expected quality of a hospital ′ sservice and the quality perceived by themselves .

  17. 本文以服务-利润链为基本研究思路,重点研究了饭店内部服务质量对员工总体满意度的影响作用,而且进一步探讨了员工满意度、员工行为和顾客感知服务质量三者之间的影响关系。

    It focuses on the effecting between the internal service quality and employee overall satisfaction . And it also researches the relationship among the employee overall satisfaction , employee behavior and customer perceived service quality .

  18. 然而,对于服务质量的衡量及评价方法乃至如何发现使顾客感知服务质量产生质的飞跃的关键要素问题,一直困扰着理论研究者和实践开发者。

    But the assessment method for consumer perceptions of service and the critical factor to make the customer perceived quality produce a essential leap have been the qualitative problem that perplex the researchers and practice men .

  19. 本文还介绍了顾客感知服务质量评价的概念性模型&差距分析模型,为医院顾客感知服务质量的评价提供了一个基础性方法。

    The article also introduces the perceptive pattern of the customers ′ appreciation of service quality & gap analysis pattern , and thus provides a basic way for the customers to estimate the perceived quality of service .

  20. 顾客感知服务质量是源于西方的一种服务思想,这种服务思想应用广泛,在茶馆行业理论研究还是一个空白,通过中国知网搜索,找不到一篇相关的论文。

    Customer perceived service quality is an advanced concept from the West , This concept is widely used in the hotel industry . , I can not find a related paper by searching CNKI . So this is valuable research .

  21. 本文首先论证了顾客感知服务质量是评定酒店服务质量的基本标准,然后分析了影响顾客感知服务质量的重要因素,最后阐述了对其相关因素的控制策略。

    The paper first discusses the basic standards of evaluating hotel service quality by service quality of guest reaction , then analyses some important factors affecting the service quality of guest reaction , and last explains the control strategy of some relevant factors .

  22. 同时结合当地超市的特点,将顾客感知服务质量划分为核心服务质量、支持设施质量、隐性服务质量和服务传递质量等四个维度,并对测量量表做了适应性的调整。

    Meanwhile combining the characteristics of the local supermarket , customer-perceived service quality will be divided into four dimensions , the core service quality , the support facilities quality , the recessive service quality , the delivery service quality , and adjust scale adaptively .

  23. 高等教育顾客感知服务质量比较显著地影响顾客满意感,并通过顾客满意感影响顾客行为意向。高等教育顾客感知服务价值对顾客满意感有直接的影响,并通过顾客满意感间接影响顾客行为意向。

    Service quality in higher education has positive influence upon customer satisfaction , which is a mediator between service quality and behavior intention in higher education . It has immediate effect on the customer satisfaction , which in turn indirectly affects customer behaviour indention .

  24. 该方法是发现使顾客感知服务质量产生质的飞跃的关键要素的有效方法之一。

    This paper puts forward the value curve evaluation method from the trail of thought of value innovation , and this method is one of the effective methods that can discover the critical factor to make the customer perceived quality produce a essential leap .

  25. 本文将顾客感知服务质量引入到饭店业之中,目的是想在实践中改变饭店业普遍使用着由制造业衍生和发展而来的营销视角和方式,给饭店业注入一种新的力量和尝试。

    This thesis introduces it to hotel industry , in order to change marketing visual angle and way that hotel industry generally uses , derived and developing by manufacturing industry in practice , and inject a new kind of strength and endeavor into hotel industry .

  26. 通过在中国知网等相关文献检索系统上的查找和总结,发现对经济型集团饭店顾客感知服务质量评价的研究比较少见,选取长沙等特定区域来研究的更是不多。

    Through searching on retrieval system of CNKI and other related literature in China , the author finds that the research result is relatively rare in customer perceived service quality evaluation of the economy hotels , let alone the study selecting Changsha as the sample area .

  27. 在这样的一种背景下,本文引经据典,综述了国内外服务质量的研究历史及现状,归纳总结了有关顾客感知服务质量的基本概念,提出了研究服务质量应持有的科学的服务质量观。

    On the basis of the background , this article summarizes the history and status of service quality at home and abroad , concludes the basic definition related to the service quality of customer perception , and puts forward the scientific concept of service quality that is studied .

  28. 在对顾客期望、感知质量、顾客满意、顾客价值和企业形象以及顾客忠诚之间关系全面分析的基础上,构建了一个新的动态化的CSI模型。

    On the basis of all-sided analysis on relationships between customer expectation perceived quality customer satisfaction customer value enterprise image and customer loyalty , a new dynamic CSI model is constructed .

  29. 顾客感知的服务质量与顾客价值关系的研究

    An Investigation of the Relationship between Customer Perception of Service Quality and Customer Value

  30. 三是探求顾客感知的服务质量对顾客价值影响关系。

    The third is to explore the value of customer perception affecting the quality of service to customers .